Thursday, September 25, 2008

Everyone needs a Baby Pocket

I've been thinking cloth diapers cloth diapers cloth diapers all week and I thought we'd take a mid week break to talk about something that is near and dear to my heart. I may have wussed out on the diapers early on but we discovered the joy of baby wearing pretty early on. We've tried and reviewed pocket slings, wraps, and mei tais but thus far never a ring sling. I have no idea why up till now we have never featured a ring sling, but I think half of that has to due to the fact that my very first carrier was a standard sling and I've just been comfortable there.

I did a lot of searching for our first ring sling review, I wanted to feature something that was beautiful but still very cost effective. I think most mom's will agree that a baby wearing wardrobe no matter what you choose to use can be expensive especially if your like me and have practically one for each day of the week. However, if your on a budget one very multi purpose sling is really all you need and it helps if its neutral. When I came across Baby Pockets on Etsy and saw her fabulous and almost iridescent silk ring slings I was hooked, but when I saw the price I knew it was the perfect first ring sling for our reviews.

First of all I'd like to say that using a ring sling was a thousand times easier than I imagined. I always thought that extra fabric would get in the way as I'm not even 5 feet tall, but truly a ring sling is quite possibly the most versatile sling you could have in your baby wearing wardrobe. I had no problems using it the same way I would use any of my regular slings as virtually it functions exactly the same way. The big diffrence is the fact that you have much more fabric to work with, meaning you can bring the fabric all the way up the baby if you wish for a more secure hold and of course you can adjust the sling to fit pretty much anyone in the family. This allows mom and dad to use the same sling, for you to have it fit tighter or looser depending on what sort of hold you want to use, and have the fabric move up or down the back. Actually the big reason I started to get interested in other baby wearing options from my pouch slings was as Connor got bigger he started getting a bit more wiggly and was difficult to keep in a pouch sling. The very first thing I noticed about the ring sling was the ability for me to move the "pouch" up to shower height and then I could tighten it through the rings and secure him no matter if he wiggled or not. It really makes wearing him well into toddlerville much easier.

Another neat option with a ring sling is the fact that you basically have a large wide piece of fabric with two rings on one end. This makes using the sling as a blanket or even a stroller blanket an easy option. Wraps have enough fabric to use as a blanket as well but its really too much fabric to be really useful. The Baby Pocket however was very easy to wrap around the front of Connor's stroller and made for a great stroller blanket.

I have to admit though my favorite part of the Baby Pocket was how easy it was to spread the fabric all the way across my shoulder making holding Connor very easy on my back. Though I'm a sucker for print slings the fact that the Baby Pocket comes in solid color silks very versatile. The silk is also very light and actually quite breathable so I didn't end up feeling like I was overheating at all.

You really just need to head on over and check out the Baby Pocket for yourself on her etsy storefront! If you don't see exactly what you want, just email Dawn, she'd be more than happy to talk about making one just for you!

The coolest thing is I've decided as much as we love our Baby Pocket I'd really like to share it with someone who has a smaller baby who can enjoy it as much as I've enjoyed my other carriers. No mommy should be without a really great carrier and the Baby Pocket is a perfect place to start. So one reader will be getting a Baby Pocket to get their collection started or to add to their current carrier collection!

To enter :

  • Leave a comment on this post. Check out Baby Pocket and tell me what color in stock (or previously sold) carrier is your favorite!
  • Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com) We have had to disqualify a lot of potential winners as of late as many people do not have emails available in their profiles or leave anonymous posts without any way to contact you.
  • Please US entries only.
  • To get extra credit :
    • For an extra entry :
    • Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
    • Non Bloggers (or bloggers) subscribe to my mailing list/RSS feed and earn another entry!
    • One extra credit per person. Please post your extra credit in a separate post.
    • This contest will end Oct 15th at midnight!


Andrea said...

I love the pearl ring sling. I have yet to do a ring sling as well. I'd love to have one.. especially for hopueflly a new one eventually. =)

Andrea said...

I have your button on my blog. =)


rebecca said...

Oo a ring sling! I wanted one and my mother didn't want to order the rings special, so I got a pouch instead. My fave was the pearl color.

Sarah S said...

The pool carrier is my favorite! I'm having another baby in January and this would be so helpful.

Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy said...

I would have to pick the pearl. I am so curious as to how the silk will hold up to a baby...

Thanks for the giveaway! I have 30 days until my next one arrives - this would be great!!

nateandjakesmom at gmail dot com

Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy said...

Your button is on my blog! I thought it was all this time but I am not sure where it went... but now it is right at the top!

Click HERE!

mverno said...

the pearl one is nice

Ann said...

I love the pearl colored silk ring sling, this would go with practically anything. Thanks for this great giveaway!
ann dot guns at mac dot com

Ann said...

I'm also a subscriber.
ann dot guns at mac dot com

Anonymous said...

Lovin' the pearl color. click contact

Amanda said...

I like the Silk Ring Sling in Evening Stripes very pretty.

rosannepm said...

Love the Sunshine one


like the redgrape and the pearl

Anonymous said...

I love the ring sling in cacao. Gorgeous color, and I've always wanted to try a silk sling!

leftymylou at gmail dot com

lace said...

My favorite is the Red Grape. These are some of the most beautiful slings I've seen.

I also like the coppery colored sling. I didn't see a listing for it but I love the photo.

Anonymous said...

My favorite color is Real Red.

ali said...

I loved wearing my twins and then my singleton. I hope to find a sling I love again for our fourth babe! I love the Lime. Beautiful!! Thanks. :)

alison523 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I like the pearl and sunshine, these are soo pretty!

phillipsonlygirl at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

We are subscribers!

phillipsonlygirl at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Your badge is on our sidebar!

phillipsonlygirl at gmail dot com

Jennireesa/Jennifer W. said...

I like the Silk Ring Sling in Real Red.

VickieC said...

I have a new grandson due on Dec 25,we like the Silk Ring Sling in Shimmering Brown,but they are all really nice,thanks


VickieC said...


Margie said...

What a great giveaway! I love the orange one (made up of yellow and red threads). We're expecting a spring baby and can't wait to start wearing him or her right away!

Anonymous said...

Love the real red silk one.

rebbi511 at

Anonymous said...

Shimmering Brown is my favorite!

Heather said...

I like the ring sling in Pearl!
jandh at

valerie2350 said...

sunshine :)

Unknown said...

real red for my daughter to be in korea- come on travel call!

Unknown said...


kygirl said...

Silk Ring Sling in Pearl

LadyBug-Kellie said...

i love the real red!! I love wearing my baby and these look great!!

ladeebug224 at hotmail dot com

kristilb19 said...

Silk Ring Sling in Creamsicle ... I'd love to win for my son due next month!

Lena said...

I love the Creamsicle! Great giveaway!

mogrill said...

The Red Grape is my favorite!

CaseyDeuce said...

I'm loving that shimmering brown!!

LadyBug-Kellie said...

I love the Real Red sling!! That is a great deep color!

Anonymous said...

i like cacao.

Karen said...

I love the pearl ring slide :)

karebear said...

Oh I love the pearl ring sling.

windycindy said...

Hello, These are great looking and sound comfortable! I like the "Night and Day" Plaid design. Please enter me in your delightful drawing. Many thanks, Cindi

windycindy said...

I am a subscriber to you site. Cindi

Ellerenee said...

My favorite is the Silk Ring Sling in Shimmering Brown.

taxchyk said...

I love the sunrise and the pearl, and would be extremely happy with either!

RE said...

My little babe would be cozy in the real red ring sling. Thanks!

Anna said...

I love the Night & Day Plaid sling. I need one of these so badly! I have a baby due here Oct 15th and a 2 year old who wants me to take him outside to play every day! This would come in so handy when I'm taking my other little boy outside, I could just carry the baby on me. Thanks so much for the chance!

Anna said...

I have your button on my sidebar:

furygirl3132 said...

I really like the sling in Lime, these are really neat and would definitely come in handy with my newborn daughter. Thanks so much for the opportunity!


furygirl3132 said...

I am also subscribed. Thanks again!


Stacey Moore said...

love the lime one!

Stacey Moore said...

we are subscribers!

Michele said...

Sunrise is my favorite!!

Thanks so much!
Michele R.(CA)

Michele said...

I'm a subscriber!

Thanks so much!
Michele R.(CA)

Wehaf said...

I love pearl! The shimmering brown is great too. :)

urchiken at gmail dot com

kathy55439 said...

i really like the Silk Ring Sling in Creamsicle

Rebecca said...

I really like the Real Red, but it would wash out my skin further, so I would like the shimmering brown for myself.


Sassyfrazz said...

I love the doll sling in Blue Raspberry!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Sassyfrazz said...

I am a subscriber~

Kari said...

This would be amazing to win. My sister wants a sling so badly for her new baby due in January. I love the Silk Ring Sling in Pearl

Jenny said...

I love "sunrise." The color is gorgeous. How beautiful would that be for sunrise pictures on the beach? (It would be sunrise pictures on my coast, anyway.) Beautiful slings, and I'm actually surprised at how reasonably they are priced for silk!


Jenny said...

You are in my sidebar :-)


In Everything said...

I like the antique rose ring sling... I wondered about the silk but it sounds like a perfect fabric!! Perfect for my first sling!

Amanda said...

The raspberry iridescence is GORGEOUS! I know exactly what you are talking about with the wiggly-ness, I have been looking for something besides my peanut shell for my 6 month old!

In Everything said...

I'm a subscriber!!
Thanks for this giveaway I'm passing it to my little sis whose expecting in June

Dee said...

I LOVE the real red! normally i wouldnt pick this for something i was going to carry my baby in, but it is BEAUTIFUL!

My2Gs said...

I like the pearl ring sling. Beautiful!

Jodi said...

They are all so pretty. I love the pearl, and the shimmering brown, but if I were to win, my favorite is the Silk Ring Sling in Creamsicle


Erica G said...

I like the pearl ring sling.

egreca (at) hotmail {dot} com

Michelle said...

They are all gorgeous, I love the sunrise and the creamsicle.

Anonymous said...

red sling is nice

LV said...

I like the pearl ring sling. Goes with every outfit!


Jaime said...

Oh I love the Shimmering Brown Ring sling. These are gorgeous slings.

Aisling said...

The Pearl fabric is my favorite. It would go with everything and be perfect for mom or dad.

LadyJemima said...

What stunning slings. So elegant! I really like Red Grape. Winning this would be a dream!

lilacflowers180 AT yahoo DOT com

LadyJemima said...

Just blogged about this contest as well!


Stacia said...

the coal was/is awesome!

Anonymous said...

I really love creamsicle! it is gorgeous! Would match everything which is the problem with most slings/puches!


Anonymous said...

I have you on my sidebar!

karissag [at[

karen4322 said...

Love the pearl color! Thank you for the chance to win!!

Anonymous said...

your button's on my blog :)

Anonymous said...

I liek the Silk Ring Sling in Sunrise :)

Anonymous said...
silk ring in The shimmering brown would be great for my son!!

5webs said...

I love the Silk Ring Sling in Yellow Gold.
Alicia Webster

justicecw said...

The sunrise one is stunning. thanks,

justicecw said...


Amy said...

This one: is said to be shades of red but looks more orangy to me - I liked it - and the deeper hued red ones. What a great site - thanks for directing our attention here.

Carrie M said...

My favorite is the barley beige one since it is gender neutral and not a color my husband would be able to wear.

Stacy said...

The cacoa is a great color.


Anonymous said...

I love the barley beige carrier!

spartans1988 said...

I as wel love the pearl one.

Anonymous said...

I really like the pearl sling since it's in a gender neutral color and i like the black embroidery.

Peggy said...

The silk ring sling in Sunrise is beautiful. Count me in

Anonymous said...

I love that pumpkin color!

Anonymous said...

I subscribe too.

AmyLynn said...

I love the "Silk Ring Sling in Shimmering Brown". Thanks for the contest!

Unknown said...

These look fantastic!!! I really like the caramel cafe color!!!!

sherri419 at gmail dot com

Tipper said...

I like Shimmering Brown and Sunrise.

Tex said...

I love the silk in pearl. So cute.

Think about it said...

i like it in pink

lisamercy said...

Love the ring sling in MOSS !

Anonymous said...

I like it in Real Red. Thank you for the entry.

klp1965 said...

i love the Dracula's Favorite Silk Ring Sling in Sanguine

Jinxy and Me said...

Shimmering brown is my favorite!

Michelle said...

I love the barely beige! Those are truly beautiful slings!

Jack said...

sunrise is nice.

Is there any camo / urban camo?

Anonymous said...

I like silk in pearl. My email is rhapsodyinparis at gmail dot com.

Alibi said...

I love love love the Red Grape! It's a beautiful color and these look like they would be so much easier to use and more comfy than traditional baby carriers.

Thank You :)

Alibi said...

I'm also a subscriber.

Thanks :)

fancyfeet48 said...

the pearl one is nice

Anonymous said...

I love the pearl ring sling.

Buki Family said...

The pearl ring sling is perfect! no wonder so many like it!

masonsgranny59 said...

the pearl one is nice

Donna said...

I like the Dracula's Favorite Silk Ring Sling in Sanguine

Donna said...

I subscribed

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