Friday, February 6, 2009

When Frankenstein meets adorable!

Who doesn't love a movie about a mad scientist? I seem to feel like one lately in lab class staring at dead cats, sorry guys... its part of the class, and brains in jars. But usually you associate mad scientists with crazy laboratories and evil plots and of course their hunchback sidekicks who have about the same amount of brain cells as a cheese sandwich. At least that's how it's supposed to go down!

Dr. Glickenstein's hunchback, Igor, is no ordinarily dim witted Igor. He dreams of being a mad scientist himself and has been doing experiments behind Dr. Glickenstein's back. The only problem is that in the land of Malaria, yes the land is named Malaria.. heh, Igors are well just Igors and their only job function is to do as their master's ask them and pull the switch. Igor wants so much more and he sees his opportunity knocking when his master, Dr. Glickenstein, gets blown up by accident. The mad scientist competition is approaching fast and Igor must make his own entry, a huge gigantic monster to win.

His creation, who is supposed to be the most ultimate evil of all time, works and awakes to call herself Eva and sadly for
Igor she is nothing of the sort when it comes to evil. Eva dreams of being an actress and likes to pick flowers. Igor just has to decide if winning the competition is really what he wanted all along or if his new relationship with Eva is more important. Sometimes what we want in life is not always what we think. Igor is beginning to learn that lesson himself.

Igor is tons of fun, beautifully animated, and who couldn't love a brain in a bottle named Brian? It's full of enough ironic comedy that parents will enjoy it as much as the kids and how often do you actually get to see an evil scientist from his perspective?

We were lucky enough to see Igor in bluray and let me tell you, ironically enough, it was another animated feature that sold me on bluray to begin with and Igor is no exception. There is something about the colors of an animated feature being presented in bluray that it just sucks you in. Igor is a darker film, I mean seriously people we are talking about mad scientists, so the color palette will not be bright pinks and rosey reds, but we are talking about lighting and electricity all of which pop on the high definition format. The soundtrack is also really electrifying. The only thing that disappointed me at all about the movie is the extras on the bluray. One of the things I've really begun to look forward to on bluray presentations are the extras and especially on kid's bluray the games. None of which really stand out on this one. No games just extra commentary and some art galleries which I took a brief look at but this is a kids dvd, there should be some more goodies.

Either way I the bluray is well worth it in terms of resolution and soundtrack I just wish they would have put in a bit more effort on the extras. One little personal note as well, I've heard some talk from friends that they did not take their kids to see Igor in theaters as it was too "dark". Meaning the subject matter not the color scheme. People, you terribly disappoint me, with Nightmare Before Christmas, my favorite movie of all time, being a huge deal these days and Neil Gaimen's work being main stream.. you dare say Igor is too dark? Come on people, then again when Nightmare Before Christmas first came out I heard the same rumblings. Igor is actually very light hearted, incredibly entertaining, and not at all deserving of the small talk. Have we forgotten that The Brain from Pinky and the Brain was also in his own right a mad scientist? What about Edward Scissor Hands... mmm yes you see Igor deserves his place in the sun.

Igor is available right now on DVD and Bluray and you can pick your copy on Amazon!

I have two copies of
Igor to give away to my readers!

To enter :

  • Leave a comment on this post. Check out Igor and tell me which movie with a mad scientist or an evil character which is really good is your favorite?
  • Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com) We have had to disqualify a lot of potential winners as of late as many people do not have emails available in their profiles or leave anonymous posts without any way to contact you.
  • Please US entries only.
  • To get extra credit :
    • For an extra entry :
    • Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
    • Non Bloggers (or bloggers) subscribe to my mailing list/RSS feed and earn another entry!
    • One extra credit per person. Please post your extra credit in a separate post.
    • This contest will end Feb 30th at midnight!


Steph said...

My favorite mad-scientist is Dr. Finkelstein from The Nightmare Before Christmas.

5webs said...

Alicia Webster

Anonymous said...

Not an animated character - but my favorite evil character of all time is any one that Alan Rickman plays - he is the most "delicious" bad, evil person with that nasty sneer - as in the "Die Hard" movies.

JACLYN said...

Meet the Robinsons-bowler hat guy! :)

Tes283 said...

Young Frankenstein
is a funny and nice evil (?) scientist.

Ellen C. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ellen C. said...

One of my favorite bad guys of all times would be Pinhead. Thanks for the chance.

sweetascandy579 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas is one I like. Mainly because it is a horror and comedy and has great music. I like Doctor Finklestein. semtaylor(at)yahoo(dot)com

Anonymous said...

I am a subscriber. semtaylor(at)yahoo(dot)com

valerie2350 said...

oogie boogie in nightmare before christmas

Anonymous said...

For me, I'd have to say: Star Wars. Both Darth Vader and Darth Maul were as evil as they get. Next, I'd have to say: Pirates Of The Caribbean - Dead Man's Chest. Davy Jones was an evil and creepy sea creature/guy. Now, if you're looking for a cartoon, then I'd have to say: The Little Mermaid (Disney). Ursula the sea witch was really mean and nasty. She deserved everything she got in the end. Thanks for the contest and hope to win. Have a great day.

Sue said...

Thanks for sharing this! What a fun giveaway.

I love Doris the bowler hat and the Bowler Hat Guy from Meet the Robinson's. Then actually running into the Bowler Hat Guy in Disneyland sealed my affection for him!

Anonymous said...

This totally dates me but "Young Frankenstein" by Mel Brooks. Love all Sci Fi though.


Haggatha said...

I love Cruella De Ville in 101 and 102 Dalmatians. Now that woman is totally pure evil. I mean kill puppies for their fur because she wants a fur with spots. Sick, sick, sick. thanks for the contest

wigget said...

the saw movies with jigsaw

jellosheriff said...

I don't generally like the villains, but I like the sympathetic villains like Boog in "Meet the Robinsons" or Sweeney Todd.

clenna said...

I love 101 Dalmations.

mverno said...

young frankenstein

Anonymous said...

I always thought that Willy Wonka was a great mad scientist-type character.

galeogirl at comcast dot net

peg42 said...

In the Nightmare before Christmas, I loved the Dr. Finklestien. Thanks so much for this great giveaway. This movie looks great. Thanks.

Mysharona said...


stormvikki said...

Mel Brooks "Young Frankenstein". If you have never seen it go rent it. A classic. Second place "Rocky Horror Picture Show".

stormvikki said...

Mel Brooks "Young Frankenstein". If you have never seen it go rent it. A classic. Second place "Rocky Horror Picture Show".

Teresa said...

I think Hannibel Lecter from Silence of the Lambs. TRigell at aol dot com

Teresa said...

I subscribe by email.
TRigell at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

The original Absent Minded Professor is a good flick.

Anonymous said...

rss feed subscriber at yahoo acct

Unknown said...

Young Frankenstein was one of the most hilarious and brilliant movies!

kdj617 said...

young frankenstein

Veronica said...

I subscribe by e-mail. Thanks for a great giveaway :)

Jackie said...

The Nightmare before Christmas is a family favorite. We are also looking forward to seeing Coraline (which looks like another dark cartoon). Thanks for the review and giveaway.


nutty professor



JeansandTs said...

Back to the Future's mad scientist Emmett Lathrop "Doc" Brown, Ph.D is my favorite.

EDRing said...

Dr. Finkelstein from The Nightmare Before Christmas is one of the best.Tim burton is a genious.


Terri said...

My favorite mad scientist from the movies is when Jeff Goldblum played Seth Brundle in the 1986 film "The Fly".

marleenandlouie said...

cruella devilla from 101 dalmations

Ed said...

The Abominable Dr. Phibes. Vincent Price

Anonymous said...

Rasputin in Anastasia. The dangling limbs were pretty gross.

treflea4 at gmail dot com

chromiumman said...

young frankenstein

Carol EL said...

Hannibal Lecter from "Silence Of The Lambs" was pretty scary.

Kristie said...

The first thing that came to mind was Animaniacs and 'Pinky and the Brain'. I'd have to say that Brain would be my favorite mad scientist :-)

khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Kristie said...

Your button is in my sidebar.

khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

clc408 said...

Young Frankenstein, no contest!

furygirl3132 said...

Jigsaw from the Saw movie series is definitely one bad dude and very scary which is why he has to me my favorite. Thanks so much for such a wonderful giveaway!


furygirl3132 said...

I am also subscribed via email, thanks again!


Think about it said...

mine- cruella devilla from 101 dalmations
she takes the cake shes so mean to them cute little puppies

redron said...

Young Frankenstein

Anonymous said...

"Young Frankenstein"

Denise S. said...

View to A Kill

littlelatina said...

definitely the nutty professor but with Jerry Lewis

Carol M said...

I would have to say my favorite is Young Frankenstein.
Carol M
mittens0831 AT

Carol M said...

I'm a subscriber.
Carol M
mittens0831 AT

susan1215 said...

Young Frankenstein is my favorite

Anonymous said...

The bowler hat guy from meet the Robinsons is the first one that pops into my head.

Miss Spoken said...

My favorite would probably be The Man with Two Brains

Sunnyvale said...


judybrittle said...

Dr. Frankenstein would be mine. I grew up with those movies.

Tig said...

Rocky Horror Picture Show....

toughturtles said...

Young Frankenstein
gene wilder

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

rocky horror picture show.

=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

Erica C. said...


Unknown said...

Peter Sellers as Dr. Strangelove.
Thanks for the chance to win!
proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com

Elkaye said...

from Disney's Pocahontas: Ratcliffe

Vegaslily said...

Loved Frankenstein

Thanks for the giveaway,
My nephew would love this movie.

Good Luck to ALL

Jenna said...

Hannibal Lecture from Silence of the Lambs really creeps me out. Thanks for the giveaway!

Jenna said...

I subscribe!

Shelly Leatham said...

Young Frankenstein!!!

Shelly Leatham said...

I'm also a subscriber!! Thanks

Nickolay said...

Young Frankenstein - A Mel Brooks Classic

Annmarie Weeks said...

My favorite movie with an evil character will probably always be Snow White. That wicked stepmother/witch is the meanest!! Oh, other favorite in this category is the Wizard of Oz...super scary when she throws the fireball at the scarecrow!

Sharon said...

LOL...I love easy ?'s...Young Frankenstein for of my all time favorite movies

Anonymous said...

The Bolwer Hat guy from meet the Robinsons.

Sweepstakes Finder said...

This blog was recently featured on Check out some of our family sweepstakes!

Good luck to everybody who enters the contests!

Abby said...

I really like The Nutty Professor!

ajcmeyer AT go DOT com

Leland's Mama said...

Definitely Dr. Finkelstein from Nightmare Before Christmas.

Leland's Mama said...

I subscribe.

Dave said...

One more vote for Dr. Finkelstein. Nightmare Before Christmas is one of my all-time favorite films. Thank you for the chance to win.

Leslie said...

Does Dexter count. He's a genius and slightly cooky. Thanks!

Kit Kat K said...

Young Frankenstein

AmandaK said...

Another vote for Dr. Finkelstein. We absolutely love The Nightmare Before Christmas!


redfuzzycow said...

dr. finkelstein!!!

azrosebud said...

Dr Frankenstein in Young Frankenstein

Unknown said...

Young Frankenstein was my favorite

Unknown said...

Email subscriber

FawnGeorge said...

My husband just loves Darth Vadar in Star Wars.

Boston said...

Dr. Finkelstein is my favorite!

Tamara B. said...

My children and I just love watching the The Nightmare Before Christmas and the mad character was named Dr. Finkelstein

Tamara B. said...

I am a subscriber.

Anonymous said...

The Abominable Dr. Phibes

Julie Donahue said...

Ursula from the Little Mermaid

Julie Donahue said...

I have your button

shawn said...

I would say that Cruella DeVille from 101 Dalmations is evil. She scares the kids.

Anonymous said...

Reanimator is fun

Anonymous said...

The Bride of Frankenstein

Dierdra said...

The ones from "Meet the Robinsons"

flamingpanties said...

Young Frankenstein.

nostrilb said...

The Queen as the witch in Snow White, she was cool.

Gabriel S-J. said...

Young Frankenstein.

Unknown said...

Young frankenstein

stupendousdan said...

Young Frankenstein

tsslug said...

I am a subscriber

cdrury said...
The Joker

phxbne said...

Does Iron Man count?

denyse said...

Kane- he's evil for sure!

Ken said...

My favorites are Victor and Igor from the original Frankenstein. Please accept my entry. Thank you.

Unknown said...

Young Frankenstein with Gene Wilder is a classic!!!!

sherri419 at gmail dot com

Sarah said...

I really liked "Back to the Future" with Christopher Lloyd as Doc.

loni broesch said...

Teh first thing that came to mind was Robin William's character in One Hour Photo...not technically a scientist...

Unknown said...

I've always liked the evil villian, Hook, from Peter Pan.

Kathy P said...

back to the future :)

bison61 said...

Young Frankenstein would be my favorite

tiramisu392 (at)

Jayfr said...

Absolutely has to be Mel Brook's Young Frankenstein.

Anonymous said...

my favorite is actually IGOR

Anonymous said...

I always have liked the original Flubber movie starring Fred McMurray---it was just lot's of fun.

prplrush said...

My all-time favorite evil character is Lex Luthor!

tlcfromtn said...

The original The Nutty Professor with Jerry Lewis is my favorite. Thanks for the giveaway!

braaisjo at gmail dot com

justicecw said...

I love Doc in the Back to the Future movies...he is what I always think of when I hear mad scientist! thanks,

ky2here said...

Fahrenheit 911 features the most evil character I can imagine. Fortunately Igor features a killer Annie killing the competition while singing Tomorrow. That's better.

Joyce said...

Not evil, but definitely mad....Mel Brooks' Young Frankenstein. I went to the theater thinking I was going to see a horror movie! Marty Feldman as Igor (that's Eye-gor!)was hysterical.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

dr evil....he's a bad man

Anonymous said...

I will have to say Young Frankenstein too. What a classic!

Jinxy and Me said...

Back to the Future!!!

Anonymous said...

also a subscriber via email

Anonymous said...

My Favorite Bad Guy Would Be Freddy Kruger From Nightmare On Elm Street

Anonymous said...

I'm A Subscriber

pittypatty said...

Sweeny Todd

jayne said...

Cruella Deville!

jayne said...

I'm a subcriber!

Anonymous said...

MA fertelli?(from the goonies she was pretty evil!)


Lance said...

I happen to like the Bowler Hat Guy (goober) from Meet the Robinsons ... wanna be mad scientist, bad guy!

Twincere said...

The professor in Flubber


Unknown said...

The Nutty Professor

Anonymous said...

Freddy from Nightmare on Elm Street.


Anonymous said...

I subscribe via email.


liliesrnice said...

That's easy. The nightmare before Christmas!

Candie L said...

There was an episode of Tweety and Sylvester where Tweety became Mr. Jeckel and Mr. Hyde. The boys still watch it. Thank you


gr0707 said...

I love Scar from the Lion King. I have a cat that walks exactly like him.

Donna said...

Darth Vader.

Donna said...


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