Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Confort is its middle name.

While we are on the subject of neat gadgets when I saw the press release for this diaper bag I was really intrigued. Style wise its really unisex and dad's will appreciate the urban messenger bag styling. To be honest with you its just as functional as a diaper bag as it is as a laptop bag. Let me introduce you to the Slide Tote Bag!

Lets get to the point though the most obvious difference between this bag and your standard tote bag is its really unusual shoulder strap. All of the bags in the Slide line offer a super wide fabric shoulder strap which drapes over your shoulder to distribute the weight of the bag. Those of you that have used a ring sling or a wrap to carry your baby will already be familiar on how draping fabric widely over your shoulders helps distribute the weight evenly across your back virtually alleviating shoulder strain. With the Slide bag you can decide how much fabric you would like to drape by adjusting the sliding shoulder strap or even use it as a traditional bag by sliding the strap to the top of your shoulder. Personally I really like having the strap about at my collar bone with the fabric draped just around the top of my shoulder, the exact same way I would wear a ring sling.

The bag itself offers tons of storage options a removable divider, two very generously sized bottle holders on the side that will comfortably hold a baby bottle or even easily hold an adult sized drinking bottle or in my case a soda bottle.. heh. I gave the bag my ultimate bag test as I'm sure you guys know by now I am a nursing student and I have ridiculously heavy text books to carry with me to class not to mention my laptop so its not uncommon for me to be toting around what seems like more than I weigh in books every week. This causes me an immense amount of shoulder pain but I find that backpacks just don't do it for me as I like to keep things organized. The Slide Tote Bag easily holds everything I need to take with me, my laptop, something to drink, and that unique shoulder strap... its heaven. Classically a standard strap on a messenger bag will actually cause my arm to fall asleep if I have to carry my books too far if that tells you how heavy my book load is, this does not happen at all with the Slide's strap.

Diapers, books, your laptop, a gym bag, whatever you can think up the Slide Tote Bag can handle this is one bag that everyone in the family will fight over and will have a life far after the diaper stage is over.

Love your diaper bag but want to try out the Slide's special shoulder strap? Well that can be arranged as well. The Urban Sherpa Strap is sold separately as well!

Visit Go GaGa's website to see the entire line of Slide Bags as well as buy your own!

I have a Urban Sherpa Strap to give away to one lucky reader!

To enter :

  • Leave a comment on this post. Check out the Go GaGa's website and tell us which bag/color from their collection is your favorite!
  • Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com) We have had to disqualify a lot of potential winners as of late as many people do not have emails available in their profiles or leave anonymous posts without any way to contact you.
  • Please US entries only.
  • To get extra credit :
    • For an extra entry :
    • Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
    • Non Bloggers (or bloggers) subscribe to my mailing list/RSS feed and earn another entry!
    • One extra credit per person. Please post your extra credit in a separate post.
    • This contest will end Nov 30th at midnight!


wigget said...

hope it's as comfortable as it looks!

Anonymous said...

Pick me, pick me! :)

mountainrailway at gmail dot com

I'm the Mom said...

Love the strap and the bags!

VickieC said...

This looks like what I need to carry,it would help my back a lot,I watch my little grandsons an the baby is heavy to carry plus that diaper bag ,an hold on to a 3 yr old too,by the time we get anywhere im beat,thanks for the chance


Anonymous said...

your button's on my blog :)

Anonymous said...

all the bags look neat! I would want Cayenne or black :)

Sky said...

The Gondola bag looks fabulous! While they didn't show the Copper color, I'm sure that would be my choice!!

Ellerenee said...

I remember seeing something in a magazine about these cool bags but I could never their name. What would I do without you? The Slide Tote looks great. I also like the Messenger Bag in black. Great giveaway!

Ellerenee said...

I'm a subscriber.

Finamoon said...

I love the Slide Tote and the Messenger bag in black. Feedback: If they had blue I would pick that color but they don't.

websurfergirl19 AT hotmail DOT com

Finamoon said...

I subscribed.

websurfergirl19 AT hotmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

I like the slide tote bag in Cayenne!

Mommyhood is Thankless said...

I like the messenger bag, and I like both the giveaway bag and the messenger bag in black :D


Literary Winner said...

I like the gondola bag in black, but will have to buy the strap if by some strange chance I do not win. ;)
I have an awesome messenger bag that I could use for a diaper bag, but the strap was killing me, so this strap is a great idea!
hematopoiesis at hotmail dot com

Jenna said...

I like the Gondola bag in black. Simple and classy. I hope it is as comfortable as it looks! Great giveaway!

Miss Spoken said...

I like the Slide Tote in copper

Unknown said...

The Messenger Bag in Cayenne is one of my favorites. I really love these bags!

Unknown said...

your button is on my sidebar!

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

My favorite is the Messenger Bag in black. Thanks for the great new product!

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

I also subscribe to your feed in my Google Reader :)

Anonymous said...

The Messenger Bag Olive or Cayenne

Julie Donahue said...

I like the cayenne.

Julie Donahue said...

I have your button on my blog.

Anonymous said...

Its a toss up between the Slid Bag and the Messenger! This looks like it would be awesome as a diaper bag OR a school bag for me! I'm nervous about starting back to college after all these years, and this would be a great thing to look forward to carrying to school and more ergonomic for all those heavy text books!!!
dansan826 at

Anonymous said...

Also a subscriber!
dansan826 at

Brooke said...

I'm a subscriber.

Brooke said...

I love the messenger bag in black.

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