Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Thomas and Friends for those rainy spring days!

It's finally starting to show the first hints of spring around here. I've even spotted some daffodils attempting to sprout in the front yard. Soon our cold weather will be replaced with warmer weather which gives us hope that we can go play outside more often here shortly, but with spring also comes tons of rain. Who said a rainy day had to be drab though? Thomas and Friend's new dvd adventure Splish, Splash, Splosh is a great addition to your dvd collection for those rainy days.

Included on Splish, Splash Splosh are four water filled episodes including Playtime, Splish Splash Splosh, Slippy Sondor, and Snow Tracks. These are the newer CGI type episodes not the older animation style. You also meet the new engine Charlie for the first time on this DVD. Speaking of things new though, one thing I'd really like to point out that I really enjoy is this is the first time I've ever noticed in the extras that Hit Entertainment included dvd games as the bonus features. You get Lift and Load the crane game and Counting with Thomas.  Seeing as Connor without fail counts to six but ALWAYS leaves out two I think the counting game is a huge plus as maybe Thomas can convenience him to include the number two and its not just Mommy making demands again.

Thomas and Friends Splish, Splash, Splosh is available right now on dvd and you can pick yours up on Amazon!


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