Friday, September 19, 2008

And you thought we had a lot of dogs!

I get the "Wow you really have seven dogs?" speech at least twice a week, and in reality we have eight at the moment but one is a puppy and hopefully he will find a new home soon. Seven is really not so many if they are only 3lbs each its kind of like having eight very opinionated guinea pigs. heh.

Could you only imagine one hundred and ONE dogs? 101 Dalmations always confused me as a child as though it was one of my favorite books and the animated movie got lots of play time in my household there isn't actually 101 dalmatians if you count Pongo and Perdy the mom and dad dalmatian there are in total 17, 15 puppies, 2 parents. I think they just thought 101 sounds better than 15 dalmatians. Well what I forgot to add is the real reason its 101 dalmatians is thats how many dalmation puppies that would be required to make the dreaded dalmation puppy coat. Lets leave that little point out though for the kids.

The live action 101 Dalmations staring Glenn Close the storyline is basically the same, and its absolutely amazing how much Glenn Close's version of Cruilla actually looks JUST like Cruella so much so that she is actually sort of creepy. Actually the only part of the entire movie that I perfer in the animated verses the live action is the dog nappers Jasper and Norace, I donno they are just too "home alone bad guy" for me. All those uppies though.. sOOOoo cute.

As a dog show person myself I really have to warn parents, all those puppies are absolutely beautiful but please don't go out and buy a puppy only because its cute. Research what is best for your family, or find a breeder in the national breed club and ask them candid questions about the breed. I promise you they would rather not sell you a puppy than sell you a puppy that will be wrong for your family.

101 Dalmations is back on DVD and such a classic story deserves a spot on everyone's dvd shelf! Pick up your copy at Amazon!

I have two copies of 101 Dalmations to give away to our readers!!

To enter :

  • Leave a comment on this post. Check out 101 Dalmations and tell me which Disney movie is your favorite!
  • Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com) We have had to disqualify a lot of potential winners as of late as many people do not have emails available in their profiles or leave anonymous posts without any way to contact you.
  • Please US entries only.
  • To get extra credit :
    • For an extra entry :
    • Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
    • Non Bloggers (or bloggers) subscribe to my mailing list/RSS feed and earn another entry!
    • One extra credit per person. Please post your extra credit in a separate post.
    • This contest will end Oct 15th at midnight!


Anonymous said...

My favorite Disney movie? That's a tough one! My son actually likes the 101 Dalmatians cartoon, so I know he'd love this one! I think Alice in Wonderland might be my favorite!

Unknown said...

The Little Mermaid is probably my favorite Disney movie...but my husband loves 101 Dalmations!! Thank you for the giveaway!

Millie said...

My favorite is Cinderella...
cinderelli cinderelli night and day its cinderelli... do the sewing do the dishes lol its a classic.. Thanks for the chance to win!

Millie said...

I have you on my sidebar! Thanks again!

Ladytink_534 said...

My favorite Disney movie is a toss-up between Mary Poppins and Beauty and the Beast.

Sarah S said...

I love the Little Mermaid the most!

Anonymous said...

OOh, we don't have that one. Please enter me! :)

My favorite Disney movie is either The Sword in the Stone or The Little Mermaid.


littleminx at cox dot net

Anonymous said...

Also, I'm a subscriber. Thanks!
littleminx at cox dot net

Jackie B. said...

I know what you mean. I have 11 dogs and I have a hard time telling people this. Actually my botfriend and I only have 5 and our roommate has 6 but we love them all like our own. Most of them are small (yorkie mixes) so that makes it easier. Sometimes though they stress me out!
Don't bother to enter me in the contest. I already have the movie!

Anonymous said...

My favorite Disney movie is Finding Nemo... its so cute!
As for the 101 Dalmations, I think maybe the 101 part comes from at the end when the original dalmation puppies rescue all of the other dalmations from Cruella. There turns out to be a total of 101 of them!

Michele said...

Oh, that's a hard one, but I'll Cinderella and My Little Mermaid.

The kids in my life will LOVE this movie!! I'd love to share it with them!

Thanks so much!
Michele R.(CA)

Stephanie said...

My favorite disney movie is Lion King!
tvollowitz at aol dot com

Gina said...

Beauty and the Beast is my favorite!

kygirl said...

Bambi is my fave

peg42 said...

I would have to say that my favorite is The Little Mermaid. I'd love to win this dvd for my kids. Thanks so much for this giveaway.

fancyfeet48 said...

my favorite is lion king

mverno said...

snow white its a classic for sure

abfantom said...

My favorite is Cinderella

Anonymous said...

I would say Beauty and the Beast because it carries a very important message.

Deborah Wellenstein said...

There are so many great movies! I really like The Lion King, though. Thank you!

susan1215 said...

My favorite Disney movie is The Little Mermaid

toasters lie said...


Anonymous said...

The Little Mermaid - Ariel's Beginning is my fav.

Unknown said...

I could watch Sleeping Beauty over and over again. I just love Disney movies.


The Regulator said...

My favorite is probably Beauty and the Beast followed closely by Aladdin!

Maja said...


Rebecca said...

MY favorite is Aladdin, my kids favorite is Lilo and Stitch!


groovyteach said...

I think I love Aladdin the most...I love the music!

Anonymous said...

Definitely Mary Poppins.
Alicia Webster

Unknown said...


"you can call me flower if ya want to" :)


original freaky friday or original versions of movies out now---cartoon would be toy story

Jenn S. said...

I have always liked Bedknobs and Broomsticks.

Anonymous said...

My favorite Disney movie is Beauty and the Beast!

Anonymous said...

My favorite is The Lion King

chromiumman said...


Anonymous said...

My favorite Disney movie is Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. I love those little guys!

Carol EL said...

"Peter Pan" was the first movie I saw in the early 50's.

Sharon said...

Cinderella for sure. THANKS

Sharon said...

Have you on my sidebar at
thanks again!

Sharon said...

AM a subscriber

Anonymous said...

I'd like to win this for my daughter. My favorite Disney movie is Lion King.

js22 said...

Sleeping Beauty

arbrashears said...

It is so hard to pick one favorite as there are so many that I love! I would probably say Mary Poppins though! I love the music, the actors, the purity, having loved it as a child and now seeing my own kids adore it!


toughturtles said...

the sword and the stone

Libby Design said...

Oh I LOVE this movie...but my favorite all-time Disney movie is "Beauty and the Beast". Great giveaway!!

Anonymous said...

There is no way that I can pick only one favorite Disney movie. There are so many good ones. I love Cars, Finding Nemo, Mary Poppins.

Anonymous said...

Mary Poppins is my fave.

rebbi511 at

imjasonc said...

Mary Poppins is my favorite.

Madeline said...

Oh, that's easy. My favorite is Snow White! But 101 Dalmations is pretty fabulous too.

Anonymous said...

My all-time favorite is the Little Mermaid. It was the first and it was great! I'd love to snag this DVD for my 4 year old. Nice contest. My email is:

stowelljg said...

Great movie.

kristilb19 said...

Peter Pan!

Roseann K. said...

Alice in Wonderland!

judybrittle said...

My favorite is Dumbo. Love that elephant. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

The original "Parent Trap".

Becca Ann said...

My all-time favorite disney movie is The Little Mermaid.

Erica C. said...

lady and the tramp!

janetfaye said...

Snow White is my favorite Disney movie.

Thank you!

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

You are on my sidebar.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

You are on my sidebar:

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

windycindy said...

"Winnie the Pooh!" Any movie that has Pooh Bear and his friends. Please enter me in your drawing. Many thanks, Cindi

windycindy said...

I am subscribed! Thanks for all of your very special giveaway drawings. Cindi

Anonymous said...

My favorite disney movie is Mary Poppins! I love all the disney films and look forward to going to visit one day. 101 dalmations is a classic movie that our family loves. It would be a great addition to our movie collection.

Anonymous said...

OMG I can't choose just one favorite...I'll narrow it down to three. The Aristocats (I used to have a cat named O'Malley), Lady & The Tramp, and Beauty and the Beast. To me, those are the best!

On another note, I totally understand the seven dogs question! My dad and I breed rabbits, and we never have less than 50 at one given time. People are always saying many rabbits do you have?!? So I totally understand lol. Thanks for the contest!


marleenandlouie said...

Not possible to choose a favorite--you just watch them all and love them all!

Stephen Saunders said...

little mermaid rocked.

Unknown said...

Beauty & the Beast is my all time favorite!

phillipsonlygirl at gmail dot com

VickieC said...

our favorite is Dumbo!,thanks

Anna said...

Lady and the Tramp is definitely my all time favorite

valerie2350 said...

Jungle Book was my favorite as a kid

Anonymous said...

You can't beat the family favorite, The Little Mermaid.

FawnGeorge said...

I just love the old Dr.Dolittles, but the recent one would be the National Treasure collection. Somehow I feel another one is going to be made. We'll see! I've only seen parts of this 101 Dalmation movie, but my husband says it's real cute. I would not mind owning this one.

dbadour said...

I can't choose between Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Lady and The Tramp and Bambi. May I should say almost all of them.

Jeffrey said...

"The Lion King," 'cause I just can't wait to be king.

pintolinda said...

I think our favorite is The Little Mermaid. Thanks for the giveaway. Glen Close was wonderful in 101 Dalmations.

pintolinda said...

I think our favorite is The Little Mermaid. Thanks for the giveaway. Glen Close was wonderful in 101 Dalmations.

Anonymous said...

My favorite is Fox and the Hound!

Andrea @ Momma in Flip Flops2 said...

My favorite Disney is probably Cinderella or The LIttle Mermaid! My son loves Peter Pan! Love to win this one!!!

Andrea @ Momma in Flip Flops2 said...

I have your button on my blog.=)

tatertot374 said...

Thank you for having this! My favorite Disney movie would be The Little Mermaid. Only because it was the first one I owned. Thank you! I would love to win this to watch with my 3 little ones.

Virgie said...

My favorite Disney movie has to be Mary Poppins. I remember my mom taking me to the theater to see it.

LadyBug-Kellie said...

My favorite Disney movies are Cinderella and Beauty and the Beast. Cinderella I remember fondly from my chilhood. Beauty and the beast has great songs to sing along to!!!

ladeebug224 at hotmail dot com

miriama said...

My favorite is Sleeping Beauty.

furygirl3132 said...

Our favorite Disney movie around my house is both Toy Story and Toy Story 2. We have watched these two so many times and laugh at the same parts each and everytime. Thanks so much for a great giveaway!


Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

My favorite disney movie is Cinderella. My grandmother (now 81) used to walk around when I was a child and sing the songs. Such fond memories.

=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

Miss Spoken said...

Sleeping Beauty

Anonymous said...


littlelatina said...

Snow white of course

Anonymous said...

I will always love The lion King!

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

Favorite disney movie is Beauty and the beast

Anonymous said...

Sleeping Beauty


rbauske said...

My favorite is Beauty and the Beast.

karebear said...

I love lion king

MageMorgana said...

My favorite Disney movie is Mary Poppins ;)


Julie Donahue said...

That's hard! It depends on the day! I loved Alladin! Beauty and the Beast. Little Mermaid. Oh...all of them!

agordon10 said...

The Little Mermaid

Finamoon said...

I love the Lion King. It has such a great message!

websurfergirl19 AT hotmail DOT com

Kari said...

The Little Mermaid is my favorite.

And we only have one dog, I can't imagine 7!! But, we do have six cats (and two rats :)

RodsAngel said...

My favorite Disney movie is Beauty and the Beast.

Smooshy said...


LadyBug-Kellie said...

i subscribed!!

ladeebug224 at hotmail dot com

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

Oh my, picking a favorite Disney movie would be difficult. I guess if I have to select only one it would likely be The Lion King. Thanks for the great giveaway :)

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

I also subscribe to your RSS feed :)

Anonymous said...

we love them all! out favorite right now is Cinderella :)

Anonymous said...

you're on my sidebar :)

Cherie J said...

My favorite Disney movie is Beauty and the Beast.


katy said...

I think I would choose Lady and the Tramp as my favorite Disney movie.

mogrill said...

I love Beauty and the Beast!

barbara said...

Hmm - I like so many. I guess I'd have to say Little Mermaid

phxbne said...

We love Mulan

Anonymous said...

Finding Nemo is da bomb!

Casey Becher said...

I loved The Aristocats!

Karen said...

101 Dalmations - has ALWAYS been my fav :)

nancy said...

Snow White

Anonymous said...

Finding Nemo is my favorite. My daughters favorite too.

walters123 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

I am a subscriber to your mailing list. Thanks.

walters123 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Krissie said...

I always liked the Lion King!

Think about it said...

I like the new movie enchanted and cars

Sassyfrazz said...

I don't know if I have a favorite of Disney's...but one of my favorites is Cinderella!

Thanks for the chance to win!

Sassyfrazz said...

I am a subscriber, too!

jemmmers74 said...

Finding Nemo, i like Dory..

Erica G said...

The Lion King!

egreca (at) hotmail {dot} com

Dee said...

The little mermaid is my all time favorite!

Bri Meets Books said...

Oliver and Company! The music, the animation, it's all so great.

Kelly said...

Snow White!

justicecw said...

Beauty and the Beast!

justicecw said...


Ally said...

My favorite Disney movie is "101 Dalmatians" - the cartoon version. I fell in love with it when I was 6 years old and I made my parents paint black spots on my walls. I still have my Penny (She's a stuffed animal). I also had a 101 dalmatians glass, luggage, sheets and a comforter. I was obsessed.

agsweeps [@] hotmail [.] com


jodene said...

Bambi has always been my favorite! I really love the classics.

Anonymous said...
It is the 101 Dalmatians - I have watched it at least 1000 times with all my grandkids!!!

Unknown said...

enchanted is definitely my favorite - LOVE it.

Unknown said...

I am a subscriber!

Jessilyn82 said...

I love Alice in Wonderland

vboackle said...

i like cinderella.

lorides said...

I would have to say the Lion King

Anonymous said...

They are all so good, but I think my favorite is the Lion King. Thanks for the giveaway.

iggysaysno said...

Beauty and the Beast

denyse said...

Lion King

Ken said...

Pinocchio is my favorite. A real boys' film with minimal mush. Please accept my entry. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Song of the South.

stowelljg said...

Glenn Close is great!

sachidewey said...

I love Sleeping Beauty!

bison61 said...

the kids said Finding Nemo

tiramisu392 (at)

Anita Yancey said...

Our favorite is The Little Mermaid.

Anonymous said...

I love Disney movies in general so it would be hard to pick just one. I'm not sure that I've ever seen Disney's Sleeping Beauty and would love to add a dvd copy to my movie collection!

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

Disney's Bambi has always been our all time favorite.
Thank you so much for offering this wonderful giveaway.
I would LOVE to win !!

Anonymous said...

All dogs go to heaven. I want to believe I'll see my dogs again after I die.

sewingmema said...

Jungle Book is my family's favorite! We actually got to watch it as a family when it first came out - this was rare since my husband was deployed constantly during his 30 years in the Army.

ky2here said...

The Little Mermaid. I was shocked to catch part of 'Song of the South' last year - Eeks!

Anonymous said...

"The Aristocats"

spartans1988 said...

Mary Poppins for sure

Anonymous said...

The Little Mermaid is my favorite Disney movie.

joahsgrandma said...

Mary Poppins (love Bert) or Finding Nemo ... there aren't many Disney movies that I don't like!

Anonymous said...

can't decide-i love Aladdin, the sword in the stone, and the Jungle Book!

Peggy said...

Cinderella is and has been my favorite. Great giveaway

Unknown said...

I love Cinderella, Little Mermaid, Cars and Enchanted.

candigrlme said...

My daughter loves Nemo!

redron said...

old yeller

Alice said...

My favorite is Peter Pan. Neverland always seemed like a great place to live!

tesashel said...

Bambi and Cinderella

Anonymous said...

I've always loved Alice in Wonderland.

Anonymous said...

I subscribe.

pitaharmon said...

I loved Bambi, in fact we lived on a small farm and my dad actually bought me a real live fawn, my own Bambi for me. He was our pet for years! Thanks Dad!

Sunshine Mama said...

Mary Poppins. kristie2 (at)

loni broesch said...

Wizard of oz.

Ellie Wright said...

My favorite would have to be The Lion King. Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Cars is my most favorite!

ms-texas said...

little mermaid or toy story are my favorites!

Brooke Lorren said...

Little Mermaid, I think.

Anonymous said...

Song of the South

cgroverla said...

Toy Story is my favorite

Mommy 2 Monkeys said...

Dumbo is one of my favorites, along with Robin Hood.

Betty C said...

My favorite movie is Lady and the Tramp.

tlcfromtn said...

The Little Mermaid is my favorite. I love the songs! Thanks!

braaisjo at gmail dot com

Jinxy and Me said...

Lady and the Tramp is my favorite.

klp1965 said...

old yeller :)

Anonymous said...

Beauty and the Beast is one of my favorite Disney movies.

Anonymous said...

My favorite Disney movie is The Incredibles!

Fangirl Jen said...

My current favorite is Finding Nemo.

Fangirl Jen said...

Your button is on my blog.

Sue Farrell said...

Lady and the Tramp is my all time fave.

calgirl said...

Mary Poppins is my favorite movie.

Anonymous said...

That's a tough one!

/\Heather/\ said...

The Little Mermaid. Love it!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I agree.. that's a tough one. When I was a kid it was the Little Mermaid.. later it was Beauty and the Beast.. and now as an adult it is probably Sleeping Beauty.

Samantha P said...

great movie!

Samantha P said...

also a subscriber!

Anonymous said...

My Favorite Disney Movie Is The Fox And The Hound,

Anonymous said...

I'm A Subscriber

Mom said...

My favorite is the Lion King. thanks for the chance to win!

Donna said...


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