My little man will be two before I can breath and tell myself its ok that he is growing up. So much has changed in the last few weeks and his vocabulary is progressing at a rate that gives me chills. Only a month ago he barely said more than a few words now he is forming simple sentences telling me if he likes something or not, and even helped pick out his own sandals for the summer. He is so happy and so excited about every little bug and flower in the yard that I just want to hit pause and take all of this in a little longer.
Well birthdays mean one thing and thats its time to go looking for some cool new toys and what better place to shop that Petit Baby. We actually got two toys from them at the end of the holiday season and Connor has been playing with them non stop. Don't even ask what I'm buying him for his birthday yet as currently I still have no clue.
One of our favorite toys without a doubt is wooden baby blocks. Haba's line of wooden blocks and toys have been high on our want list from the beginning. Something about the liberal use of colors, the fact that some of the blocks are painted and some are left natural, and of course the "surprises" In almost every block from little mirror inlays, inbedded prisms and bells, and diffrent designs on each side of the block. I swear every single time we play with his blocks we see something new and a good amount of the time in play is spent just inspecting each blog like it was some form of treasure. Our newest set is the Haba Cordoba Building Blocks and let me tell you we are both in love. I absolutely love the non traditionally shaped blocks from that beautiful little corkscrew to the pink prism block that almost looks like a radish. The set is a fantastic addition to any block collection or a great set to get you started.Connor's newest "obession" has been asking the names of everything. "What's that? What's this?" We must ask this question at least fifty times an hour and nothing pleases him more than to line up all of his wooden toys and animals and bring me each one, even if he knows the answer to the question, and ask me "What's this?". We also take his little animal collection outside and play with them out in the jungle (aka our grass.. hem.. weeds.. that are growing wild in the back yard). Animalz are some of our favorite wooden animals as unlike most animal figurines their little legs are flexable and you can "pose" them. Not to mention who can resist the fat little boddies. If your looking to add to or start a Animalz collection you really have to check out the Animalz Farm Set its a great way to get your collection started and it includes some of our favorite Animalz! What is not to love about those adorable sheep, now if I could only get Connor to say cow we'd be doing good.
Don't dare leave Petit Baby without checking out their selection of toys made in Europe. I'd really love to get Connor a big basket of Holtizer animals they look amazing!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Connor is turning two way too soon!
Labels: toys
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