What do you think of when you think of green overalls? I know my first thought is always my old friend Corduroy who just happens to be celebrating his 40th anniversary this year. 40 years? He looks awfully good for a 40 year old bear.
In celebration of Corduroy's 40th year Russ has introduced a new line of Corduroy themed merchandise including an adorable 9" stuffed version which by the way would be the perfect sized to be peeking out of your stockings this December. Along with the 9" size you can get Corduroy in almost any size you need him in from 9" to 15" there is a bear for everyone.The coolest thing though is the new Read with Me Corduroy bear. I've been dying to see one of these in real life but basically he is a 15" Corduroy bear that is activated by touch and is holding his own story in his arms. With a gentle squeeze he will begin reading his own story as well as moving his head as he reads. I mean really who better to tell Corduroy's story than Corduroy himself?
Along with the plush you can find a whole line of Russ brand Corduroy items including pens, plush backpack clips and even bookmarks all of which are "plush". Want one for yourself? Visit Russ Berrie's website and us the find us option to find a retailer near you.
I have one little Corduroy over here that is looking for a new home.
To enter :
- Leave a comment on this post. Check out Read with Me Corduroy and tell me why you love Corduroy!
- Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com) We have had to disqualify a lot of potential winners as of late as many people do not have emails available in their profiles or leave anonymous posts without any way to contact you.
- Please US entries only.
- To get extra credit :
- For an extra entry :
- Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
- Non Bloggers (or bloggers) subscribe to my mailing list/RSS feed and earn another entry!
- One extra credit per person. Please post your extra credit in a separate post.
- This contest will end Nov 15th at midnight!
I love Corduroy because he is adorable. My granddaughter would also love him. She loves to be read to. Corduroy would be perfect entertainment for her.
Besides being a bear collector, I love that he comes with batteries!
My wife is a bear collector and she adores how cute Corduroy is.
Growing up money was tight like today. Inside of throwing out the old corduroy pants, stuffed dolls were made out of them. Memories with this bear. Thanks for having this contest.
Corduroy reminds me when I was young and how much I loved him. Now my daughter enjoys him too and this win would be a great way to pass down a memory from generation to generation.
I just adore Corduroy! He's the cutest bear! When I was a kid I would read the books over and over again.
I seriously wanted my own Corduroy bear when I was little. I made my mom read the book to me over and over. Now I read the book to my daughter. I never ended up receiving my own Corduroy, but maybe my daughter will be luckier?
I love to read Corduroy books with the kids. They love them and it brings back memories from my childhood. Corduroy bear would be greatly loved at our house.
I really like Corduroy because he just seems like a really sweet bear. I remember watching him growing up.
I loved Corduroy when I was little, and what better way to introduce him to my baby than with a plush doll he can play with! Thanks for the chance to win :)
I'm a subscriber (RSS) - that's how I found this contest!
I love corduroy because he's just so cute and loveable!!!! I know that at first glance, my girls would feel the same way. To touch, hug and play with hime would be something I'd love to see my girls do!!!
I love that he reads to the kids-my daughter would love him!
khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com
It is a great story! We have the book and DVD and love Corduroy at our house!I like that the little girl loved him even when he was "imperfect", but Corduroy went on a little adventure to repair his own overalls, making him the most perfect toy ever!
onlycancan at hotmail dot com
I loved him as a child. He is so cute.
rebbi511 at peoplepc.com
Because he is so darn cute in those overalls! His book is a classic!
Oh my! Only one left in stock. These must be the hot thing for Christmas. I love Corduroy. I remember that book so well and loving it, yet always feeling so bad for him before he was rescued from the toystore. My dad used to buy us the stuffed animals with crooked noses, lopsided ears, etc. because he always felt bad for them and thought no one would buy the "flawed" ones - just like Corduroy. In fact my dad recently bought my son a stuffed dog with only one eye. I pretended not to notice - but I knew why he did it. ;)
I love that it moves and reads
I love him because he's a classic and the story book is one to pass on for the next generation of readers!
I love him because he brings back such wonderful memories from my childhood.
I have added your button to my blog!
Oh how we loved Corduroy when my son was little..so many fond memories of him on my lap reading that book. I hope i haven't lost it...It probably has teething marks on it!
This is quite a new Corduroy hnh? A mechanical version! We would love to be his foster parents and promise to love him forever.
I love him because my son loves him! Thank you for the chance to win such a great prize!
And I am a subscriber!
I have your button on my sidebar
Hes soft huggable and cute
I'm a subscriber
I love the way he moves and reads
I love Cordurory because he brings back great memories of reading to my son when he was small. He is all grown up and he loved this characters books.
I am a subscriber.
He is absolutely adorable.
lilacbutterfly [at] earthlink.net
I loved the story of Corduroy growing up and my kids love it now! they would love to win the stuffed bear and I'm glad he comes with 2 buttons :)
your button's on my blog :)
Because he's so cute and I loved him when i was little! I love my kid playing with the same things that I did when i was little!
I love him because he's classic (and adorable)
I would love to share this w/ my daughter. I LOVED Corduroy as a little girl and could definitely see her loving him as well!!!
I love Corduroy's gentle bear appearance and his cute green overalls. It's great that he has such simplicity to him and has been around for generations.
he warms the hearts of many and is adorable Mrs.Mommyyatgmail.com
I read Corduroy to my son and we both loved it. Please enter me to win your lovely teddy bear. Thanks. Charlotte
I love that he has a sweet child like voice. Corduroy is just adorable. My kids would love having this bear read to them. What a great way to learn. Thanks for this wonderful giveaway.
I like Corduroy because he has stood the test of time. He is great for all ages and teaches important lessons in an entertaining way.
I can remember Corduroy from when I was little... Is a great way to bond with my lil ones... In fact we have to read one of his books every other night because wee man thinks it is just the best... One side is Corduroy's party and then you flip the book over and BAM new story called errr Corduroy's pinic (i think... Plus he is too adorable with his little overalls.. wiicked13 [at] yahoo [dot]com
thanks for the contest it makes me think of my own teddy Panda that still stays in my closet!
why i love him is becuse he's just so cute and well hes a clasic and once you read his story you cant but help fall in love with him . when i was little i want a bear just like him but well thay did not make them back then and well i reaaly would love to get one now its a good thing haveing well your fav book and a toy to go with it and well if i won this i just know my little one would also fall in love with him too thanks
He is huggable
Because my one year old niece would flip for him!
he's so cute
My daughter adores Corduroy!
He's cute and huggable.
Love that he reads stories. maybe mommy will get a break?
tvollowitz at aol dot com
because he reads isn't that lovely
I love him simply because he's adorable!
I love Corduroy, Because He is soft lovable, And kids love him...
Love the Corduroy. Thanks for the great contest!
I grew up with Corduroy! I still had an old one from childhood, and I miss him!! He's just so cuddly and well, as corny as this may sound, friendly!
Corduroy is a comforting, enduring story that is so endearing to everyone regardless of age.
I loved this character as a child! So, so cute!
Corduroy is just adorable! This is just a classic story that every child should have in their home library. That would be so great to have our own Corduroy!
Corduroy is great and he gets kids interested in reading. What a great giveaway. Thank you.
I love Corduroy because my son lights up whenever I read him any Corduroy story. Thanks, justicecw@hotmail.com
I love Corduroy because my daughter loves it so much that at this pint we "read" the story together.
Actually I love him because he's adorable, but after reading these comments, I love him because of the memories we can make with him.
He is adorable and my little girl loves bears. She saw this one and just got real excited, Thanks
You are in my sidebar.
khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com
i think i like him because of the green overalls!
You always have the best giveaways! I love Corduroy because he reminds me of my Teddy Ruxpin, my favorite toy when I was a kid. I'd love to give this to my daughter for Christmas!
I love Cordurory because I was an elementary librarian for a few years before becoming a junior high librarian, and I miss being surrounded by picture books and plush animals. Oh, how I miss storytime!
Awww, he's so sweet. I'd not seen or heard of this before, but I think my girls would just adore him. He looks so cuddly, and the fact that he reads his story is just a super bonus. =D
Thanks for the entry!
littleminx at cox dot net
I had never heard of Corduroy before (guess he was after my children were young and missed him for the grandchildren) but my first great grandchild is on the way, and this would be great for him when he gets a little older.
I have always loved Cordoroy and would love for my children to grow up with the same magical belief that their snuggly bear is sooo amazing!
ajcmeyer AT go DOT com
For me, Corduroy is all about the memories:) Thanks for the smiles.
And thanks for running such a sweet giveaway.
want to win this would love this for my grandkids
My boys love those books. The books are very sweet and innocent and the illustrations are wonderfully cute
such a sweet and gentle bear :)
it's so cute and cuddly
I grew up with Corduroy, to this day that is still one of my favorite books to read especially read to my daughters. Thanks so much for the giveaway, I would love to win this!
haven't seen one like this
Thank you for having this. This would be so much fun to win for my 3 little ones. Corduroy bear is so cute and cuddly. Thank you!
I would love to win this.
My girls love Corduroy. It's one of their favorite stories:)
I love Corduroy because he is so darn cute. My son would love to listen to him read stories. Please count me in...Thanks!
He looks nice and soft, but durable.
Corduroy is just so cute and just wants to be loved. My daughter and i have read the book together many times and have enjoyed it.
It's adorable and looks SO soft!
He is just so cuddly and sweet...what's not to love?
We love courduroy. We have the book.
When I was pregnant, I was teaching at an all girls HS and several of my students gave me and my baby some books. One of my favorite students gave us a copy of Courdury. I had never read it before and has since become a very special favorite of ours. I know that my son would love this Courduroy toy! Thanks for the giveaway!
markncheri (at) msn (dot) com
I love that Cordoroy is a classic, sweet book.
I love Corduroy because he is adorable.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I am subscribed.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
Because he encourages reading
Corduroy is one of my favorites! My daughter loves him.
I love Corduroy because he's adorable and loveable. I mentioned him to my grown children and they said we love Corduroy. I didn't think they would remember. Now I would love my grandchildren to enjoy Corduroy. Thank you!
judybrittle at aol dot com
I'm subscribed
judybrittle at aol dot com
Our daughter loves everything bears.
I love Cordurory because he brings back great memories
want to win this would love this for my grandkids
I love him becauses he;s jusy so adorable.
We love Corduroy because his books have taught my daughter how to go to the Dr. and how to cross the street. She is also learning to count. We have four of his books and they are falling apart she loves them so much.
I love Corduroy because he is a classic character that will stand up to the test of time. Thanks for the sweet giveaway :)
I also subscribe to your RSS feed :)
He is a cute bear. And he talks. Thanks.
I am a subscriber. Thanks.
I love Corduroy because he is so cute and he can move his head back and forth and read.
I love Corduroy because he is so adorable! How could anyone not like him!!
He's sweet and cuddly!
Oh, and I'm a subscriber too....
Corduroy is such a sweet bear.
we have the story books and my daughter loves them
I like Corduroy cuz he reminds me of my childhood!
I love him because he is a great learning toy and will entertain a child as well.
I love him because my daughters love him. They never seem to tire of hearing the books over and over. What a treat to have Corduroy come to our house.
i love curduroy because he's so adorable and cute!
oops I forgot my email
I love him because my granddaughter loves him.
I love Corduroy because I taught school and could always FEEL the love that my students had for him!
We read Corduroy every single night at our house! It's my daughter's favorite book!
I just love corduroy. His story is so cute and timeless.
Wow, lots of people left comments. They sure wan Corduroy. I think he's so cute. My husband and I collect stuffed animals. This would be a great addition. Seems silly for a 42 year old, but I'm still a kid at heart.
Had my B-day yesterday.
I loved Corduroy when I was little, and what better way to introduce him to my baby than with a plush doll he can play with! Thanks for the chance to win :)
What is not to love?!?! He was a part of my childhood. I would love for him to be a part of my baby's.
babychooch (at) gmail {dot} com
Wow I love him because I did when I was little and I'd love for my sons to share that!
Love him. Love this book. Reminds me of being a child and having my mother read this story to me.
Im a subscriber!!
I love the story about a forgotten bear who nobody wanted...so cute!
Oh I love him.. He was one of my favorite stories as a kid.. I would love for my kids to be able to share the joy.
When my daughter was young I bought her a Teddy Ruxpin (sp?), I would love to be able to give this to my grandson (her son)....he is 2 and would abolutely love it!
because my nephew would just love him!
He's adorable & cuddly.
I love Curduroy. He's one of my favorite characters. In college when I had to do an oral book report for children's lit, I made a pair of overalls out of green felt and put it on one of my own teddy bears!
I recall reading Corduroy books as a child. I have some books now for my son and the bear itself would be so awesome to have during story time!
It's warm and reminds me of my kids when they were little
I love the Corduroy books and I have a couple of them. I used to teach Kindergarten and I would share these stories with those children. I now have 8 grandchildren to share with.
my son loved Corduroy-now I'd love to read it to my grandson
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
I love how Corduroy is such a cute and sweet bear. Also love his green overalls! Thanks for the chance to win!
I Love Corduroy because I remember my mom reading me his story when I was little and he always made me smile. It was fun watching his curiosity get him into all sorts of scrapes. Now I am reading the stories to my kids and I hope they end up thinking back to them with the same fondness I do.
Cordorouy :)
ktgonyea at gmail.com
Aww! I love him because I remember reading the book as a child. My little girl loves dolls and stuffed animals, and it'd be fun to have him for when we read the book together.
I'm so old I remember the Corduroy pants they cut up to make the bear!
I love Corduroy because he is timeless! I still love him and all of my kids do too! Thanks!
aww i love him because he reminds me of my childhood and being read to during story tiem!
i blogged about this giveaway!
Who wouldn't love corduroy! The little bear that lost his button so long ago is still a hit today with children.
I love corduroy because I grew up with him. My name is Sara but my nickname was Beara because I loved bears so much. I'd love to share this with my little one
I can hardly wait to have Corduroy at my home for my grandchildren to love like I do
I love Corduroy because he looks like the perfect pal for my little one!
Because he's cute and sweet.
adding you to my blog today as well..with button..
thank you for the contest!good luck everyone
Since kids love him, parents love him!
I love curduroy because I remember the books being read to me as a very little girl! utgal2004 at yahoo dot com
My wife is a bear collector and I would love to give this to her!
i love him because he is so cute!
I would love to give it to my new grnadbaby as his first bear!!!!
He is sooo cute.
lulu1491 at hotmail dot com
I am a subscriber
lulu1491 at hotmail dot com
I love Corduroy because he's a part of my childhood and a GREAT character to get kids interested in reading!
I love Corduroy! Read the Corduroy books to my stepkids all the time when they were little. They must have loved that bear as much as I did because they were talking about the books at the dinner table the other night and they are 15 and 16 years old! :)
I love that he is so adorable. My daughter would love this as much as I do.
I subscribed!
I had the classic book as a child and it was my favorite! I would love to share this with my kids!
websurfergirl19 AT hotmail DOT com
I have subscribed.
websurfergirl19 AT hotmail DOT com
I love him because he is timeless
Corduroy was one of my favorite story book characters as a kid & I was a picky kid! There was a point in my childhood that our family didn't own a tv, so I read Corduroy a ton of times. It's a classic that never gets boring & he's such a cute character!
I love him because even though he was damaged, he was still wanted
I love him because he is a classic! I remember reading about him when I was little and now I enjoy reading books about him to my children.
I love corduroy because he is the only one i know that can pull off green corduroy pants. I also love him because he is adorable and you just can't help but love him!
My grandson would just love him to death. With his irresistible character and his heartwarming tale.
tamben7996(at)aol (dot)com
I love Corduroy because he is cute and makes it so children really engage in the story. Even as an adult I love to read Corduroy stories
I'm a subscriber.
i like corduroy because he is cute.
he is sooo cute, my daughter would like him.
I loved corduroy and now my daughter does too - she would love to have her very own Corduroy bear!
anastacer at verizon dot net
I'm a subscriber
anastacer at verizon dot net
I love Corduroy because he is so soft and lovable. The story is a classic. My boys love it! =)
I subscribed to the RSS feed.
Because he's adorable and my grandniece would love him.
I love Corduroy. He is so adorable. I know a grandchild that would love to have him as a friend.
My grandson loves teddy bears and he would love to give Corduroy a new home.
helps teach children that it's fun to read.
I have to tell you why I love this little bear.
This bear in green was my little brothers favorite bear in the whole world when he was little...... It was always "read me the bear story" or " play with me and Corduroy"....
I remember those days with great fondness as my little brother was killed in Iraq on Christmas day....
I now have a little boy of my own that I would love to share the joys of Corduroy with while also sharing a piece of his uncle with him......
Because it is just like one I used to have.
Oh, he is so adorable! I love him because he is a classic and has never gone out of style! My students would love for him to "read" his books!! mia_bdt@yahoo.com
I love Corduory because he seems like such a sweet little guy!
I love Corduroy because of all the special memories I have of the story and that adorable bear!
I love Corduroy because my niece will love this bear and grow up with this adorable bear.
I love Corduroy b/c he's a classic and timeless teddy bear. Just so sweet and adorable, I'd love to win it for my first baby I'm about to have.
This book is a childhood favorite! Thanks! senekers@comcast.net
I love him because he is timeless. I loved him as a kid and all my kids have loved him too.
I love Corduroy because it teaches us that love doesn't depend on perfection.
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com
How cute! I remember reading Courdory books when I was a kid. My daughter would love this toy. Thanks for the giveaway!
He's cute as a button!
I've loved Cordoroy since I was a child. I'm thrilled that he has stood the test of time and my kids can also enjoy his tale!
I'm a subscriber!
I think he is so adorable. Reading is so important, and the younger the better. Corduroy would be a lovely, cuddley "helper" to my 2 young nieces.
Haha, it's because he looks so sophisticated and real. :) My email, williamwrightjr@verizon.net :D
he's adorable
I love Corduroy because he looks and is so sweet!
Corduroy is not only cute and soft, but he's a good friend too.
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