Sunday, October 26, 2008

We are challenging you to living greener for 30 days!!

I recently talked about Clorox's new green cleaning product line Green Works. Incredibly affordable, eco friendly, you can feel good about using them and they are convenient as they are available right beside all the other cleaning products at most major retailers!

Clorox would like to challenge you to 30 Days to Natural living! With the launch of their new 30 Days to Natural website you can learn simple doable steps to transition your family into living in a more eco friendly manner! Visit video diaries of other mom's making the change, get tips, and even get tips sent directly to your cell phone to help you inspire you to make the change.

Whats my favorite part about the website? I love the printable kitchen guide! It includes a ton of tips on how to live greener in the kitchen most of which that do not even require you to buy anything its just simple ways to change the way you function in your home. One thing you may not have thought of that I've been doing for some time.. there is no reason to use harsh chemicals to clean your disposal. In the past anytime my disposal was smelling icky I would just take some ice cubes or even a glass of water that still had some ice cubes in it and throw them down the disposal, if you have any lemon or orange peels add those as well though I would chop them a bit before you do, and then turn on your disposal. It will clean up the disposal just as well as if you used something much more harsh.

Speaking of Clorox Greenworks I am a HUGE fan of their all purpose spray. With a baby in the house and most of the house having hardwood floors I am constantly cleaning the kitchen table, kitchen counters, and of course cleaning up spills all over the living room and it works fabulously!

Head on over to 30 Days to Natural and get started adding some green living to your life!


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