Sunday, September 28, 2008

Cloth diapers over?

Cloth diaper week is over for now, hopefully next time we will cover more varieties such as fitted, and more all in twos, and some high end luxury custom diapers. So many things I want to cover but for now we have to end this diaper week!

I want at least one of you, hopefully one of you that may be on the fence about cloth diapers to get a head start on the cloth diaper journey. I really seriously regret the fact that I didn't do more to research them sooner and that I waited till Connor was pratically 17 months old before I decided enough was enough. I guess I'm mostly just dissapointed as I had planned to do it all along and I let it go for so long.

So with that said I have a little parting gift from diaper week to give to one reader.

Included in the diapering gift pack :

  • Mommy's Touch - Size Medium - Cloth Diaper with insert
  • A medium sized wet bag.
  • A set of three Bummas in neutral colors.
  • Wahmies Pail liner
All you have to do to win our little gift package is to check out all the reviews from cloth diaper week and tell me which product was your favorite. If you already are cloth diapering tell me what you love about it, if your not and your considering it tell me what concerns you or excites you. Consider it a short essay answer though you dont need to write a book one or two good sentences will work.

Start writing girls!

To enter :
  • Leave a comment on this post. Check out cloth diaper week and tell me which product from the reviews was your favorite. If your currently cloth diapering tell me why you love it, if your not tell me what concerns you or excites you about starting.
  • Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com) We have had to disqualify a lot of potential winners as of late as many people do not have emails available in their profiles or leave anonymous posts without any way to contact you.
  • Please US entries only.
  • To get extra credit :
    • For an extra entry :
    • Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
    • Non Bloggers (or bloggers) subscribe to my mailing list/RSS feed and earn another entry!
    • One extra credit per person. Please post your extra credit in a separate post.
    • This contest will end Oct 30th at midnight!


Anonymous said...

I e-mailed you yesterday about trying cloth soon. I haven't been that brave yet. LOL My fave featured would have to be the Kissaluvs fitted, as I'm soon going to venture and try my first fitted cloths. I'm scared!!!!

Stephanie said...

I've been cloth diapering for a while, but I'm really glad that you did the reviews so that I could get some info on other types of diapers that I haven't tried. My favorite diaper that you reviewed is Fuzzi Bunz. They are pretty much a staple in my stash. Knickernappies are a close second. I haven't tried mommy's touch yet, but you have peeked my interest. Thanks

Amanda said...

I found your blog through Google Reader "discoveries" and I'm so glad. I have wanted to try cloth diapers (I am pregnant with my first child) but your blog gave me the kick in the pants. I am forcing my husband to read it as well, so he's more informed than, "Ew! Gross!" My favorite, I think, would be the BumGenius. But like you, I will probably try different types. I am excited because I am "green" in so many other areas. I am concerned that it will be more duty (or doodie?? hehe) than I need while trying to learn this whole mommy thing. I'm more excited though!

Alexia said...

I had a Bum genius diaper and LOVED it! I loved that it was not bulky and that you could roll it up like a sposie when out. And that is was OS...super convenient!

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

I have been dying to try cloth. I think the perfect fit by softbums sounds the best. I like the fact they...

Will fit babies from newborn to 6lbs to 35lbs.
Use the same insert from newborn to 35lbs.
And that they were the trimmest diaper you tried.

=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

The Swimmi diaper is my favorite! I own 3 and love them all! I love cloth diapering because I love the convenience and the savings. I also love using wool diaper covers that I make from recycled sweaters!

Jen Mc said...

I like that you had a review of cloth wipes. I do cloth diaper, but have yet to get cloth wipes yet. (Hubby eventually came around to cloth diapers, but I'm not sure if I can get him to use the wipes.)

Anyway, I love not having to watch diaper sales or run out to the store diapers.

Jen Mc said...

Oops, almost forgot, I'm a subscriber.

Unknown said...

preston pants- Id love to try the minky style- sounds fabulous for any baby's bottom. We use cloth at night - DS is pottytrained during the day and this saves us tons of money. We are expecting a daughter through adoption adn plan to cd full time!

Unknown said...

subscribed to the feed

lace said...

I have never tried cloth besides changing friends/family kids who cloth diaper. I would really like to give them a try. They sound so much better than disposables. My only concern is the proper washing of the diapers. I've read lots of how to's and it seems easy, but it also seems easy to mess them up. ie. make them unabsorbent. I'm also concerned about the extra work/laundry that cloth diapering might entail. Do you have more laundry and extra work?

I've heard the most about BumGenius diapers so I was glad to read your review on them.

Anonymous said...

I havent tried yet, but maybe now i will. I think i would like to try the Fuzzi Bunz.

rebbi511 at

Seo Pittsburgh said...

I love cloth diapering! I feel great knowing I am helping the enviroment! My favorite is fuzzi bunz!

Anonymous said...

I used cloth diapers on my 3 children when they were babies when all the rest of the world was going disposable. I always got complimented on my use of cloth diapers by the pediatrician. I'm now raising 2 of my grandchildren, ages 2 and 6. The 2 year old is refusing to potty train so I will be using cloth diapers on him because the disposables are getting too expensive. Disposable diapers are more for the sake of convenience. Cloth diapers involve more work but it's worth it to me for the savings I'll reap.

Karen said...

The perfect fit sounds great :)

MV said...

This has been my favorite part of your blog. I'm new to the cloth diaper. Didn't know there was such the variety. Not sure which would be my fav. I know it's not eco correct but I love my Huggies.

sunnymum said...

I think the Preston Pants are very chic, although I would have trouble using them since they look so fancy.
I have tried cloth diapering with a little with my daughter. We started off half cloth--half disposables since we couldn't afford the initial expense to buy a huge supply. We used bummis whisper wraps and prefolds. I liked them, but got frustrated with the uncooperation on the part of my hubby to use the cloth. I was happy that he was willing to change diapers though, so we ended up using more 'sposies than I wanted to. I'm hoping to be reinspired to use cloth diapers with our new little one due this winter. Thanks for the chance to win!
cbeargie (at) yahoo (dot) com

mrs.mommyy said... subscriber

mrs.mommyy said...

cloth is great except when traveling- can get messy

Madeline said...

The Softbums perfect fit diaper looked pretty swell, and since it was your fave it made me want to try it! I love cloth diapers. They work so much better than disposables and are way cheaper. Oddly enough I'd rather do laundry than take the trash out, so that's another perk.

Jenny said...

My favorite was Petunia's wet bag. I really hope I win that one, and if not I might just have to buy one anyway. We already cloth diaper, and I love it because, well, given a choice I'd rather wear cloth underwear than paper. Why would I make my daughter wear something uncomfortable? After months of seeing cloth diapers on my daughter's butt, disposables just look trashy to me. It sucks when we have to use one (like if we are on an overnight trip), especially when she's wearing a dress, because then we have to hunt down bloomers. When she's wearing a cloth diaper under a dress it looks nice.


Jenny said...

You're in my sidebar!


mverno said...

reviewing cloth wipes is different

VickieC said...

I used cloth diapers on my kids way back when it wasnt so cool to do so,my son now is 34,im trying to get my daughter to use them with her baby so this would be a good start for her,I love all the information you have listed on the sites an I copy it for her to see,im keeping the kids while she works,thanks


VickieC said...

I am a subscriber

Hetal said...

I have already convinced my sis in law about using cloth diaper

Andrea @ Momma in Flip Flops2 said...

I loved how you gave the real cons to the diapers.I like to know that when I'm going to buy new.. sometimes I can live with them and sometimes I can't. I have bene using cloth for awhile and I loved your review because I am going to have to buy more whne we have another and this is already book makred to help me decide which ones I'd like to try next time around. I think the Wahmies looks awesome. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

The Pocket Change was my favorite review. I've never heard of it, so it was interesting to learn about. I currently cloth diaper and I love it for many reasons. All of my diapers are hand me downs, so I never had to purchase diapers. I only pay for washing them. I hang them to dry so the cost is low. I would love to win because I only get to read about all the new innovative diapers.


rosannepm said...

I used cloth on 3 out of 4 of my children. Plastic diapers are like throwing money in the garbage every day. also the landfills

Shawna said...

hmmm... I'm a cloth diapering mama, so some of your products that you reviewed looked the same to me. The lingo is the key here: I like one-size pocket diapers (these were the fuzzy bunz, among others). The idea here is that you are able to use the same diaper for more than 1 hour, and (after washing, of course) for more than 1 month. It's the best way to go for me!

Jamie - The Itty Bitty Teacher said...

I really like the perfect fit diaper from softbums.

Becca Ann said...

I would like try try cloth diapers..Saving money would be great!

bagfashionista said...

the softbums one sounds the best --- what sounds really good is this:
"As long as nothing gets on the diaper itself (if the mess is contained on the insert) you can really get away with using the same diaper across several changes"

My baby isn't here yet, but i'm already buying some cloth diapers to test out. Mainly because it's better for the environment (I'd rather not have my baby responsible for 5000 poopy diapers that will never disintegrate) And also, it'll be healthier for the baby's skin.

kygirl said...

Petunia's wet bag

Jaime said...

I have been cloth diapering for a while now and it is really great to see all the different types of diapers there are. Some of them really look really helped out in explaining them. Thanks.

Kari said...

I'd have to say the fuzzi bunz as well. I don't have kids in diapers anymore but fuzzi bunz were the ones I used for my youngest and loved them so very much! However, Im going to be a first time Aunt in January and my sister is using cloth so I'd LOVE this package to give to her. I know she would appreciate it for her little bundle they are naming Bodhi.

Heather Brandt said...

I love the Soft Bums Perfect Fit diaper (with snaps). The things that make me nervous about trying cloth diapering with the little boy we are adopting from Russia are: choosing the right fit of diaper for him and dealing with poopy diapers...I haven't changed a diaper in over 10 years :0

heatherlbrandt (at) verizon (dot) net

Heather said...

I have four kids and have cloth diapered off and on, I definately prefer the fitted diapers like the Kissaluvs you reviewed.

mogrill said...

I love Fuzzy Buns! Great contest!

Anonymous said...

your button's on my blog :)

Anonymous said...

I've not cloth diapered yet, but the Kissaluvs sound good!

mom2boys said...

The one that stood out the most to me was the KCK One. I like that it's adjustable for all sizes. I also really liked the Softbums. I use cloth diapers,but mine aren't this nice.Please enter me in the giveaway..Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I used a mixture of cloth and disposable with my two oldest daughters, but I gave it up for my third and fourth girls because I only had pre-fold diapers and old school rubber pants on top. So many outfits were soaked through that I thought the non-renewable energy I used in washing all the clothes probably was nearly as bad as filling landfills with diapers!

I've been really wanting to use cloth diapers with my new baby, though. It makes me kind of sick to think of how many diapers I've added to the landfills, and I don't think that disposables can be healthy for my baby, either.

It's hard to pick one diaper, having not had a chance to use them, but I've heard great things about Fuzzi Bunz.


leftymylou at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...
My son and daughter in law are using BumGenus with my newest grandson (one month old today) - we got just the white ones - each side of the family buying one dozen but your reviews offer lots of other choices - I have sent it to my duaghter in law and asked her to check them out and select some wonderful new options for Xavier's little bum! Thanks for all the hard work on this!!

37 Questions said...

The knickernappies review was my favorite. After my kids learned how to take of velcro diaps, I've had to switch to all snaps diaps and I'm always looking for a new snap to try. Right now I depend on my swaddlebees, Green Acre Designs (my faves), and Blueberries.

I love CDing because of the money and earth I save. I also love the cute fluff butts my kiddos have!

37 Questions said...

I'm a subscriber.

Mom said...

From your reviews and from advice from other moms doing cloth, I would have to choose Fuzzi Bunz as my favorite. I have heard nothing but great things about them. I plan to start cloth on the next kid due this winter as my other son is too old now for diapers, but just wish I would have started cloth on him. Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Perfect fit diaper sounds appealing. We'd like to try, but worry its messy and far more hassle than disposables.

dangotmail AT yahoo DOT com

Laura said...

Gosh, great info. I'd actually missed your diapering week, so it was good to go back. We are currently in the process of debate over cloth diapering. My husband has serious concerns over smell and 'ease of use' (washing the poopy diapers, etc). As for the reviews, I really enjoyed your 'best for last' review - the drawstring is genius! I too was a bit annoyed with the millions of snaps I've seen on others, and the idea of fold over for fit. In those cases, I would have preferred buying different size cloth diapers that fit without all the fold over, etc. But the soft bums solution sounds fantastic! My other favorite review was the cutie tooties. I admit, the bright colored blue diaper got me. They look great, and based on your feedback of leak prevention, I'm sold as a summer and/or overnight diaper. Thanks!! laurachilton {at}

Think about it said...

I like that you had a review of cloth wipes, my cousin does cloth diapers and really likes it, so i am entering to win this for her.

Karen said...

Thanks for the contest. I don't currently use cloth diapers because I'm afraid of leakage and if I'd be able to get them back to their original color after the little one does her business in them.

judybrittle said...

I really love the Preston's Pants. Those are great. I would love my daughter to start using cloth diapers. They are on a very fixed budget and disposable diapers are so costly. Thank you!
judybrittle at aol dot com

judybrittle said...

I'm subscribed
judybrittle at aol dot com

Crystal said...

I just started using cloth diapers and I love it because I know I am saving money and helping the environment.

Anonymous said...

The BumGenius is really hip. Need a new one.

JulieMoe said...

I'd like to try it, but it's a expensive investment.

Anonymous said...

We used cloth diapers with our first child and are now getting ready to do the same with are second child, who is due in a few weeks. Besides saving money and never having to run out to the store for more diapers I really loved how easy it made the transition to potty training. We were able to fully potty train my daughter by 20 months. The cloth diapers allowed her to feel wet so much quicker then a disposable would have and it didn't feel like a waste of a diaper when we would change her at the first sign of any wetness.

Unknown said...

I love the Fuzzi Bunz. I've been using them with my son during the day. He pees through at night so I have to use Huggies. I could always use a few more diapers so that I don't have to wash as much :)

wigget said...

my favorite is the fuzzy bunz.
i'm worried that it would take too much time washing cloth diapers.

Anonymous said...

The Perfect Fit by Softbunz is my favorite. The baby is using both cloth and disposable diapers.

37 Questions said...

My fave feature was the article about Preston's PAnts. I've been looking for a decent custom order place for snap diapers. I love my GADs, but a little variety is the spice of life!

Thanks for a great giveaway!
jjdragonfly [at] gmail [dot] com

yellowlabs said...

I would love to give it a try!

Kit Kat K said...

I like the Preston's pants

klp1965 said...

i liked the swimmy diaper.. i never dared to cloth diaper because i was always afraid of picking the baby :(

KLM39 said...

oooh I really really want to try these. I liked the reviews on cloth wipes, which I didn't even know existed, and the one on Fuzzy Buns!

suebeelee said...

The Bumgenius 3.0 diaper was my favorite from cloth diaper week because it seems like it would be a great starter cloth diaper. I never thought I would be interested in cloth diapering but after 5 months of disposable diapers I am seeing how much waste I am adding to the environment. Also I am finding myself wanting to use natural fabrics for my baby which is also something I didn't really think I would be too concerned about before. In my mind I had thought of cloth diapers as those traditional white rectangles with pins so to my surprise I've learned they seem to be just as easy as disposables these days and so many cute colors and options available. I must admit the number of brands and choices is a bit overwhelming but your reviews during cloth diapering week really helped me out!

suebeelee said...

I just subscribed!

Anonymous said...

Throw out the diaper Jennie and bring on the cloths/ Many Thanks Sw

cman said...

I love the softbums :)

Donna said...

I haven't tried them yet, but I want to. I woulld like to try Fuzzi Bunz.

lilyk said...

The Fuzzi Bunz look very cool! I'm not currently doing cloth diapering because of concerns about the mess involved.

lilyk said...

I subscribed to your mailing list.

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