Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Indiana Jones is back!!

I think every child that grew up during the 80s, and even the 90s, fondly remembers just how incredibly cool Indiana Jones is. I remember the first time I saw Raiders of the Lost Arc and that movie still gets me just as worked up now as it did the very first time I saw it. It seems so many movies get "dated" but the first three Indiana Jones movies are just as appealing today as they were the day they were released in my opinion. I've talked to the kids in my family about Indiana Jones and they get as excited as I did when the movies were still brand new.

I was a little nervous about the new Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull as well honestly I was a little frightened that it just would not live up to the first three and it would ruin the excitement of Indiana Jones for Connor's generation. I know that sounds ridiculous but there is something about having an addition to a series almost 20 years later that puts a lot of pressure on a release. The other issue was Indiana Jones's actor, Harrison Ford is no spring chicken these days and I was a little concerned about his ability to pull it off. Man was I wrong. I find it a little creepy actually that I still find Harrison Ford to be as attractive as ever even in his older age and his charming good looks and whitty personality certainly brings Indiana Jones into a new decade.

The Crystal Skull is the most modern of the series set in the 1950s Indiana Jones is tricked into helping those darn Russians into locating a really odd crystal skull that Indiana Jones found earlier and was being stored in a government facility. Turns out this fabled skull is highly magnetized and happens to be the real life skull of a real life alien. When Jones is forced to stare directly in the skulls eyes the skull talks to him and tells him that he must return the skull to its owner. This leaves Indiana Jones leading the Russians right to the hidden city. All the while Jones is tagging along his new sidekick a young guy named Mutt who's mother just happens to be Indiana's old flame Marion. Well not to spoil it but a big factor of love and hate about this movie is the fact that Mutt ends up being Indiana Jones's son and the entire movie seems to be a set up to put Mutt, played by Shia LaBeuf, in the driver seat as the new Indiana Jones replacement. I honestly can't say if that's the case or not but it does certainly leave that option open ended at the end and personally I actually sort of like Shia as a replacement. Though I'm not sure anyone can truly replace Harrison it seems a logical replacement.

Overall its a great installment and though It lacks some of the grittiness that makes Indiana Jones really special I was glad to see it as it really is a great introduction for a new generation into the Indiana Jones movies. It was also fun to see Jones at least one last time... though I really was a little sad to see that Sean Connery, Indiana's father in the series, decided not to make a appearance but instead his character "passed away".

Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is available on DVD and you can pick up your copy at Amazon!

I have three copies of Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull to give away to my readers!

To enter :

  • Leave a comment on this post. Check out Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and tell me what was your favorite Indy movie!
  • Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me direct!ly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com) We have had to disqualify a lot of potential winners as of late as many people do not have emails available in their profiles or leave anonymous posts without any way to contact you.
  • Please US entries only.
  • To get extra credit :
    • For an extra entry :
    • Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
    • Non Bloggers (or bloggers) subscribe to my mailing list/RSS feed and earn another entry!
    • One extra credit per person. Please post your extra credit in a separate post.
    • This contest will end Nov 15th at midnight!


Anonymous said...

My favorite Indy movie was the second one Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. That was the first one I had ever seen so it just has a place as my favorite!



Kim @ What's That Smell said...

I am a subscriber!

Anonymous said...

After Courtney and I sang to her playing the guitar, we sat silently for a while just enjoying each other’s company. She put her arm around me at one point and I scooted in closer and put my head on her shoulder while she gently rocked the porch swing back and forth with her foot.

Eventually she asked if I’d like to watch a movie and I said sure. So we went inside and browsed through her DVDs, settling on an old murder mystery. We started by sitting on the couch sharing a big bowl of popcorn she made in the microwave. When the popcorn was gone we lay side by side, her against the back of the couch, me in front with my back against her stomach. Her arm was draped over me. We were laughing at one particular scene in the movie at which time I turned my head back to face her and she kissed me.

She pulled me closer to her and that’s when her hand began to do a little roaming. By now I could feel myself getting warm, wet and rather needy. The movie was ending but we weren’t paying much attention anymore. We were both still fully dressed. Her in long pants, me in shorts. Her leg slipped over mine and she pulled me yet even closer with her leg and arms that were wrapped around me. At about 5’ 4” and maybe 120 pounds, she’s stronger than she looks. But I wasn’t nervous or worried she’d be rough with little ole 105-pound me who’s 3” shorter. Instead I was worried about doing the wrong thing or not doing something I should be doing. I’ve never been with anyone before! I’ve kissed and gotten touch-feely with both guys and gals, yes, but nothing serious. If oral sex is supposed to be considered “light sex,” then you could say I only had only “feather-light” experience! (I later told this to Courtney and she was practically rolling around on the floor with laughter at the terms I used to describe my lack of experience)

I turned to face her as the credits rolled and we were in total lip-loc. It was an awesome feeling! I’ve kissed, but never like that before!

Oh, wow. Not even half a dozen paragraphs and it’s taken me forever to type just this much! Guess I’m not a very fast typist. I only typed this much because I couldn’t sleep. I’ll get to the juiciest part either tomorrow after work or maybe even before work. I really should try to get a few more hours of sleep. It’s just that all the excitement has screwed up my routine.

Oh, there is one thing before I return to bed. Someone noted me asking who the hell is U!!! (polite way, huh?) I don’t feel safe with a profile. There’s so many crazies out there. For now I won’t go any further than my first name, town and state, and I believe I’ve mentioned my age and physical description in my entries.

judybrittle said...

I would say the first Indiana Jones movie.

Kristie said...

Gosh, it's been a long time! I think it was The Last Crusade that I liked-I remember watching it over and over.

khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Jill said...

Raiders of the Lost Ark, probably because it was the first one that I had seen. Also because I've gotten to watch it with my kids.

Jenn S. said...

Definitely, Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Anonymous said...

The Last Crusade - thanks!!


FawnGeorge said...

I loved them all. I think my favorite is The Last Crusade with Sean Connery as Indiana's dad. I just love Harrison Ford. I really enjoyed The Crystal Skull movie.
My favorite Harrison Ford movie is 6 days and 7 nights.


Fangirl Jen said...

I definitely like the first one the best. We got to meet Indy and Marion and watch them beat the Nazis. It was a fun ride.

Fangirl Jen said...

Your button is still on my sidebard.

And, Sorry Angela that someone wrote an inappropriate comment on this thread. You are too nice to have to put up with that.

Anonymous said...

My favorite Indiana Jones movie is "Indiana Jones And the Last Crusade". It includes him in his younger days, his father, and one of the best artifacts I think he has searched for, The Holy Grail!


kygirl said...

Raiders of the Lost Ark

loni broesch said...

Raiders of the Lost Ark

john1948 said...

Lonesome Dove, I'm a Cowboy

Unknown said...

the last crusade with sean connery

Unknown said...

subscribedto the feed

dwarzel said...

Raiders of the Lost Ark

dwarzel at hotmail.com

dbadour said...

I like Raiders of the Lost Ark best.

dbadour said...

I subscribe.

Mommyhood is Thankless said...

Temple of Doom was my favorite. I haven't seen this one yet!


Finamoon said...

Raiders of the Lost Ark

websurfergirl19 AT hotmail DOT com

Finamoon said...

I am subscribed.
websurfergirl19 AT hotmail DOT com

Unknown said...

Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Anonymous said...

The first, Indiana Jones Raiders of The Lost Arc. The first gets you hooked. I think Harrison Ford is easy on the eyes, even as he has aged. I think this one grabbed my interest best because of Sunday School lessons about who and how the Ark had to be carried, and what was inside of the Ark. One wonders where it really is at this time, and if it will once again be revealed before the Christians are taken up to Heaven, or after. I kinda think, but have no concrete proof that it will be found and opened, leading to the end of the Battle of Armaggedon, because God will unleash a power on all those who are against his chosen- the Jews at that time. The Bible doesn't really say when or where it will be found. I have some friends who say it is actually in Heaven with God now and will be returned to earth when he sets up his kingdom.

agordon10 said...

nothign beats Raiders

Dee said...

Raiders of the lost arc!

Millie said...

Temple of Doom is my favorite. Thank you for the chance to win such a great prize!

peg42 said...

Thank you so much for this great giveaway. We haven't seen the Crystal Skull movie yet, but the Temple of Doom is our favorite so far. Thanks so much.

Tina12312 said...

My favorite Indy movie will always be Raiders of the Lost Ark, great stuff. Thank you so much!

iluv2blog said...

Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade.

Anonymous said...

Raiders was so fresh and fun. Still the best!!

mverno said...

raiders of the lost arc

Armywife73 said...

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom is my fav so far!

jlafount said...

Raiders of the Lost Ark

Nadi said...

My fave is Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.

treflea4 at gmail dot com

Nadi said...

I'm a suscriber!

treflea4 at gmail dot com

susan1215 said...

Jones and the Temple of Doom is my favorite

Anonymous said...

The Temple of doom is my favorite.


Erica said...

I've always liked Raiders of the Lost Ark, but all three of the originals are great! My hubby would be quite happy with me if I added this latest one to his collection; thanks! ermclaughlin at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I loved Raiders of the Lost Ark. It won my heart over.

Tes283 said...

Love them all, but The one with Sean Connery is my fav. they played so much tongue in check..

Raider of the lost ark.

dwhogan said...

Good luck to all

Anonymous said...

My favorite is the first one Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark . Because thats when he meets Marion.

Tara said...

I love all of them .. but I do love The Temple of Doom. When I was a girl I was always a little scared of the Monkey Brains lol

cloudspassby78 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Tara said...

I am a subscriber.

cloudspassby78 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Randoo said...

Raiders of the lost Ark.

Randoo said...

Raiders of the lost Ark.

marleenandlouie said...

I still like the first one best.

rstarliper said...

first one was the best

Carol EL said...

Raiders of the Lost Ark was a type of moviewe had never seen before,so the best.

edeliz said...

Raiders of the Lost Ark was hard to beat, it was new, fresh, original and yet it harked back to the days of serial movies from the 40's. But The Last Crusade with Sean Connery as Henry Jones Sr. was so good! Hard to choose!

Anonymous said...

The first one I ever saw was Temple of Doom and I loved it. I still love the other two, but you have to love your first!
e yoste (at) aol (dot) com

janetfaye said...

My favorite is Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

Raiders of the Lost Ark followed by Last Crusade, Temple of Doom. Let's be honest though, they are all pretty cool and Harrison Ford looks great in all of them!

Sandy (at) nibblestreats (dot) com

jellosheriff said...

Last Crusade was my fave.

Wehaf said...

Definitely Raiders of the Lost Ark!

urchiken at gmail dot com

clynsg said...

It's almost a toss-up between Raiders of the Lost Ark and The Last Crusade--in fact I would be hard pressed to pick between the two.

four2vero said...

Hello. My favorite Indy movie is Raiders of the Lost Ark. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

My fave is Raiders of the Lost Ark. aewalls425@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

I like the first one- Raiders of the Lost Arc because my dad took me when I was 12 and it was so exciting.


Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

Raiders of the Lost Ark

elaina said...

I think Raiders of the Lost Ark is my favorite. We own the trilogy, and my husband watches them about once a year.

elaina said...

i subscribe to your feed.

imjasonc said...

Raiders of the Lost Ark

redron said...

want to win this


raiders of the lost ark is the best

Anonymous said...

Raiders of the Lost Ark - I think that's a classic


Anonymous said...

My favorite was the Temple of Doom. Those snakes kill me every time!


Kt said...

it seems like a popular answer...but raiders of the lost ark is my fav!!


DOLL said...

Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark and the Temple of doom are among my favorites along with all the rest.

Sunnyvale said...

We need this to complete the collection.

Rita M said...

That's an easy one... Raider of the Lost Ark.

Kelly said...

My favorite was this last one, the crystal skull. We all went to the theater to see it and were just talking about buying it.

pintolinda said...

My favorite is Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.

Anonymous said...

Raiders is my favorite Indy movie!!


phxbne said...

Temple of Doom

Anonymous said...

The Last Crusade was my favorite!

LadyBug-Kellie said...

I liked Raiders of the Lost Ark the Best!! I would love to see this new one - you know how it is when you have a kid. No more movie theater!!

LadyBug-Kellie said...

I have your button on my blog!

Anonymous said...

The first movie, "Raiders" was the best by far.


Anonymous said...

Raiders of the Lost Ark.
My favorite movie of all time!


JulieMoe said...

The Last Crusade

Erica C. said...

I don't think I can pick a favorite!

Julie Donahue said...

My favorite is Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Julie Donahue said...

I have your button on my blog.

Anonymous said...

Raiders of the Lost Ark was my fave.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the first movie the most, although all were very enjoyable.

Alyce said...

My favorite Indiana Jones movie was the Last Crusade. I loved watching Sean Connery as Indy's dad.

akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

I love the Temple of Doom. russell day vrday68@charter.net

Anonymous said...

It is hard to believe, but I have yet to see one of these movies. Thanks for the chance.

Mia J. said...

I liked them all but my favorite would have to be the Last Crusade with Sean Connery. I loved all those scenes with Indiana and his dad.

Anonymous said...

My favorite is The Last Crusade. I just love the way Indy and his dad play off of each other. It is nice to see why he turned out the way he did.

Mom said...

My favorite is the Raiders of the Lost Ark. Thanks for the chance to win!

reddon30 said...

Raiders of the Lost Ark...thank you.

kristilb19 said...

The Last Crusade is my fav!

Brooke Lorren said...

Raiders of the Lost Ark

stowelljg said...

The first was the best, but each had it's own appeal.

paryjeja said...

My favorite was Raiders of the Lost Ark.

daveg0929 said...


Karen said...

Raiders of the Lost Ark.

ktgonyea at gmail.com

Linda said...

Raiders of the Lost Ark.

aprilgup said...

The Temple of Doom is my favorite

Cherie J said...

Raiders of the lost Ark


Gina said...

Raiders of the Lost Ark!

RE said...

My ulitmate fav is Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Thanks!

destee said...

Raiders of the Lost Arc was my fave!

msrodeobrat said...

my favorite is this new one

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen the new one yet. My favorite is Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.

littlelatina said...

Great adventure flicks

Tamara B. said...

I liked the Raiders of the Lost Ark, he was superb in that movie.

Tamara B. said...

I am a subscriber.

Anonymous said...

Raiders of the Lost Ark was my favorite. Thanks.

walters123 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

I am a subscriber.

walters123 (at) hotmail (dot) com

mar said...

My favorite was and still is Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Andrea @ Momma in Flip Flops2 said...

Definitely Raiders of the Lost Ark. I like when that ball chases him.. I always remember that part from wheN i was a kid. My hubby would love this. Thanks.

Andrea @ Momma in Flip Flops2 said...

I have your button on my site. =)

Anonymous said...

I loved Raiders of the Lost Ark. It was so exciting.

Anonymous said...

I am a subscriber.

CCAT45 said...

I liked the first one best.

Anonymous said...

Raiders of the Lost Ark is definitely my favorite of the original 3! Harrison Ford is one of my favorite actors because of this movie.

april77523 at aol dot com

hues262 said...

Raiders of the Lost Ark, though I liked them all. Alan

Kari said...

I love the new one, he looks better than ever! :)

Smooshy said...

temple of doom

Becky said...

I loved Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom...too funny a movie

azrosebud said...

Raiders of the Lost Ark is my absolute favorite! thank you

Anonymous said...

you're on my sidebar :)

Anonymous said...

my favorite was the Last Crusade!

Anonymous said...

The Last Crusade!!!

I will admit that I was rather young and kinda dumb when the first one came out, and I live in Indiana, and i thought they took place there.... haha!

karissag at gmail.com

Anonymous said...

your button is on my blog!

karissag at gmail.com

Molly C. said...

Raiders of the Lost Ark of course!

Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy said...

My favorite would have to be The Temple of Doom. My husband is still mad that he didn't make it to the theater to watch this last Indy movie. Pretty sure he blames me so this would be great, for both of us!

Brooke said...

My favorite Indy film is Indiana Jones & the Last Crusade. I love all the humor & the chemistry between Ford & Connery.


Brooke said...

I'm a subscriber at my google email, anon979. Thanks for the contest.


Stephanie said...

We just rented this movie this past weekend and I was pleasantly surprised. The film fit in quite well with the rest of the Indiana Jones series. It was a bit cheesy and over-the-top, but also highly entertaining and full of action. Harrison Ford was excellent, Shia Labeouf was excellent. I agree with you that Shia will make a great IJ if the series heads in that direction.

As for my favorite IJ movie, I really can't say. It's been ages since I've seen any of the movies...

Stephanie said...

*Extra Credit* I posted this giveaway in my Tuesday Tour's column last week: http://metropolitanmama.net/2008/10/tuesday-tours-whats-happening-on-the-web-38/.

Jen Mc said...

I like the Temple of Doom and the Last Crusade.

Crystal said...

My favorite Indy movie is the Last Crusade - Harrison Ford and Sean Connery made a great couple.


Sara said...

the last crusade's my favorite. I havent seen the new one

Linda ★ Parker's General said...

lindanuts (at) yahoo (dot) com

Linda ★ Parker's General said...

I have your button on my sidebar


nancy said...

They're all fantastic but my favourite is Raiders of the Lost Ark

stupendousdan said...

The first was the best!

Anonymous said...

Temple of doom

yyeres said...

Raiders of the Lost Ark was my favorite, thanks for the contest! yyeres at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

raiders of the lost ark is my fav

Anonymous said...

Raiders of the Lost Ark, I guess although like you said these movies were part of my childhood so I really liked all of them. Haven't seen this one yet though.

Whippeteer said...

The first is usually the best

smythbr said...

Temple of Doom

Anonymous said...

My favorite was the first one. I had a crush on harrison ford from the star wars movie and wanted to see even more of him. The first was so original at the time too.

wigget said...

my favorite was last crusade

Mae B said...

Im a traditional gal - love the last crusade!

haven't seen the newest one yet I'm afraid.

Anonymous said...

The first movie is my favorite. Raiders of the lost Ark?

lulu1491 at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...


lulu1491 at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

The Temple of doom

Anonymous said...

The Temple of doom

katy said...

My favorite is Raiders of the Lost Ark. I love them all but I haven't seen this last one.

Guitar Guy said...

the last crusade is my favorite

Robert said...

Raiders of the Lost Ark is my favorite!

Veronica said...

Raiders of the Lost Ark was my favorite of the Indiana Jones movies :)

tatertot374 said...

Thank you for having this. My favorite is Raiders of the Lost Arc. Thank you!

Jenna said...

The Last Crusade is my favorite. For some reason it makes me want to ride a horse.

chromiumman said...

the third one - you cant beat sean connery

Anonymous said...

raiders of the Lost Ark - all time favorite!!

Kit Kat K said...

Raiders of the lost ark

vboackle said...

temple of doom.

Think about it said...

my favorite indy movie is-
raiders of the ark..

i thought i was going to like the last newest movie. but i HATED It.
i was bored.

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

Loved The Last Crusade because of the fabulous casting of Indy's dad. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

I subscribe to your feed in my Google Reader :)

fancyfeet48 said...

Raiders of the Lost Ark

Anonymous said...

This one was my favorite. Because I never saw the old indiana jones movies.

Jayfr said...

The first movie is my favorite. It was the first movie I saw in the theatre more than once. Great...

ky2here said...

I'm sticking with the original.

Giant Sis said...

Definitely Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Reyn said...

Raiders of the Lost Ark

bongeezer said...

Raiders of the Last Ark.

bongeezer said...

Raiders of the Last Ark.

pink182 said...

oh my fav indiana jones is the last crusade hands down (even though it was not the LAST crusade apparently)

denyse said...

Raiders of the Lost Ark

Rose said...

Temple of Doom is my favorite one.

Anonymous said...

my favorite is this one you are giving away I finally got a chance to see it great movie


Anonymous said...

the last crusade was my favorite, but I havent seen the new one yet

Ken said...

My favorite Indy movie was The Temple Of Doom. It was awfully creepy to watch. Please accept my entry. Thank you.

Anita Yancey said...

My favorite is Raiders Of The Lost Ark.

Charlotte said...

I love Raiders of the Lost Ark!


Stacy said...

Temple of Doom


Anonymous said...

The original...Raiders of the Lost Ark!!!

Harrison Ford...Yummie :)


Anonymous said...

Raiders of the Lost Ark

Angela said...

Raiders of the Lost Ark was the best.

artmarcia said...

Raiders of the Lost Ark--definitely!

Anonymous said...

raiders rules! - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

Anonymous said...

Raiders of the Lost Ark

Trisha D said...

raiders of the lost ark

Anonymous said...

I liked Raiders of the Lost Ark! I would love this win. I haven't seen it yet! Thanks! senekers@comcast.net

Unknown said...

Mine is Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Anonymous said...

my fav is The Last Crusade

ardy22 at earthlink.net

Anonymous said...

Raiders of the lost arc

Anonymous said...

My favorite Indy movie is Raiders. When I saw it I forgot all about Superman. Indy became my new hero !


Anonymous said...

I am subscribed.


sissy76 said...

I like Indiana jones and the Temple of Doom the best but my kids like Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull the best!

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