Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I think I'm in the doghouse.

I've been working so much lately and between Connor, school and the blog my poor puppies have been a bit neglected in the attention area. Pretty much me giving them attention has been a few kind words and some treats at lunchtime before I head off for school of sit down to do my work while Connor naps. I'm starting to feel a little guilty to be honest.

Quite possibly I could make it up to them by buying them some cool treats over at Red Dog House. I've actually been looking into buying them a great outdoor bed that would look fabulous out on our screened in porch. The dogs spend most of their time out there these days, I have the best back yard and a cool screened in porch with a doggie door so it seems a shame not to let them have their run of the yard. The only problem is finding a great looking bed that will hold up and not look like something the rat dragged in after just a few days outside. The first thing that caught my eye over at Red Dog House was the awesome Coney Island Outdoor Bed they have available. Sleek modern looking wide stripes would look amazing inside the house beside my black furniture or even better out on the sun porch and it would give us a space that at least for me is traditionally hard to decorate some extra style! I really need to add it to my Christmas wish list for them!

If your looking for some great stocking stuffers for your dogs or as gifts for friends there are tons of great options for those pampered pooches out there. The Natural Balance Conditioning Shampoo smells like something I would want to use in my own hair. I have a long haired chihuahua who is my pride and joy. Though not the first champion to grace my household he is certainly our first champion chihuahua and one of the most gorgeous creatures I've ever seen, but then again I'm partial. The only issue I have with him is all the time he spends laying in the grass leaves his hair dry and between the humidity in Alabama and his dried out hair from too much sunbathing it leaves his gorgeous long hair frizzy. It almost looks as if someone burned his hair with a curling iron. You'd never know if you saw him some days that he was even the great dog he is. I've just been having the worst time finding a shampoo that won't dry him out anymore and leave his hair looking better. The Natural Balance shampoo leaves him looking great, makes it way easier to brush him out later, and I'm fairly positive he smells better than I do after his baths. heh.

If your looking for a special treat for the the picky dog, or just a special dog on your list that may be a bit overweight the Wildside Salmon treats are not only a special luxury for your fur friends but Salmon is a great treat for any dog but its one of the treats I recommend for my overweight dog friends as its highly nutritious and its very low in fat. Though there are a handful of dogs that will not eat Salmon, *cough* Melos..., all of my dogs other than our little prince Melos who refuses to eat anything that even remotely resembles a "dog" treats loves it!

Check out the full selection over at Red Dog House, your bound to find something really awesome for your fur friends!

Red Dog House was kind enough to send me a jar of Super Easy Ear Wipes to give away to one reader! Lemon and Marigold scented it will leave your dogs ears smelling fresh and its so much easier to attempt to clean a dogs ears with a wipe verses risking using a qtip on a wiggly dog.

To enter :

  • Leave a comment on this post. Check out the Red Dog House and tell me what you would like to get your fur friend for christmas from their selection!
  • Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com) We have had to disqualify a lot of potential winners as of late as many people do not have emails available in their profiles or leave anonymous posts without any way to contact you.
  • Please US entries only.
  • To get extra credit :
    • For an extra entry :
    • Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
    • Non Bloggers (or bloggers) subscribe to my mailing list/RSS feed and earn another entry!
    • One extra credit per person. Please post your extra credit in a separate post.
    • This contest will end Oct 30th at midnight!


Ladytink_534 said...

Oh I love this site! My favoirte doggie clothes at the moment are the pink Mommy's Girl and the It's Not Easy Being a Princess. Lucy would look SO cute in those! The Book Fetch Toys are really cute too... but I'm afraid it might encourage her to go after real books.

Anonymous said...

I would get the plush toy polka dot pump. The ear wipes sound great! Its so hard to clean my dogs ears,,she hates me doing it but she must have it done!

Momma J said...

I just love the coururoy lounge bed!


Kristie said...

Our dog's ears could use a good cleaning! And I think he would love the CORDUROY LOUNGE BED :)

khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Anonymous said...

Everything is so cute on this site! I truly love all of the little charms, the Daisy bed, and the Eco Bamboo beds.


Anonymous said...

And I'm an e-mail subscriber.


Anonymous said...

The good Karma Rope toys are great! my dogs love to play tug a war!

thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

I have your button!

Anonymous said...

I am subscribed to your RSS!

AmandaK said...

I know for a FACT that my puppy, Lucky, would love the COCO BOW BLANKET. He's cold-natured and this would make him feel warm at night!!

agordon10 said...

that bon ton looks fun for my pup!


Usually Ships 2-3 Days
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Raise Lola’s dining experience to new heights! Contemporary and clean, the first wall-mounted dog diner for the hippest hounds around. In placing the bowls on the wall, the innovative design elevates the food off the floor and provides the perfect customized eating position for the progressive pet. Secures firmly to the wall via keyhole mounts. Fabricated utilizing 16 guage laser cut steel. Made in the U.S.A.

Maja said...

coururoy lounge bed

judybrittle said...

I just love the Squares Have It dog bed. That is really nice. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

My doggie would like the good karma rope toys. I would pick the bear.

Tiffany said...

My dogs would love the large size BETTIE -- they love to tug, and retrieve, and chase things that bounce and roll. And the ear wipes sound fabulous! Our dogs' ears are big, floppy, and deep, and the wipes would be way better than cotton balls. Thanks!

kygirl said...

coururoy lounge bed

Anonymous said...

My dog would love the lounge bed.

Abby said...

The good Karma rope toys!

ajcmeyer AT go DOT com

valerie2350 said...

the hiking boots are adorable!

camper223 said...

I would like for him to get a new pad like the landing pad.
Thank you..

mverno said...

the courdry lounge bed

missdenise said...


rosannepm said...

Good Karma rope toy

Kari said...

Awesome things!! My dog is an 11 year old golden retriever who LOVES her rope toy so I'd get the good karma rope toys!!

Kari said...

Im a subscriber!

Unknown said...

What a great site. Thanks for sharing. I have book marked. I like the Jeweled Harness. My daughter hooks our dog Luna to a cart.

Smooshy said...

a good karma rope toy!

judybrittle said...

I love the Snugga Wubba how cute is that name? Thank you!

Miss Spoken said...

I like the Good Karma Rope Toys

Mommy 2 Monkeys said...

I like the Sporta Cane bowls.

fancyfeet48 said...

I just love the coururoy lounge bed

Anonymous said...

We started by sitting on the couch sharing a big bowl of popcorn she made in the microwave. When the popcorn was gone we lay side by side, her against the back of the couch, me in front with my back against her stomach. Her arm was draped over me. We were laughing at one particular scene in the movie at which time I turned my head back to face her and she kissed me.

She pulled me closer to her and that’s when her hand began to do a little roaming. By now I could feel myself getting warm, wet and rather needy. The movie was ending but we weren’t paying much attention anymore. We were both still fully dressed. Her in long pants, me in shorts. Her leg slipped over mine and she pulled me yet even closer with her leg and arms that were wrapped around me. At about 5’ 4” and maybe 120 pounds, she’s stronger than she looks. But I wasn’t nervous or worried she’d be rough with little ole 105-pound me who’s 3” shorter. Instead I was worried about doing the wrong thing or not doing something I should be doing. I’ve never been with anyone before! I’ve kissed and gotten touch-feely with both guys and gals, yes, but nothing serious. If oral sex is supposed to be considered “light sex,” then you could say I only had only “feather-light” experience! (I later told this to Courtney and she was practically rolling around on the floor with laughter at the terms I used to describe my lack of experience)

I turned to face her as the credits rolled and we were in total lip-loc. It was an awesome feeling! I’ve kissed, but never like that before!

Oh, wow. Not even half a dozen paragraphs and it’s taken me forever to type just this much! Guess I’m not a very fast typist. I only typed this much because I couldn’t sleep. I’ll get to the juiciest part either tomorrow after work or maybe even before work. I really should try to get a few more hours of sleep. It’s just that all the excitement has screwed up my routine.

Oh, there is one thing before I return to bed. Someone noted me asking who the hell is U!!! (polite way, huh?) I don’t feel safe with a profile. There’s so many crazies out there. For now I won’t go any further than my first name, town and state, and I believe I’ve mentioned my age and physical description in my entries.

Tamara B. said...

Would love to get our new dog a really nice food and water bowl. I like the JESTER DOUBLE FEEDER way to cute.

Millie said...

I love the coururoy lounge bed! Thank you so much for the chance to win such a great gift!

Millie said...

I am a subscriber :)

Mom said...

I would get the Wubba Wubba toy. Thanks for the chance to win!

Karen said...

I love the lounge bed :)

ktgonyea at

Anonymous said...

I always try to get treats so the Peanut Butter Pumpkin Biscuits sound perfect! Thank you for the contest!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My Golden has very dry skin with tons of dandruff. So I think I need to try the Natural Shampoo. But all the treats look great too.

Anonymous said...

I am a new subscriber.

Anonymous said...
a new scratching post~

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
denyse said...

My sweety would love the lounge bed!

Think about it said...

a furminator.

windycindy said...

What a fun site! We just got a rescue beagle puppy. She has been quite sick with Distemper and we are lucky to still have her. Her name is "Daisy!"
The "Double Duty Chewer" would come in very handy for Daisy. Thanks, Cindi

windycindy said...

I am a subscriber to your site!

Anonymous said...

I love the Squares Have It and the corduroy lounger. My 4-legged kids would love any of these!

jemmmers74 said...

samson would like the good Karma rope toys

Miranda Ward said...

The lounge bed

Heather B said...

punky could really use a new bed! she would love a lounge bed im sure

bleu said...

I think our dog would like the MAIS OUIS.

bleuteam at gmail dot com

klokid said...


wigget said...

the red argyle sweater is adorable!

yellowlabs said...

Our dogs would love the Peanut Butter and Carrot biscuits!

Jennifer-Eighty MPH Mom said...

I would love to get my furry friend the Peanut Butter Pumpkin Biscuits...I'm sure I could find a few more things too!

Helen said...

My Heidi would love the TURKEY SAUSAGE & ROMANO treats.

Brooke said...

Holy Moly! The Pet Tube is FANTASTIC!!

Anonymous said...

We had two cocker spaniels for almost 17 years. One of their favorite resting areas was some homemade bedding - very similar to the corduroy bed from Red Dog House. Thank you for bringing that website to our attention as we are soon expecting to bring another pair of 4-legged kids into our family :)

klp1965 said...


Stephanie Jeanne said...

I love the candy heart bed.
It is colorful and cute!

djgroz said...

Peanut Butter Pumpkin Biscuits

Heather said...

I like the corduroy bed.

Anonymous said...

I would like to get the 8-Ball.

arvard said...

I like the coururoy lounge bed.

/\Heather/\ said...

I think the PRISON DOG outfit would be useful all year 'round. Sweet!

cman said...

I love the large POLAR FLEECE BLANKET in grey :)

Donna said...

I would like to get him the corduroy lounge bed.

lilyk said...

I love the Snugga Wubba!

lilyk said...

I subscribed to your mailing list.

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