Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Is your child uncommonly cute?

Every parent believes that their child is the most beautiful, most intelligent, funniest child on the planet. Other than the very very rare occurrence of pure teething meltdown I most certainly believe that about Connor and a few people have told me I was right which only fuels my bragging rights. heh I'm sure they are only humoring me but regardless in my eyes Connor is the most beautiful child ever created.

Uncommonly Cute feels the same way about your babies and even more so they belive that your child should be their own unique person. Who said every kid on earth has to wear tiny bears, or yellow duckies, or even the word BABY written across their chest. I'm sure we can all tell that they are a baby and not some minature person.

With designs like "King Of The Little People" and "Famous on Facebook" your little ones can start their journy with self expression a little earlier than you might have imagined. I am so taken with their King of the Little People shirt, it just makes me smile, Connor is so tiny but yet so opinionated even at this early age it really just talks to who he is in that tiny body.

I bet you can find at least one tee over at Uncommonly Cute that will speak volumes to who your little person is as well. The small people in our lives may not be the best conversationalist at times but those little faces, and big grins, speak volumes all on their own.

I have a 3-6 month Preschool Musical tee from Uncommonly Cute to give away to one lucky reader.

To enter :

  • Leave a comment on this post. Check out Uncommonly Cute and tell me which of the tees at Uncommonly Cute speak volumns about your child!
  • Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com) We have had to disqualify a lot of potential winners as of late as many people do not have emails available in their profiles or leave anonymous posts without any way to contact you.
  • Please US entries only.
  • To get extra credit :
    • For an extra entry :
    • Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
    • Non Bloggers (or bloggers) subscribe to my mailing list/RSS feed and earn another entry!
    • One extra credit per person. Please post your extra credit in a separate post.
    • This contest will end Oct 15th at midnight!


Kristie said...

I like so many! I think "Chick Magnet" is one of my favorites for my little guy :)
khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Stacey Moore said...

love this site! would love to get the rock star shirt for ella b/c she so thinks she is one!

Millie said...

Ok I lvoe 4 of them and I cant name just one so I will list them all.. I just think that the World Peas,Rebel,peace love and cookies and lil democrat are just too cute for words!! Thanks for the chance to win.. my little one is just a little man he can so pull off any of these! Thanks again!

Kelly said...

I would have to say the "local celebrity" shirt would fit my son. He knows more people than I do in our small town.

jceko77 said...

talk to the hand in a 6T

Rebekah (monkeygirlsmama) said...

One of my best friends has a little boy who is just now beginning to wear 3-6mo size clothing. If I'm the lucky winner of this giveaway I'm going to give him the prize. :)

Uncommonly Cute has some really stinkin' great stuff. If I were shopping for my girls I'd, hands down, have to go for the pink Diva shirt. LOL

littleminx at cox dot net

Rebekah (monkeygirlsmama) said...

I'm a subscriber.


mrs.mommyy said...

these are adorable- love they have poliotical for the young ones too! my favorite is talk to the hand- not telling why but that fits

Anonymous said...

I like the I scream one.

rebbi511 at

kygirl said...

I'm kind of a big deal tee

Jenn S. said...

These are too cute! I really like the "That's how I roll" onesie.

Mia J. said...

I absolutely love the miso cute shirt. My daughter would love that.

jenny said...

wow now there are a lot that fit my little one to a t and well one of them is kind of a big deal tee and well if i was to win this tee it would be grate thanks

Anonymous said...

Well that little bambino I am trying to win for isn't quite born yet, but I have to go with Keeping it real in what he is speaking volumes about! His name is Matty and he is going to grow up be a musical genius! everyone that surrounds him is a musical nut!

Anonymous said...

I am on your feed!

agordon10 said...

Big Brother for sure

Tree said...

I love the "DIVA" onesie. My daughter Izzy is definetly a "Diva" and she knows it! She is the only grandaughter on either side of the family and she is IN CHARGE!

Sarah S said...

I love the Boss t-shirt - pretty cute.

Jennireesa/Jennifer W. said...

The one that best fits for my little one is the "Lil' Sister".

Unknown said...

Love "I Scream" onesie with the ice cream motif. That really says it all - LOL. heck, they didn't even have to add the ice cream it but it does add to the cuteness factor.

Linda said...

"Rebel"... that's all I gotta say and I am sure you get the picture! LOL
Good luck everyone!
Thank you for hosting the giveaway!

Michele said...

My cousin has twin baby girls, and I like the t-shirts that say, "Perfect Pair".....because they are!! :-)

Thanks so much!!
Michele R.(CA)

Michele said...

I'm a subscriber!

Thanks so much!!
Michele R.(CA)

Susan said...

The onesie that says "worth the wait" is perfect for my baby, as we have been waiting 6 years for him!

Wehaf said...

I'd love the "new kid on the block" tee for my niece!

urchiken at gmail dot com

valerie2350 said...

chick magnet :)

mogrill said...

How cute! Love the Little people onesie!

FawnGeorge said...

I think "I'm kind of a big deal" fits our Great Nephew really good. His family and friends just fawn all over him. He has such a cute personality. They have such cute shirts at Uncommonly Cute.

furygirl3132 said...

I really love the "New Kid On the Block" onesie, because my daughter is definitely new! Thanks so much for the great giveaway!


furygirl3132 said...

I'm also a subscriber. Thanks again!


Anonymous said...

I like the local celebrity tee

Unknown said...

These shirts are so cute. My little boy is "Kind of a big Deal" so the I'm kind of a big deal shirt would be perfect. Thanks for the great giveaway!

fancyfeet48 said...

these are adorable

sarahbethe said...

I like "Worth the Wait"! Very cute.

kristilb19 said...

Rock Star Tshirt, size 6 Short Sleeved T for my son! My favorite!!!!

Unknown said...

the boys "swinger" t shirt and I also love the newborn.. I wasn't born yesterday

Anonymous said...

I like the "I Scream" one!

Libby Design said...

Okay, I can't pick just ONE!!! So here goes...I love the "Elmo's my homeboy" one, the "Chick Magnet" one, and the "My Grandma Rocks" one. How fun!

Jamie - The Itty Bitty Teacher said...

I love the that's how I roll tee.

Madeline said...

I love the My Grandma Rocks t-shirt. Nana would get a kick out of that one. The Uncommonly Cute tee is a cutie too.

Anna said...

I love the onesie that says "Worth the wait" this is so true!

Anna said...

Your button is on my sidebar:

windycindy said...

Without a doubt, "My Grandma Rocks!"
Please enter my name in your drawing. I really appreciate it! Thanks, Cindi

Kari said...

peace, love and cookies!

My sis is due in January with a little boy, so this win would go to him! Thanks!

Miss Spoken said...

Love the AB/CD onesie because my little one is a rock star.

Kristan said...

ooh...1 of 2 and 2 of 2 onesies for twins. maybe then people would stop asking if they're twins? :)

Finamoon said...

I love the black and pink Miso Cute onsie in 6-12 months. My youngest daughter would be adorable in it!

websurfergirl19 AT hotmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

I blogged it!

Thanks again!

Teresa690 said...

I love the I'm Kind of a Big Deal shirt! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

love the twins tops (copy, paste and 1 of 2 & 2 of 2)!

Anonymous said...

got your button up :)

MassFoodie said...

This is for my pregnant sister along with the "Big Brother" shirt for my nephew

Karen said...

I love chick magnet :)

Ann said...

I love the "Miso Cute" one, that's my little girl!
Thanks for the great giveaway!
ann dot guns at mac dot com

Ann said...

I'm also a subscriber.
ann dot guns at mac dot com

kathy55439 said...

AB/CD onesie in 3/6 months

Erica G said...

I like the cool chick shirt.

egreca (at) hotmail {dot} com

Anonymous said...
adore the miso cute shirt

Unknown said...

I am a subscriber!

Aisling said...

"Miso Cute" and "World Peas" are my favorites, but it wasn't easy to whittle it down to two. They're all so very cute. Oh, and I love "I wasn't born yesterday" in the newborn size.

vboackle said...

i like the ab/cd design for a new grandaughter.

justicecw said...

Too small for my son but I love the twins ones (baby squared) for my pregnant with twins friend! thanks,

Nadi said...

Love the "Miso Cute" one. Too cute!

treflea4 at gmail dot com

Nadi said...

I'm suscribed.

treflea4 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I love the worth the wait onesie. He or she definitely will be :)

Anonymous said...

I love the Fashionista girls shirt.
The Local Celebrity one is pretty cute too.

Anonymous said...

I think the I'm Here onesie is perfect!

Anonymous said...

I'm subscribed.

Anonymous said...

They are all so cute , but I'm partial to the girly ones...

Anonymous said...

I like that's how I roll and My grandma rocks.

AmyLynn said...

Definetly the "worth the wait"!! Thanks for the contest!!

Jinxy and Me said...

I'm kind of a big deal is awesome!

Tipper said...

"I Scream"...and boy does she.

Think about it said...

i would want, chick magnet

klp1965 said...

i love the I'm kind of a big deal one

Carolyn said...

The Republican Shirt style in a onesie. Perfect for my right wing wacko nephew!

Unknown said...

The "Worth the Wait" onesie suits my new goddaughter perfectly!!! She was prayed for and wished for a number of years!!! She was definitely worth the wait!!!

sherri419 at gmail dot com

Donna said...

I would like the AB/CD shirt.

Donna said...

I subscribed

Mom said...

The "Rock Star" tee is my favorite for my little rocker son. Thanks for the chance to win!

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