I think many little girls, and even more adults have grown up absolutely loving Tinker Bell. Peter Pan's very opinionated fairy companion you can't help to love her. For a fairy who really only played a supporting role to a boy who refuses to grow up she has made a huge impact on so many. The problem is do we really even know anything about Tinkerbell? I mean other than the fact that she would love to have Peter Pan all to herself.
Well now is your chance to learn about Tinker Bell without the lost boys hanging around. Finally after all these years admiring Tinker Bell from afar we are getting a first look into Tinker Bell's life as well as the inner working of the Disney fairies!
After Tinker Bell arrives Pixie Hollow she discovers her hidden talent is as a Tinker fairy but she has the worst time accepting her role as part of the Tinker fairies as she is convinced that a life of fixing things is not the most glamorous one. She finds herself wishing that she was any sort of fairy other than herself and even attempts to rounds up the thistle weeds to prove she can be a garden fairy only to end up making a HUGE mess. We all wish we were somewhere or someone else at times, but the grass is not always so green on the other side. Finding a skill that is uniquely your own is really the greatest gift and Tinker Bell has a hard time accepting that.I watched Tinker Bell in blu ray and my entire screen lit up during Tinker Bell's arrival to Pixie Hollow. Watching the pixie dust glow stopped me and Connor both in our tracts as at first we just started watching it while we were playing on the floor and from that moment forward we were both totally transfixed on the screen. Though I have not seen this movie in its standard format the blu ray version is so beautiful. All of the colors are bright, and the magical effects from the fairies are amazing. The animation is top notch and I almost hate to say this as its sort of a girlie movie but the CGI work is top notch from the delicate wings on the fairies to the fur on Tinker Bell's mouse friend its stunning and very Disney.
Tinker Bell is available on Oct 28th in both blu ray and standard and you can preorder your copy right now on Amazon.
I have a super exciting giveaway for you guys. I have three copies of Tinker Bell to give away to my readers in the standard format. Every little girl on your Christmas wish list will be dying to get her hands on Tinker Bell's first appearance! Along with the copies of the DVDs each winner will also get their own pair of Tinker Bell wings!!!
To enter :
- Leave a comment on this post. Tell us which Tinker Bell and tell me why your excited about seeing Tinker Bell in her first feature!
- Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com) We have had to disqualify a lot of potential winners as of late as many people do not have emails available in their profiles or leave anonymous posts without any way to contact you.
- Please US entries only.
- To get extra credit :
- For an extra entry :
- Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
- Non Bloggers (or bloggers) subscribe to my mailing list/RSS feed and earn another entry!
- One extra credit per person. Please post your extra credit in a separate post.
- This contest will end Nov 30th at midnight!
I am glad to see Tinkerbell get her own show. I have always wondered where she came from as we have all learned about Peter Pan and such.
tinkerbell is so awesome and heard- ok read that this has some great effects for its time- I am glad to see more girl movies that are not barbie or makeup obsessed- this has a great storyline- very positive mrs.mommyyATgmailDOTcom
I like the main charachter Pixie Hollow. I just can't wait to see it, I love Fairies and it's just so cute.
my niece has always been a big fan of tinkerbell!
Tinkerbell has always stole the show in Peter Pan. Hence my girls really look forward to seeing her own feature.
Tinkerbell is so cute,I love her little voice
She is so pretty- she deserves the spotlight in her own flick :)
I have always liked Tinkerbell, and have wanted to know her story. Thank you!
my granddaughter loves tinker bell and wants to see this...thanks for the great giveaway
I am excited because this would be a great way to introduce Tinker Bell to my daughter since she has worn outfits with Tinker Bell on them but has no idea who she is.
What little girl shoot every little boys wouldnt like this? I have always loved the spunkiness of Tink!Thanks for the chance to win such a cute gift!
We would love to have th standard edition. Gracie loves Tinkerbell and this movie would be for her.
I would love to see Tinker Bell in her own movie-it really looks cute! I love the the lesson about learning her own unique abilities-very great to teach kids!
khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com
My granddaughter loves tinkerbell.
I would like the Bluray edition, and I'm excited to see Tinkerbell get her own movie because I've always had a soft spot for her
I would love the standard edition of lovely Tinkerbell. I have always loved Tinkerbell and can't wait to see this. Thank you so much!
judybrittle at aol dot com
I would LOVE to know tinkerbells story! This DVD would be great!
The standard version would be awesome. I am excited to see the movie because I don't know the story behind Tinkerbell and would like to learn it.
i would like to have my grandson to watch this
My grandfather nicknamed me Tink when I was little. Ever since then, I have loved Tinkerbell. I would love to learn more about her. Can't wait to see the movie.
Hope I win my son's a cross dresser so this would be an ideal gift.
I've been fascinated by the idea of fairies and other magical creatures ever since I saw Disney's The Gnomemobile as a child. After watching Spiderwick and reading Brandon Mull's FairyHaven series of books recently, it has reawakened my curiousity for all things magical and mythical.
I'd love to win this for my daughters for Christmas. My 5 year old is love with the preview and thinks it just looks awesome, while my 3 year old wants to see it because she's a huge Tinkerbell fan. I think they both really get in to the fairy idea, plus she's just so cute. I always loved Julia Roberts' portrayal of Tink in the non-animated HOOK. So, that in and of itself makes me excited to check out a new version of her.
Thanks for the entry!!
I'm a subscriber as well.
My daughters love Tinkerbell but they don't like Peter Pan too much. To have her staring in her own show, it'd be great.
Tink has always been one of my favorite characters..and now she's one of my daughter's favorites as well!
I'd want the standard, like most girls',mydaughter loves fairies.
My little girl is going to be Tinker Bell this year for Halloween. She's a big hit at our house and it's about time she got her own movie!
treflea4 at gmail dot com
I'm a suscriber! Thanks.
treflea4 at gmail dot com
Niece is a year old.. Her first Tinkerbell :o)
She deserves her own feature! I want to see her life without Pan!
I am looking forward to seeing it with my 3 granddaughters. The littlest thinks SHE is Tinkerbell =D
I'm excited to see this Tinker Bell movie because she was always my favorite character in Peter Pan. It's always nice to see movies with girls as the leading characters!
Thanks so much!!
Michele R.(CA)
I'm a subscriber!
Thanks so much!!
Michele R.(CA)
I'd like the standard copy please. We have the DVD of Peter Pan, and my two oldest kids' favorite character is Tinker Bell, so I know that they'd be thrilled to see this movie.
Alicia Webster
I'm happy to see Tinkerbell in her first movie because my granddaughter loves fairies and she would love this movie!
I would love to win the new Tinker Bell movie for my little girl. She adores Tinkerbell and it's about time that ol' Tink gets the lime light. I mean after all she did drink poison for Peter, she deserves her own feature!
It's nice to see Tinkerbell in her own film.
Because my daughter loves tink.
rebbi511 at peoplepc.com
I am totally obsessed with DisneyFairies.com and Pixie Hollow - I've made like 10 fairies! I also have three nieces under the age of 4 and a soon-to-be niece-in-law who's 5. And my nickname for my little sister growing up (she's 18 now) was/is Tink. ;-) I would LOVE this DVD!!
I think that this is going to be a great "family" movie. My daughter, Rielly loves fairies and would really love watching this, but I think the whole family would enjoy this movie. Thanks so much for this giveaway.
I am a subscriber
I just love to have movies anyone can wasch. Love tinkerbell in Peter Pan so thi should be great.Love the names of her friends, especially Fawn.
Even though Tinkerbell played a small role in "Peter Pan", her character made quite an impression. It would be fun watching her star in her own movie. Many thanks.....Cindi
I am subscribed to your site! Thanks, Cindi
Our family loves Tinkerbell! The main Chracter!!! We haven't seen this movie yet!
I'm excited to see Tinkerbell as a main character this time. We love Tink!
it's original, never been done before
My 5 year old son and 4 year old daughter love Peter Pan, and can't wait to see Tinker Bell in her own movie. She is by far a great character for girls to "look up to"!
Kendra Wiley
this looks like a great film for the whole family
I grow up with tinker bell
i agree with others that tinker bell is so pretty! i am excited to see tinker bell cause America Fererra is voicing one of the characters!! thank you
denice p
doozercries @ yahoo.com
I'm a big Tinkerbell fan.
lilacbutterfly [at] earthlink.net
Good to see there is a world outside of Peter Pan for Tinkerbell! I can't wait to see her talk!
Rockapink at aol dot com
Silvermist is the character of choice for my niece. I would like to surprise her and make her smile.
The kids will love it.
She is so cute! My niece would love this :)
Great movie that we can watch as a family.
Would love to win a copy of this film - who doesn't love Tinkerbell?!
Tinkerbell adds to my disney collection, it's a must have, t hanks for sponsoring
I grew up watching Tink do her fireworks over the castle on sunday night, so I think it is about time she gets her own movie.
my daughter thinks she is Tinker Bell
I want my granddaughter to see it. She is into fairies right now
I definitely agree that Tinkerbell stole the show in Peter Pan. I know my kids would love to see this new movie :)
...because Peter Pan isn't in it!
I love Tinkerbell and I am glad they made a movie about her.
I love Tinkerbell
My daughter's favorite character is Tinkerbell.
ktgonyea at gmail.com
I have always loved Tinkerbell since Peter Pan :)
I'd love to win
My daughter LOVES tinkerbell. Her room is purple & green for tinkerbell. And the day I am entering your contest it is her 9th bday! So maybe I will win for a late bday present!
My email is in my blog!
I would like the standard dvd copy, and I am excited because my daughter loves tinkerbell!
I am a subscriber!
I am sorry, but I am confused in what you mean by tell you which Tinker Bell? I read some saying they want the standard, etc. So if we get a choice, I guess I would pick Blu-Ray first, but standard is just great too.
I am excited to see Tink in her first feature, because she has always been the MAGIC of Disney to me. When Wonderful World of Disney used to come on when I was a little girl...the beginning always had tink and I knew the magic was starting!
Um, standard? My daughter has been anxiously waiting for this to come out! I'd love to win a copy for her.
I like to have this in blu-ray but standard format is OK. I'm glad Tinker Bell got her own movie after being a supporting character all these years.
I'm a subscriber, too.
I'd be happy with either Blu-ray or standard format. I think my kids would love Tink! Plus, now I'm addicted to the new Pixie Hollow (oh, did I just admit that?)
Blue-Ray would be great - and who doesn't love Tinkerbell?!
Tinkerbell is such a doll my grandaughter say disney on ice and she loves her now. thanks
my daughter will be beside herself. she loves tinkerbell and almost got that costume for halloween. she loves dress up too, so the wings will come in handy. bout time she got her own movie
verypissedoff at verizon dot net
I love the Disney movies and am now able to pass it on to my little girls. I wanted boys but am now so glad I have my very own Princess's. And my oldest (almost 2) is a fairy fan.
we'd love to see it
My nieces are coming for Thanksgiving - they would be SO excited to see this movie!
Pixie Hollow is adorable. Congrats Tink!
we've always liked Tinkerbell
My 4 year old granddaughter would just go crazy to have this video. Tinkerbelle is her absolute favorite!
I am a follower and I have your button on my sidebar here>
I am so excited for Tinkerbell to have her own movie! How fun!!
I also have your button on my sidebar!! Thanks!
Definitely the standard version. I'm excited about this because Tinkerbell was always my favorite. I always rooted for her over Wendy.
Nice that she has her own movie after being taken for granted all these years. And Blu-ray would be nice.
I'm, also, a subscriber.
I love the classic blonde tinker bell and would love to see it in the standard dvd edition. I am not advanced up to blue ray yet.
I'd love to show this to the special little one in my life. Thanks as always for offering wonderful giveaways
Tinker bell was always my girls' favorite but she never has had a big enough role, so I am thrilled she is getting her own feature. She is so darling and playful and little girl like.
We love Tinker bell here. We'd love the standard edition. I can't believe how far animation has come over the years. What a beautiful theme of being true to yourself in this movie. Now THIS is something young ladies really do need to hear.
I'd want Tinkerbell on Blu-Ray. My little girl loves fairies and would love this.
Standard. I would love this because my granddaughter and I love watching movies together and since neither one of us has seen this, it would be fun.
my girls would love this! they listen to the music online over and over :)
your button's on my blog :)
We love tink, and I know this would thrill my daughter if I won!
Im a subscriber!
We love Tinkerbell! She's funny and adorable!
I love Tinkerbell. She doesn't put up with anything! LOL My girls would love this movie.
Tinkerbell is adorable and I'm looking forward to see her as a star in this.
1bmore @ gmail . com
I would love the standard edition. I am excited to learn more about Tinkerbell as I have only seen her in the Peter Pan movie.
websurfergirl19 AT hotmail DOT com
I have subscribed.
websurfergirl19 AT hotmail DOT com
Tinker deserves her own movie, after appearing in so many other Disney movies. Standard is ok, but we can play blue-ray
She's so cute & I know Disney will do a great job.
Tink has finally been given the chance to shine all on her own. How wonderful. She is NOW the star and not Peter Pan. I have always loved Tinker Bell and am excited to see the movie...:0
Peter Pan has always been my fav. This would be great to show to my daughter. Thanks!
The look on my granddaughter face when she see the movie
Fawn is my favorite of the fairies ( I took the quiz) because I love animals, but my girls always loved Tink and would love to see this one
Tinkerbell finally talks! theamira1970 at gmail dot com
She is just so cute!
Tinkerbell was always so magical any mysterious to me. I would love to see her first feature film with my little one!
babychooch (at) gmail {dot} com
We don't have Blue-Ray yet, but I bet Tink will look great in regular DVD. I can't wait to here actually speak!
I subscribe to your feed and your button is on my blog.
my daughter is VERY excited to see this
I would love the standard edition. I love Tink and my son is so excited for this movie! justicecw@hotmail.com
We love Tinker Bell and are very happy she has her own movie.
We would love the standard edition. DOesn't every little girl dream about being Timkerbell at some point? This would be a dream come true for my little girl. I have to admit, I took the "which pixie would you be" quiz in the ad in a magazine; I would be either Silvermist or Irridessa.
we've always loved tinkerbell!!! we love those tinker fairies!!!
enter usp lease
Peter always got all of the fanfare. It's about time for Tink to shine.
I love Pixie Hollow! I am so glad that Tinkerbell finally has her very own movie! My girls would love this!!
Tinkerbell is awesome. It is nice she has her own movie now.
I am a subscriber.
Ever since I was a little girl I have always loved Tinkerbell. She was so me, a little sweet and a little sassy at times. Definitely my favorite of all of the Disney characters. This would make a wonderful present for my daughter this holiday. Thank-you.
I am a subcriber.
Our family loves Tinkerbell! The main Chracter
I love Tinkerbell
God bless our troops
please enter me, we love tinker bell and want to win this
This story is about learning to accept yourself as you are, which is a great lesson for kids.
My daughter loves Tink! She's been asking Daddy to buy the new movie for her! We'd love the standard version.
I would like to to win the standard version.
I am excited because I have liked her since I was a kid.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I am subscribed.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I love the original blonde tink.
i'm excited becuz my girls are so excited! we can't wait!
My girls are excited about Tinker Bell having her own movie. She's no longer a supporting character. I'd like to have the blu-ray version.
I'm happy to be a subscriber!
It will be a good time of bonding for me and my granddaughter.
My granddaughter loves Tinker Bell and the other fairies, so I know she'd be excited to watch this.
Oh I have always adored Tinker Bell. I remember the very first time I saw Peter Pan as a kid, I kept clapping my hands for days just to keep her alive. lol .. It is exciting to see that she finally has a show of her own .. after all there wouldn't be a Peter Pan if there wasn't Tinker Bell.
tinkerbell on bluray.. i remember loving tinkerbell as a kid myself :)with some things you never grow up i still watch the wizard of oz every year :)
I've always been fascinated with fearies and tinkerbell. I'd love to see this movie.
She has long deserved her own movie and this one looks very cute! Thanks!
She's waited long enough, I'm glad she talks.
My granddaughter is Tink's #1 fan and she would love to have this DVD. She watches Peter Pan just so she can see Tinkerbell.
Thanks for the chance to win!
proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com
I am so glad that Tinker Bell finally got her own movie, because my daughter is crazy about her. She would love this DVD.
Tinker Bell is so darn cute and magical!
she is sassy and reminds us to to "think happy thoughts"!
Standard version for me. I have always loved Tink, her petulant little fits amuse me.
I have loved Tinker Bell since I was a Kid.
My daughter loves her so much. I am even taking a tink cake for her birthday tommorow
Yep thats right she is our little turkey baby
Tinker Bell is my favorite teen fairy. I've always like how Disney made her a girl of the fifties and she hasn't changed that hairstyle. Please accept my entry. Thank you.
Tinker Bell was always my favorite from Peter Pan. I would love to watch this with my 3 little ones. THank you
I would love this, Chloe and I have been waiting to watch this one together!
Oh Tinkerbell, that sassy little sprite. I'd love to watch this one with my family!
I'm subscribed.
The story was waiting to be told
I am a subscriber
My daughter is the one who really wants to see this!
I must confess I'm 24 and I'd love to see this!
Am I to understand that Tinkerbell talks in this movie? I grew up with Peter Pan.
Would like the standard edition.
TinkerBell has always been so magical. I loved Peter Pan and Pixie as a child and always wanted to learn how to fly.
This would make a great present for my niece who is also fascinated with her.
I'm also a subscriber.
tinkerbell is my fav character in peter pan! - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com
I think the kids would enjoy Tinkerbell
ardy22 at earthlink.net
I'm excited because I know that my daughter would love it!
I'm excited because my 4-year-old daughter is excited.
We just came back from Disney World in Florida and would LOVE to win this movie!!! Thanks so much for the chance!!!
Looking forward to the walk-on by Tom Cruise. Or was that a different movie???
For my niece Hannah
I am so excited about this because my daughter Sarah Belle is such a huge fan that we nick named her Tinker Belle.
It cut off what you were saying but if you were asking what format then I want standard. I 'm excited to see it because I'm a huge fan and my girls are all excited, too.
i would love to win thanks so much our boys love peter pan but without a girl except me i cant justify buying what my husband will still call a chick flick
We'd take the standard Tinker Bell. My daughter has been talking about this DVD for months! Guess it's time to either buy it...or win it here! Thanks!
My daughters would just love this movie. My wife too.
walters123 (at) hotmail (dot) com
I am a subscriber
walters123 (at) hotmail (dot) com
My little girl would be so happy to win this Tinkerbell movie!! We go to Disneyland and watch Tinkerbell fly across the sky...so it would be great to see her on DVD.
i've always really liked her, i'm excited to see her in her own movie!
also a subscriber!
It's great to see Tinker Bell with a movie of her own. It sounds like it has a real positive message.
Tinkerbell has been the star ever since I first saw Peter Pan.
I'm excited to see Tinkerbell because she's just so cute.
txhottie_86 at yahoo dot com
My granddaughter loves Tinkerbell, please enter me.
Animation has come so far that I am excited to see all of the 'fairy dust powers' come to life. The wings make this an extra-special amazing prize. Tinker bell has always been captivating and I can't wait to see her own story. Thanks for another great giveaway!
Animation has come so far that I am excited to see all of the 'fairy dust powers' come to life. The wings make this an extra-special amazing prize. Tinker bell has always been captivating and I can't wait to see her own story. Thanks for another great giveaway!
You are on my sidebar and I LUV being a subscriber.
I would like the standard version. I have loved Tinker Bell since I was a small child.
I would love to win a standard copy of Tinker Bell because I still love fairy tales!
would like the full screen copy if possible - animation is my favorite
I would like to win the standard Tinker Bell - I am excited about gifting it to my niece.
The standard dvd is just fine by me and she's just so magical and delightful that it's about time she starred in her own feature!
I'm subscribed!
My daughter loves tinkerbell!
I love Tinkerbell and an entire movie devoted to her would be great!
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