Woot Woot! It's that time of the year ago the every popular and oh so famous Ultimate Blog Party hosted by 5minutesformom.com! We've always looked forward to this party as it gives us a chance to check out some new blogs that otherwise we might have missed, and its a great time to reintroduce ourselves to our readers as well as hopefully attract some new
For those of you that haven't followed us from the beginning or maybe missed our story in past "getting to know you posts" Super Hero Boy was founded a little over three years ago right before my first son Connor was born. At the time it was named Seven Dogs and a Baby as at the time I found out I was pregnant I was busy raising and caring for my humongous herd of chihuahuas most of which we still own though we have gotten the number down to four. At the time I found out I was pregnant I was, and still am, a full time student and I really had no previous baby experience to talk of.. and I had no clue where to even begin when it came to buying stuff for a new baby. In the end I found the whole process very very frustrating and the products I came home with even more so. The blog was an outlet for my frustration, fears, and really a call for help from other moms as though we really were excited about our new addition he was a bit of a surprise and I was honestly a bit lost.
So much has changed in three years. If I could take a time machine back and tell myself all the things I have learned from my blog, my readers, and our fabulous sponsors I can only imagine the frustration I'd save myself. The whole process has been such a journey and in February this year we added our second edition to the clan. A second little boy, Dylan, who is just a joy though again we have started with a bit of a bumpy start. Dylan has made quite a wake in his appearance as he suffers from either really bad colic, or what my doctor thinks is acid reflux, we will see in the next few weeks as he's started medication for acid reflux.
I took a semester off of school to have Dylan but I hope to return this fall as I'm a public relations major. I hope to bring the things I've learned from blogging into a real career once the boys are in school.
Enough about us! Tell me about yourself, ask questions, let me know if this is your first visit or if you've followed us from the beginning! I'd love to hear from you guys.
As a little bonus I'm giving away a prize to make the party a little more fun! I have a brand spanking new Hobo International Clutch Bag worth $100! I thought it would be fun to give away a goodie that was not baby related as all I think about these days is poop, pee, and spit up.
Leave a comment here and head on over to the 5Minutesformom Ultimate Party to enter to win!
I'm excited about UBP. I already got my first post up and I'm ready for party time!
And YAY for prizes!
I'm also excited about the UBP!! I won a prize last year and hope to again! Thanks! WOOHOO
Yay for the UBP!! I hope to participate with a giveaway next year...
Just popping in from the UBP! Great site - I bookmarked it! Stop by if you can... http://momof2boyswifeof1.blogspot.com
Just stopping by from the UBP'10! Happy partying!!
Stopping by from the UBP!
The UBP is great. Love the site, party on.
Hi there! Just stopping in from the UBP. Congratulations on your new little guy!
Hey! Hope your having a super fun time at the UBP!!!
Hello from UBP -- Have a blessed Sunday!
Hopped over from the Blog Party. Your boys are adorable and I can't wait to read more!
Hi! Here for the party. Days of poop, spit up and such is over for me. Now, it's bumps, bruises, mighty machines and jokes (my son is testing out his humor).
Hi, I am stopping by from the UBP. I am glad you found an outlet by blogging.
Glad to have found your site through the blog party! You have a lot of great stuff on here and I'm looking forward to digging through it all. :-)
Hi! Happy party hopping! Wow, a hobo clutch that would be fun to win!
I came here from the UBP '10. I'm enjoying it so much...I love reading new blogs.
just doing a little party hopping! Nice to meet ya, and thanks for the giveaway chance!
Just popping in from my blog's UBP10 to say Hi. Love to win a new clutch bag! I remember the days of p.p.& spitups it will pass in time so hang in there!
Just stopping in for the UBP...nice to meet you. I enjoyed browsing your blog and am now a follower. Looking forward to reading more. Thanks for the generous giveaway!
Hi there! Just popping in from the UBP to be your newest Google Follower! Hooray! Hope you have a great weekend! Swing by my blog when you get a chance!
Bridgette Groschen
The Groschen Goblins
The party's still going on! Nice meeting you! I have a giveaway going on too! http://oursafehaven.wordpress.com/2010/04/15/its-still-party-time-how-about-a-giveaway/
This looks like a really helpful blog! I'm off to look around. Happy UBP!
This is sooooo fun;} boys r fun aren't they?
Found your blog thru UBP, this is my first year participating and I am just not expanding my blog beyond sharing scrapbooking pages--would love if you would stop by
www.violethare.blogspot.com. Hopefully you will get an answer soon on whether or not your lil one had colic or reflux. Never had an issues when mine were babies but since 3rd grade my dd has suffered and been on medication for reflux. Looking forward to exploring your blog more.
Howdy! I'm visiting you from the UBP! Your boys are super cute. I have never been here before. But rest assured. I will be back!
Just stopping by on the UBP! I have two boys as well, ages 2 and 8 months! And my husband is a comic book geek so the title of your blog drew me in right away! lol.
I would love for you to visit me sometime at The Suburban Princess Diaries.
P.S. I just had to grab your awesome button, too!
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