One thing I will point out about Tom and Jerry is its perfect for a hyper active preschooler who can barely sit still as the moment these cartoons come on Connor seems to be frozen on the spot. I guess the high energy chases between Tom and Jerry are enough to overload Connor's overactive brain. He will actually sit down, stop what he is doing, and watch several cartoons at a time only to occasionally break out in hysterical laughter. I guess Tom and Jerry really is one of those cartoons that spans generations, not unlike one of my other childhood favorites Scooby Doo both of which seem to appeal to kids now as much as they did generations ago.
You know honestly the only thing I would change about the new show verse the classic version I grew up with is the soundtrack. I don't know something just seems lacking, I even went back and watched a few episodes of the older versions online and it's just not the same. Connor however did not have any idea nor did he care as he laughed so hard at some points he cried.
Tom and Jerry Tales The Complete First Season
Disclosure: We received a copy of Tom and Jerry Tales The Complete First Season to do this review. My opinions and comments on items we review are always my own and are never influenced by sponsors.
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