Friday, September 19, 2008

Run Connor!! Go long!

I'm sure I mentioned that when it comes to sports I'm pretty clueless. I keep having nightmares that Connor will be a star football player and I will be sitting at the game totally clueless as to whats going on, or even worst cheering for the wrong team. I'd like to say that nothing like that has ever happeend before but if I did I would be lying.

Nerf makes great sports gear which is not only fun for non sports people for me but easy for the whole family to use including the smallest members such as Connor. The new Nerf Pro Grip Football is no exception! Made from Nerf's signature soft foam insides and a super easy to grip and easy to throw textured outside its easy enough that even I can throw it pretty far. Which is saying a lot as seeing me throw a ball.. any ball... is almost laughable.

The weird part is I'm not sure how, maybe its a boy gene, but the moment we opened the box and I got the Nerf Pro Grip out of the packaging, Connor spent the next few hours running around the room with the ball tucked under his arm and then spiking it down followed by a happy dance. You'd swear he had been watching tons of football and was mimicking some of the guy's touch down dances, but I assure you he has never seen a football game in his life. I think I better hurry up and learn how to play football so I know whats going on as I'm fairly positive my boy will be a sports nut as he gets older.

You can pick up a Nerf Pro Grip in several football teams, your bound to find one you like, over at the Hasbro toy shop!

I have two Nerf Pro Grips to give away to our readers!

To enter :

  • Leave a comment on this post. Check out the Nerf Pro Grip and tell me which of the teams available is your favorite!
  • Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com) We have had to disqualify a lot of potential winners as of late as many people do not have emails available in their profiles or leave anonymous posts without any way to contact you.
  • Please US entries only.
  • To get extra credit :
    • For an extra entry :
    • Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
    • Non Bloggers (or bloggers) subscribe to my mailing list/RSS feed and earn another entry!
    • One extra credit per person. Please post your extra credit in a separate post.
    • This contest will end Oct 15th at midnight!


jceko77 said...

Chicago Bears for my nephew Freddie

Ane said...

I am surprised they don't have a Cowboys football. My next choice would be the Oakland Raiders football. Our kids would love this and so would their daddy! Thanks!!

kenzkween at hotmail dot com

Ane said...

Your button is in my sidebar!

kenzkween at hotmail dot com

Millie said...

I have looked all over there and I can not find teams of anything! I must be missing something.. I would love the orange grip football for my boys! Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

I have you button on my blog

Sarah S said...

The Chicago Bears football is my favorite!

Sky said...

I'd have to say the football with the NFL logo would be best in our home!! My son likes a lot of teams!!

Michele said...

Well, if I won this would be for my nephew, Cameron, and he lives in Washington State. I don't see that team. I noticed that the Gray and Black Spiderman one was the same price so I don't know if that's an option or not, but just in case, that would be the one I'd pick. If not, then I live in San Jose, and the closest team would be the Oakland Raiders. I'm like you and don't know how to play football, but I hope you learn soon so you can join in the fun with your son!!

Thanks so much!
Michele R.(CA)

Michele said...

I'm a subscriber!

Thanks so much!
Michele R.(CA)

kygirl said...

Football (Philadelphia Eagles)

peg42 said...

I'd have to go with the Giants. That's our favorite team. Thanks so much for this giveaway.

peg42 said...

I'm a subscriber. Thanks.

peg42 said...

I'm a subscriber. Thanks.

fancyfeet48 said...

The Chicago Bears

mverno said...

we're a household of giant fans and raising a new generation

gonzo40 said...

The Gipper has got my Gripper..........

Meredith said...

The Chicago Bears since I don't see the Patriots!

toasters lie said...

Since they don't have the Broncos, I pick the generic NFL one.

Beverley said...


Maja said...

Chicago Bears.

Rebecca said...

I would go for the New Orleans Saints :D


groovyteach said...

The Bears for my nephew, Brady. groovyteach(at)msn(dot)com

Sarah said...

I can't find it either...when I type in "nerf football", I get 2 results: an orange football and a blue football. But if they had the Broncos, that's what I'd pick!

ignoramoose (at) gmail (dot) com

Unknown said...

Philadelphia Eagles for my son



silverhartgirl said...

wow! I cant believe they have the Oakland Raiders.


could not find list but bears, dolphins, cowboys, eagles, rams, packers are favs here but its a football so it will be tossed not cherished and saved so teams do not matter

Jenn S. said...

Pittsburgh Steelers

Anonymous said...

I couldn't find the choices either. I even put Nerf Pro Grip in search :-(
I would like any football really.But if there is a Broncos, or Steelers, or Packers, one of those would be great !!!!!

Anonymous said...

I like the Giants, thank you for the giveaway.

chromiumman said...

oakland raiders

Jenny said...

Well, I'm not too sure on the team because I'm really only familiar with college teams. Let's go with the Chicago Bears :-) I am sports-clueless too, so I'd like to see how far I can throw it! My husband would like it and my daughter could pick it up and run around with it.


Anonymous said...

I've looked all over as well and can't seem to find it. My son would like this in the Chicago Bears team.

arbrashears said...

If I have to pick a team, I'd say the Chicago Bears. The one I really like the best of what they have available is the NERF PRO SHOP PRO GRIP Football (NFL) -- the NFL Version itself is so cool, and great colors!


arbrashears said...

I'm a subscriber!


toughturtles said...

jets jets jets

Libby Design said...

Who doesn't love a good nerf football!!?? I'd love a Green Bay Packers one (just to irritate my husband who's a Vikings fan)!! :-)

Anonymous said...

I cant find the teams. I like the denver broncos.

rebbi511 at

Anonymous said...

i would take the football that has NFL on it. thanks

Wehaf said...

I wish they had some women's teams! Pittsburgh has a women's football team (the Pittsburgh Passion - they play in the Independent Women's Football League), and I'd love some items to support them!

urchiken at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I will choose Chicago Bears.

redron said...

Oakland Raiders football

jffryclough said...

since the patriots have finally made it i'm going to ride the wave

kristilb19 said...

Dallas Cowboys aren't on there, thats my fav. I'd love this for my son

kdkdkd said...

My boys would LOVE the Philadelphia Eagles Ball

Anonymous said...

Green Bay Packers!

Anonymous said...

The New York Giants!

Becca Ann said...

I was hoping to see the patriots but I didn't but thats ok... I would choose the Oakland Raiders

janetfaye said...

Oakland Raiders

Thank you!

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Stacey Moore said...

we would get a bear's football!

Stacey Moore said...

we have your button!

Unknown said...

none of our teams are on there so I guess the NERF PRO SHOP PRO GRIP Football (NFL) (the one you have featured) is my fav. Eagles 2nd fav.

Unknown said...

your button is on my blog!

Jessica Cote said...

May favorite team is the New Orleans Saints! :)

Jessica Cote said...

May favorite team is the New Orleans Saints! :)

Jessica Cote said...

May favorite team is the New Orleans Saints! :)

Unknown said...

Denver Broncos are our favorite team, but the link you provided didn't come up to a page to look over teams?

phillipsonlygirl at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Your on my blog sidebar
phillipsonlygirl at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

We are email subscribers!
phillipsonlygirl at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

They don't have it, but, Cleveland Browns... even thought they all ready rot this year, and the season has barely started. When will my poor husband catch a break with this football nonsense? lol

valerie2350 said...

couldn't find the teams either - different link? Even did a search on the Hasbro site and only came up with yellow or orange.

Unknown said...

I don't see the Steelers! My husband would never allow any other team in the house so I would have to say the generic NFL one is the other one I would choose.

Anonymous said...

The "NFL" teamless version to always have no matter the favorite team of the time period, plus I didn't see the Pats)

Thanks for the contest.

Andee said...

The San Francisco 49ers.

dbadour said...

I don't see a team I like so...

Andrea @ Momma in Flip Flops2 said...

We'd have to go with the Bears! =)
My brothers would LOVE this or my son.

Andrea @ Momma in Flip Flops2 said...

I have your button on my blog. Thanks.

windycindy said...

I like the "Nerf Football" with just the "NFL" emblem. My sons would have a lot of fun with this football! Great Christmas gift. Please sign me up! Thanks.....Cindi

tatertot374 said...

Thank you for having this! I would love the Oakland Raiders! Thank you!

furygirl3132 said...

My favorite of the Pro Grips is the Peyton Manning one, I am a huge Colts fan and this would be great to have. Thanks so much for the opportunity!


furygirl3132 said...

I am also a subscriber. Thanks again!


Anonymous said...

The general NFL football!

tracyb107 said...

i cannot find any of the teams but would like the patroits or colts.

Miss Spoken said...

I didn't see the 49ers so Oakland would be my 2nd pick.

retellingstories said...

The Giants or, if the ever come out with it, the Buffalo Bills. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Chicago bears

Anonymous said...

Like the one with the NFL Logo!

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

Oakland raiders

Linda said...

New York Giants would be our first choice. I could not find it on the website yet you show a picture of one. If not the Giants, then just the NFL.

jlafount said...

Oakland Raiders

Anonymous said...

my nephew would love NERF PRO SHOP PRO GRIP Football (NFL). thanks.
utgal2004 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I didnt find Atlanta so the NFL ball would be best. Thanks!

Julie Donahue said...

Don't have a favorite team, but the Oakland Raider are local (well, they were before we moved to NM).

MageMorgana said...

Philadelphia Eagles, baby ;)


agordon10 said...


Finamoon said...

Dolphins if they have it. If not...the NFL one with more than one logo.

websurfergirl19 AT hotmail DOT com

yyeres said...

Chicago Bears. thanks! yyeres at gmail dot com

Kari said...

Well our favorite team is the New England Patriots and has been for YEARS - even when they sucked, lol. But I couldn't see the teams when I clicked the link so I'll go on the assumption they had the pats. Thanks!

RodsAngel said...

Being from NY I better say the GIANTS super bowl champs...Love the G-Men.


I like my Bengals but the Bears are cool!

Anonymous said...

I am a subscriber

Anonymous said...

Nerf Pro Shop Pro Grip Football (nfl)is my favorite.

Justin Gall said...

Jeez, I hope this isn't all a dream.

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

I really like the plain NFL one because my son does not have a favorite team yet. Thanks for the fun giveaway.

Anonymous said...

you're on my sidebar :)

Anonymous said...

I didn't see Pittsburg Steelers, so if they didn't have that one I'd go with the Peyton Manning one. my little man would love this!

judybrittle said...

No Green Bay Packers so I would love the NFL one. Thank you!

judybrittle said...


Cherie J said...

The New Orleans Saints.


Becky said...

couldn't find the list, but I will watch whatever football team the boys like.

mogrill said...

The Green bay Packers

Anonymous said...

Since I'm in a family of rabid Kansas City Chiefs fans, the no team red pro grip would be perfect, especially since the chiefs colors are red/white!

phxbne said...

Dallas Cowboys for me!

Anonymous said...

Oakland Raiders! Yeah!

Karen said...

Green Bay Packers :)

Anonymous said...

Philadelphia Eagles would be my choice. Thanks.

walters123 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

I am a subscriber to your mailing list. Thanks.

walters123 (at) hotmail (dot) com

kathy55439 said...

Chicago Bears The boys love THE BEARS

jemmmers74 said...

Couldn't find the choices but we love the Browns here, even when they are not doing so well, but my girls would play with any ball.

Kandyland29 said...

I don't know if I would pick one of those teams, but the spiderman one is cool!

Kelly said...

The Giants!

Tamara B. said...

Tampa Buccaneers but didn't see the choice.

Tamara B. said...

I am a subscriber.

justicecw said...

Green Bay Packers!

justicecw said...

I just subscribed!

Unknown said...

With out a doubt The Chicago Bears.

Tammy said...

Since we don't have a favorite team - I think the NFL branded one would suit us fine!

kinchst said...

We would choose the Oakland Raiders football

Ally said...

Since they don't have the Minnesota Vikings, I would choose the generic NFL logo.

agsweeps [@] hotmail [.] com


Anonymous said...
washington redskins!!

Anonymous said...

I'd like the PEYTON MANNING one to give as a Christmas gift this year!

zeitersouth said...

Well no Titans that I can see so the NFL one would be great!

Jessilyn82 said...

Philadelphia Eagles fans here, thanks!

vboackle said...

i would like the chicago bears,my grandson would like this.

Anonymous said...

I love the Eagles on this ball!


iggysaysno said...

I like the regular NFL one

denyse said...

The Giants!

Anonymous said...

The Cowboys. oh yeah.

Aimee M K said...

I'd love the one for the Chicago Bears! :)

bison61 said...

Chicago Bears for me!

tiramisu392 (at)

Robin T said...

Our favorite team is the seahawks

Jim W. said...

The Green Bay Packers!

Stacy said...

Since there is no Chiefs, the red one.


Anonymous said...

I'm not choosey. Give me all of them. If I have to make a choice though, give me the Oakland Raiders.

Nadi said...

Gotta love the Oakland Raiders!

treflea4 at gmail dot com

Nadi said...

I'm a suscriber!

treflea4 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Even though I'm in Florida I'm originally from California and we still have a thing for the Oakland Raiders. Even so, my son named our black lab Raider.
beausdorei at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

new england patriots! - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

spartans1988 said...

Lions is our fav

joahsgrandma said...

I have searched and I can't find teams of anything! I must be missing something.. But if there's a Packers football it would be my fave! Even without Brett :o(

Unknown said...

I just love the Santa Claus Is Coming To Town -- Sassy Vintage-Inspired Christmas Cards. They are adorable. Thanks for the great giveaway.

Unknown said...

Out of the teams available, I would pick the Cowboys. (I couldn't get the links to work so I went to the Nerf website.)

Alice said...

Philadelphia Eagles.

dhunt said...


pitaharmon said...

I guess I will pick the Chicago Bears.

Anonymous said...

Chicago Bears!

Anonymous said...

I'm subscribed.

Sunshine Mama said...

NFL would be my favorite. kristie2 (at)

pancak said...

I cannot find the teams - nothing shows at the link and searching the Internet isn't bringing up much more. That said, if they have the Eagles I'd take them , or there seems to be a straight NFL one.

Carolyn said...

Chicago Bears!

ssmina said...

NFL thanks

angie said...

Chicago Bears! said...

subscribed via google said...
the boy would love this we love all the teams

AmyLynn said...

Definetly the Chicago Bears!!

yount said...

for bubba

shawml said...

how bout them dolphins not the top but working on it more and more

Anonymous said...

The general NFL football! Maybe Vikings, thanks!!

Estelle said...

I didn't see our favorite team, so I guess I'll have to pick just the basic NFL emblem.

Raspberry Light Bulb said...

My son (and his Dad) would be over the moon if I could find a Carolina Panthers one but I didn't. I wish I could!! He's six and just started playing football with his Dad in the backyard. My husband actually went to try to pick him up a nerf football a couple of days ago and couldn't find one at the store. So, this is the perfect contest! Since there's no Panthers I would have to say the regular NFL logo one or maybe the "NERF PEYTON MANNING PRO GRIP Football with FREE WATER BOTTLE" My address is the profile and thanks so much! :)

Think about it said...

Philadelphia Eagles for us!

Unknown said...

Chicago Bears for me and my kids!

tlcfromtn said...

I will go for the Dallas Cowboys. Thanks!

braaisjo at gmail dot com

arvard said...

I would kick the Chicago Bears.

missdenise said...

The new england patriots of course!

Brooke said...

The Oakland Raiders.

Jinxy and Me said...

Go Giants!

klp1965 said...


calgirl said...

My favorite team is the Oakland Raiders football team.

Melissa said...

My favorite team is the New Orleans Saints

Anonymous said...

Miami Dolphins for me.

Eric R said...

I'm a fan of the Philadelphia Eagles football

/\Heather/\ said...

Since they don't have Dallas (!!), I'm going with NFL.

masonsgranny59 said...

oklahoma and missouri

1993wel said...

I'll go with the New Orleans Saints. I like the color combo! I didn't see the Seattle Seahawks, which is our home team, so...

Mom said...

Since I don't see the Green Bay Packers listed, I would choose the NFL logo one. Thanks for the chance to win!

Donna said...

I can't find the teams listed. I would like the Colts, or just the NFL one.

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