Thursday, March 19, 2009

How would you feel if your mom tried to stab you to death?

You know when The Haunting of Molly Hartley came across my desk I thought it was an actual haunting movie, you know ghosts. In this teen horror movie Molly is not haunted by a ghost or anything paranormal she is haunted by the horrifying image of her delusional mother attempting to kill her by stabbing her to death. Yeh seriously, her mom tried to kill her. Thankfully Molly lived but she now has to live with the constant visions of her mother's attack.

Molly's dad moves her to a new school in hopes that will help her deal with the past, the only issue is that the visions and voices Molly is hearing is getting worst. Is Molly going crazy like her deal old mum or is she slated or is she actually satanic? Turns out her mom was attempting to kill her to prevent her from being one of Satan's minions. Ok, just who is the crazy one here? heh.

The Haunting of Molly Hartley
is not as terrible as some of the critics have been ranting about. I actually enjoyed it but more on a made for TV movie sort of level than a blockbuster hit. It's by no way a horror movie though and I wouldn't consider Molly haunted at all. It's more of a physocological thriller teen movie with some religion thrown in. Call it the crazy not as good version of those high school movies everyone loves. I really think it was written with late teens in mind. It's rated PG-13 and I doesn't have anything really terrible and its not terribly frighting either unless your just extremly creaped out by the thought of demons.

The Haunting of Molly Hartley
is available right now on DVD and you can pick up your copy on Amazon.

I have three copies of The Haunting of Molly Hartley to give away to my readers!

To enter :

  • Leave a comment on this post. Check out The Haunting of Molly Hartley and tell whats your favorite horror movie of recent history?
  • Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com) We have had to disqualify a lot of potential winners as of late as many people do not have emails available in their profiles or leave anonymous posts without any way to contact you.
  • Please US entries only.
  • To get extra credit :
    • For an extra entry :
    • Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
    • Non Bloggers (or bloggers) subscribe to my mailing list/RSS feed and earn another entry!
    • Twitter about this contest and @angelaandconnor as well as leave a note here so I know you did it!
    • One extra credit and one Twitter credit per person. Please post your extra credit in a separate post.
    • This contest will end April 15th at midnight!


mverno said...

recently? i liked grindhouse

Ellen C. said...

I liked "The midnight Meat Train". Thanks for the chance.

sweetascandy579 at yahoo dot com

clenna said...

S. King's Pet Cemetary- scary!!

clenna said...


mar said...

Friday the 13th the Uncut Edition is my favorite recent horror movie.

Denise S. said...

Scary Movie and it's sequels.


recent scary movies-\\

there are alot that make me want to wet my pants or jump

Liza767 said...

oh my fav movie to pick just one? i love steven king movies in they are filmed in my neck of the woods i love horror flicks tho

Shelly Leatham said...

I like the Scream movies!! This movie looks awesome! Thanks for the chance to win it!

Fangirl Jen said...

This looks like a good scary movie. My favorite horror film was the original Omen movie. It scared the heck out of me.

Fangirl Jen said...

Your button is on my blog and I am a subscriber.

Charity S said...

I really like the "Dawn of the Dead" Remake.



valerie2350 said...

the Saw series

valerie2350 said...

the Saw series

valerie2350 said...

donnas said...

I really want to see this. My favorite in recent history was An American Haunting.

VickieC said...

Friday the 13th would be my pick


Janet said...

Hmmm... The Mist.


Janet said...



wigget said...

saw - it's almost too scary for me to watch

demmi said...

the last good horror movie I saw was the possession of Emily Rose con5459(at)gmail(dot)com

agordon10 said...

i really liked the diary of the dead

judybrittle said...

I thought The Ruins was pretty good and gross. I really want to see Last House On The Left and pretty sure that would be my new favorite. Thank you!

judybrittle said...

I'm a subscriber.

Teresa said...

I would pick Mirrors with Keifer Sutherland as a recent horror movie I enjoyed.
TRigell at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I really liked the SAW and Friday the 13th Movies, though Nightmare on Elm Street has GOT to my my favorite series!


Princess Golden Hair said...

my favorite horor movie was the texas hain saw massacre (the original) I stopped hitch hiking afte rthat.

teechbiz at gmaildot com

peg42 said...

My favorite is Night of the Living Dead. We love horror movies! Thanks so much for this giveaway.

peg42 said...

I'm subscribed.
Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

My favorite is Friday the 13th the Uncut Edition.

Sheila Hickmon said...

Its gotta be the new Friday the 13th!

Sheila Hickmon said...

Im a subcriber!

ezmerelda said...

I am old school. I have to pick two movies. The Shining has to be my choice. Jack Nicholson is uber creepy in this film.

Elkaye said...

A few years old, but I really liked the original Ring.


The Merry Death said...

I love horror movies. My favorite (kind of) recent one is HIGH TENSION. My favorite old one is THE HOUSE ON THE LEFT.

Anonymous said...

The Ring

Miss Spoken said...

Nothing recent but I do love Hellraiser

Miss Spoken said...


Roxanne said...

Still a big "Carrie" fan.

Sunnyvale said...

Pet Cemetary

Roy said...

This is actually one that I think my wife would watch with me. As for my favorite horror movies of late - it would have to be a tie between Room 1408 and The Mist

Unknown said...

Love IT

Thanks for entering me! Great Contest!

Janna Johnson

mogrill said...

LOVE all the Nightmare on Elm Street movies!!

Anonymous said...

I just saw Last House on the Left. Gee whiz. I had nightmares later that night.

Anonymous said...

My favorite horror movie of recent history (that I actually was able to view) is Final Destination 2.

finegal50 [at]

Anonymous said...

Room 1408 was scary.

susan1215 said...

I like all of the Fiday the 13th movies

Twincere said...

My favorite is Jeepers Creepers, it was the movie my hubby and I saw for our first date.


saxoman said...

Please count me in! My recent favorite would have to be "Planet Terror"...excellent zombie flick!

DEBIJOT said...

My favorites are anything Stephen King but especially Cujo

Lorri S said...

My favorite horror movie lately would be AVP.

Tig said...

Wooo Hooo Make me a winner!

Deborah Wellenstein said...

28 Days Later is my fave. Thank you!

Nickolay said...

Even though it was cheesy, 13 Ghosts still scares me a little when i watch it

Leslie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Leslie said...

I would have to say that it is Ju-on: The Grudge (2003). The Japanese version of the Grudge is much worse. Nasty, nasty movie. I still envision the woman creeping up my steps at night, coming to get me. EEwww. Nasty. LOL. Thanks for the giveaway.

jlafount said...

Midnight Meat Train. Surprisingly interesting

Erica C. said...

I'd love to see it...thanks!

littlelatina said...

I love a good haunting

Think about it said...

Friday the 13th is awesome

Karen said...

Midnight meat train.

ktgonyea at

Jackie B. said...

I just watched SawIV tonight. Not too bad. Lots of blood.

Smooshy said...

i really liked high tension

Dave said...

My favorite recent horror movie is "The Host". It's a Korean horror film about a mutant monster created by industrial pollution. Very well done film. Thank you for the fun give-away.

Jennifer Wilson said...

Friday the 13th! I even went to camp where the original was filmed!

Marianna said...

Saw V

Jenna said...

My Bloody Valentine. Thanks!

*~Dani~* said...

My all time favorite old school is Halloween. Recent times, The Ring. But I love all horror movies, good, bad, cheesy or otherwise.

Andria said...

I liked 28 days later

Andria said...

I'm an email subscriber

Jennifer said...

The Saw movies are my newest favorites! But Silence of the Lambs is my all-time favorite!

jls_wss2003 at yahoo dot com

Jennifer said...

I subscribe!!

jls_wss2003 at yahoo dot com

Keitha said...

Friday the 13th

email:keithadanielle AT yahoo DOT com

Kristy Thiel said...

I thought "Saw" was really creepy!

What a great contest - thanks for posting!

latishajean said...

the best scary movie that I like is The house on the left and Dead silence. Thank you for this giveaway!

latishajean said...

Im a subscriber

latishajean said...

I also follow your blog!

cdrury said...
going way back - Night of the Living Dead

sachidewey said...

I love The Others -very spooky!

Ed said...


twbellamy said...


jenny said...

wow there are just so miny i get in to and one of them is the messagers and one other good one is the dark add me in on this thanks

jenny said...

i subcribe too

jenny said...

follow as well

chromiumman said...


Jessilyn82 said...

I love Thirteen Ghosts, freaky! Thanks for the great giveaway.

Jim W. said...

The Blair Witch Project scares me everytime

Nicole C. said...

My most recent favorites would be the Scream movies! I grew up on the Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street movies so none will ever compare to them for me!!


Anonymous said...


denyse said...

The Strangers was creepyt- knowing it was based partly on a true story.

Ken said...

I thought "30 Days Of Night" was creepy. Please accept my entry. Thank you.

mindy said...

a haunting in connecticut thanks for the giveaway

Unknown said...


Amber Bergstedt said...

The Descent. ambpool[at]

cpullum said...

Have to say E.T. Ha!! That was scarey to me! For real all Freddy Movies!

Robin T said...

The Ring really scares me every time I watch it

Christina said...

Christina - - I've always liked The Shining as a horror movie, and of course, the Twilight series!

Ande said...

I liked the Final Destination movies.

Vi (pronounced Vy) said...

a haunting in connecticut terrified me!

pookielocks at ymail dot com

Vi (pronounced Vy) said...

stopping back to follow & tweet

pookielocks at ymail dot com

Angela said...

The Ring was the most recent horror movie that I liked. The saw movies are a bit much for me.

Justine said...

My fave horror movie of recent would be 'Jeepers Creepers' altho I know that is not really new but wow is it awesome!! Wish they'd make #3

Gabriel S-J. said...

I like An American Haunting.

Anonymous said...

"The Host"!

tesashel said...

The Ring was awful scary!

tesashel said...

I'm a subscriber.

ky2here said...

Hostel 2 was the most horrifying movie of recent history.

Annemarie said...

A Haunting in Connecticut is scary.


tlcfromtn said...

Saw was the most recent one I watched.

braaisjo at gmail dot com

reddon30 said...

My favorite is Saw II...thanks

Unknown said...

I would have to say Mirrors

Anonymous said...

"The Ruins"

Jinxy and Me said...

13 ghosts

Jinxy and Me said...

I'm subscribed to your RSS feed.

imaclutz89 said...

i like prom night with brittany snow.

imaclutz89 said...


Mommyhood is Thankless said...

I think I like Darkness Falls the best, that one is pretty recent


imaclutz89 said...


Ally said...

My favorite horror movie is Sleepy Hollow.

witchy64 said...

The most recent would be Hannibal Rising.

Unknown said...

My husband and I love the SAW series. They are made so great. I won't dare watch them by myself though, I am a chicken.

Unknown said...

You're on my sidebar.


chazvgo said...

Saw movie, I only saw the first it was to scary to continue. Thanks :)

Anonymous said...

Recently, probably 28 Days Later or The Ring, but most of my fave scary movies are old school like The Shining or The Omen. I really did want to see this movie, I would love to win it, thanks for the chance!
pjgirl74 at aol dot com

theolotto said...

The Saw movies are scary.

jayne said...

Saw is my fav!

Anonymous said...

Dead Silence is my favorite.

Anonymous said...

I loved the first SAw and Scream


Jayme Isaacs said...

My Favorite Horror Movie Of Recent History Is Stephan King's The Mist

dvice12 said...

My favorite is the Mailman

Jayme Isaacs said...

I'm A Subscriber

Becky said...

It's been so long since I've seen a horror moive that I would love to see for favorites..ohhhummmm.

Micheleb said...

Saw was one of the best horror movies that I have seen in a while.

Kaycee said...

I would say Cloverfield!

fitforachild at gmail dot com

Kaycee said...

I subscribe under kayceewilliams at gmail

fitforachild at gmail dot com

angie said...

The Strangers was kind of creepy.

haomom said...

scream, which is recent for me, LOL...

Maja said...

the hills have eyes

Maja said...


Kyndra said...

My favorite Horror movie of recent history really is the Happening! I know it received horrible reviews, so I didn't see it in theatres (plus it looked super gory). Truthfully it reminds me of one of my fave old Horror classics "The Birds" by Hitchcock. Now I wish I had seen it in theatres. Still haven't seen the Haunting of Molly Hartley, but I would love to win it.

themeimlookingfor at yahoo dot com

lezanac said...

Saw is one of my recent favorites

Sharon Schoepe said...

I haven't had much time to watch movies lately so I'd have to say The Eye is my favorite.

Donna said...

Friday the 13th.

Donna said...

I am a subscriber.

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