Trying to explain the importance of the world around us to kids is sometimes a bit challenging. I can tell Connor all day long about recycling and why we use cloth rags instead of paper towels any chance we get and he just doesn't really listen. Even showing him videos about landfills and how they are over crowded would just get a "cool" response from him at this point as he would be more interested in the bull dozers than the trash or he'd just be excited about the huge mound of trash, he is after all a three year old boy. Though if it his cartoon friends think it's important or it's a big adventure suddenly he gets it!
WordGirl will be celebrating Earth Day with a new episode all about this very important subject and she says it pretty well, if we don't take care of the Earth there will be no place to celebrate birthdays! Even just the thought of no more birthdays would be enough to get Connor's attention especially seeing as we just had his super mega birthday party here a few days ago.

Scholastic and WordGirl want to make someone's Earth Day a little cooler by offering them a WordGirl Prize Pack including the new Wordgirl: Earth Day Girl
To Enter :
- Leave a comment on this post. Just check out the WordGirl at Scholastic website and check out the selection of Word Girl books available from Scholastic. Tell us which one you'd most like to own for your kids!
- Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com) We have had to disqualify a lot of potential winners as of late as many people do not have emails available in their profiles or leave anonymous posts without any way to contact you.
- Please US entries only.
- To get extra credit :
- For an extra entry :
- Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add my button to your sidebar and let me know its there. (please note if you have our old button on your sidebar you'll need to update the link/image)
- Non Bloggers (or bloggers) subscribe to my mailing list/RSS feed and earn another entry!
- Let people know about the giveaway on Twitter with a link to the giveaway!
- THREE extra credit per person. Please post your extra credit in a separate post.
- BONUS - I'm allowing a fourth entry for a limited time for those of you who have previously blogged/linked to us in exchange for an entry. Update all the links you have on your site going to our old url (sevendogs) to and get a extra entry. All you have to do is replace superheroboy in the link where sevendogsandababy appears.
- This contest will end May 15th at midnight!
I'll have you know that my soon-to-be three-year-old nephew loves the show, especially captain Huggy Face.
I think my daughter would really like the Two-Brain Terror or Earth Day
I like Twinkle Twinkle Panda Bear: A Hand Puppet Board Book for my young kids.
We have actually read the butcher one from the library! I would pick the Robot one! My kids love robots!
onlycancan ta hotmail tod com
my daughter is a HUGE word girl fan. I know all about Dr. Two brains, the Evil Sandwich guy, her secret identity, her pet monkey, etc... I have the song stuck in my head. I didnt know there were BOOKS! I am so excited to get some of these for her, thanks for the awesome giveaway!
ratfeathers yahoo com
Twittering your giveaway fo sho!
My daughter would love coupon madness! it looks like a cute book.
I'd love to own Coupon Madness for my kids!
Thank you for the giveaway :)
Earth Day!
laurieannnorwood at yahoo dot com
My kids would enjoy Robot Rampage the most. Nice selection of books.
the Two-Brain Terror or Earth Day
"Robot Rampage"!
My girls would like City Hall Sandwich. Thanks!
Robot Rampage would be a hit with my children.
Email subscriber.
I think my grandson would love the one on Robots....
Robot Rampage!
I think the earth day one would be good or word butcher one
i like the The Big Bad Butcher
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