Sunday, August 3, 2008

Toys for a whole year?!

Ebeanstalk is one of our favorite online toy retailers as it truely takes the guess work out of buying children's toys, especially for loved ones or grandparents who may not live locally. I routinely recommend them to friends who need a present for a child's birthday party but may not necessarily know whats appropriate or "cool". Its also just a great place to go and shop for your own kids as they really do their research on the toys they sell, not just a random assortment of toys.

I've been looking for great small toys that really capture what Connor and I love most about toys, that are inexpensive enough to give as gifts, and Ebeanstalk offers everything from luxury gifts such as the polar bear rocking horse which I personally would LOVE to get my hands on to great inexpensive but completely environmentally friendly and modern chic, Fagus toddler cars.

I got Connor the, Fagus Wooden Oldie Car, which is small enough for him to easily grasp and I absolutely love its solid hardwood design. There are no bright colors, no batteries, no loud noises, and Connor can spend all day pushing it around the house. Its just one of those toys that looks great sitting in the middle of your living room, so much that you wont even mind if its left on the coffee table when guests come over. I really need to look into buying him some of the larger trucks as he gets older.

The real beauty of Ebeanstalk however, is not just in their selection but in the way you can search and order toys from their site. You can search by age, occassion, toy type (including our favorite wooden toys), by brand name, and by skill. All Ebeanstalk toys are pretested and rated by what they liked about the toy, what it helps the child learn, and what skills can be mastered by playing with it. Honestly thats not something I always think about when I see a really cool toy, but its especially important when your looking for toys for a child who may be lacking in a particular area. Personally, we need toys that will help Connor learn to say Mama.. as we are still not saying it at least not regularly. He did actually say Mama as clear as day a few days ago.. and out of pure shock I said "Connor did you just say Mama?" and you know that little snot said "Noooo". I think I should just go on strike.

If your really looking to make a big impression on your gift giving or you just want to give just an exceptional baby shower gift. Check out Ebeanstalk's gift series. You can actually buy a child a "series" of gifts that will be delivered over the course of a year, or however long you choose to do it for. They are tailored to the child's age and are delivered at appropriate developmental times. You can choose from pre-picked gift series or make your own. Not to be crude but I would have peed myself if someone would have bought Connor a gift series for his birthday. Talk about a gift that truely keeps on giving.

While your shopping for toys, don't forget that baby gear as well. If you really want to blow a new mom's mind make your own gift series and include a great diaper bag, stroller, and some toys for as the child grows. She will certainly never forget it.

A Ebeanstalk gift series would also be a fabulous christmas gift. I know it seems a little early to be thinking about christmas but its never too early to be scouting out your options.

Ebeanstalk was gracious enough to send over a Fagus Wooden Mini Truck to give away to one of my readers!

To enter :

  • Leave a comment on this post. Head on over to Ebeanstalk and browse their gift series. Tell me which gift series you would love to have or would like to buy for someone you love.
  • No "i want to win" stuff without a little effort (and I do mean little!)
  • Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com) We have had to disqualify a lot of potential winners as of late as many people do not have emails available in their profiles or leave anonymous posts without any way to contact you.
  • Please US entries only.
  • To get extra credit :
    • For an extra entry :
    • Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
    • Non Bloggers (or bloggers) subscribe to my mailing list/RSS feed and earn another entry!
    • One extra credit per person. Please post your extra credit in a separate post.
    • This contest will end August 31st at midnight!


ArkieRN said...

The Travel Gift Series really caught my eye. I'd love to get that for the grandbaby.

ArkieRN said...

I subscribed to your blog via bloglines.

agordon10 said...

The castle blocks set gift series would be awesome for my son

sphinx63 said...

I like the Travel Gift Series for 1 year olds. That Pirate's Treasure Hunt is so cute! Thanks!

mverno said...

the fagus mini truck for my grandson he loves trucks

Anonymous said...

Mom's choice gift series is my favorite. I really liked them all....

Anonymous said...

train table. my son is crazy for trains.

yount said...

for bubba

chromiumman said...

love the travel gift series (for 2 year olds)

and i love the idea of a series of gifts (every 3 months a new toy arrives experly-matched to the stage of the child's development.) great idea

peg42 said...

What a great idea these gift series are. I love the SPACE SAVER gift series for 6 months. I'd love this for my nephew. This is such a wonderful idea. Not only does the child get something new every few months, the gift will be more appreciated because with the gifts spread overtime, it's not like gift overload for the child. Thanks so much for this giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I would like to give Holt the 3 2/4 year old the ultimate gift series. He would love it. Thank you for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Love the Polar bear rocker

Sharon said...

Travel Gift Series for best friends child...thanks so much

Anonymous said...

I like the Fagus mini truck; I couldn't get the link to the site to work, though.

Kristie said...

I like the SPACE SAVER gift series for a 1 year old-very neat gift idea!

khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Always, Amy said...

What a fabulous idea, thank you for sharing this website with us! I personally like the space saver gift series. With three small kids it is really nice to have toys that pack away nicely and easily. Seems like there is always something on the floor that gets stepped on! I think this is a great idea and I would love to give it to my 1 year old, what a great birthday gift that would be since his birthday is coming up on the 19th. Thanks for the giveaway, it is much appreciated!

mverno said...

train table

Belinda said...

I like the Travel Gift Series for a two year old, for my toddler!

Belinda said...

I'm subscribed via email:

Jen Mc said...

I would create my own gift series! (They do give you that option.) I would include the Pound a Peg, Solid Drum, Wooden Van, and Wooden Mini Truck.

Jen Mc said...

I just subscribed to your blog.

Alexia said...

I like the 2 year Ultimate Gift Series.

Kari said...

i love the polar bear rocker!!

PS said...

LOVE how the site is categorized by age!! Love that! I love the Melissa and Doug Wooden Play Kitchen. I want to get one for my kids for Christmas so bad! (Then maybe they'll leave my cuboards alone!-yeah right!)

Christi said...

Anything in the space spaver series. We currently live between two cities, so anything that's not huge is a great advantage!

Heather Brandt said...

I'd love the Premimum gift series for our little boy we are adopting from Russia :)

heatherlbrandt (at) verizon (dot) net

Tuesday Girl said...

I think the travel gift series is such a great idea!

Anonymous said...

I would love to get my nephew the ultimate gift series for his second birthday! He'd love it and so would my sister! jeepcutie82 at msn dot com

Buki Family said...

i really like the travel gift series for 1 year olds. very cool!

Anonymous said...

Travel Gift Series would be great for my little one!


Tara said...

I like the train table. My son loves trains. He has the animal bowling set and loves it too.

Genevieve P said...

The Castle Blocks set would be marvelous!

Miss Spoken said...

Love the Butterfly Pavilion from the Space Savers Gift Series.

Miss Spoken said...

Subscriber. Thanks!

lace said...

I'd get the 4 year old gift set. Perfect for my niece

kristilb19 said...

Monkey Math looks like a cute game! Cute site!

Lindsey said...

That rocking polar bear is SO CUTE! They have great toys, thanks for the opportunity to win!

ladyufshalott at yahoo dot com

mogrill said...

I love the train table! So neat.

melonkelli said...

I like the Alex Lemonade Stand.

Wehaf said...

I love the Space Savers Gift Series for two years olds - I know my nephew would love all of it, but especially the tub art set.

urchiken at gmail dot com

(P.S. Blogger messed up some of your links in this post.)

Alice H said...

I'm expecting my first in September so I'd pick the BEANSTALK BASICS gift series for newborn through nine months. Thanks for the giveaway!

Lo said...

I would love the Space Saver Gift Series (for 6 months) for my son!

Bree said...

I love the MOMS' CHOICE gift series- those gifts look great!

Millie said...

My favorite is the moms choice. But man they are all too cute! Thanks for the chance to win such a cute prize!

Millie said...

I added you to my sidebar! I wish there were more ways to add credits for this prize! Thanks again!

Sarah S said...

ok, I just realized I read your instructions too fast - so if I was getting a gift series, I would want the series for the 1-yr-olds! pretty cool stuff.

windycindy said...

Hello! I like their site. Thanks for introducing me to it. I like the
"Unit Blocks!" My nephew would love them. Thanks, Cindi

Jamie - The Itty Bitty Teacher said...

I like the wood like soft blocks. These would be great for my son.

Pen In Cheek said...

I love the train set for my son in honor of his grandpa.


penincheek at hotmail dot com

CanCan said...

I like the Travel Size Gift Series for 1 year olds and the Ultimate Gift Series for 4 year olds. This is pretty cool! I like that you can look at the toys in the series and get an idea of how the child will be developing over the course of a year.

Stephen A said...

The castle blocks! for my baby boy!

Anonymous said...

I like the Beanstalk Basics gift series for 4-yr-olds - these gift series are a really great idea!
anastacer at verizon dot net

EJW said...

I like the travel gift series.

What nice, simple, beautiful toys!

Denise said...

I'd LOVE the ultimate gift series for two-year olds. Table top easel, big blocks, train set... I just may have to drop hints for grandma & grandpa for my daughter's birthday in January.

Heather said...

The travel set is my favorite.

Cassie said...

Ooooh! I love the Castle blocks!

Cassie said...

I subscribed on myaol! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

great for my new born grandson

kygirl said...

Travel gift series.

Mom said...

I love this gift series idea. My favorite was the Travel Gift Series. What a great way at any age to keep the child occupied with a new toy every few months while traveling, especially now with a 2 year old. Thanks for the chance to win.

JJSpat said...

No contest....castle blocks set gift series would be great for my nephew

Unknown said...

The "Bug Jug" is so cute - I love it! Thanks so much!


jennem said...

Love the Pirates Treasure Hunt, too cute!Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com

janetfaye said...

I like the PREMIUM gift series,

This would make a wonderful fun gift.

Thank you!

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

miriama said...

I have tried for quite a while to get into the sponsor's site. I love the truck for my granddaughter.

Reiza said...

The Basics set for 2-year-olds is pretty neat.

littlelatina said...

I am loving the rocker!

carmen said...

The two year old PREMIUM gift series is very fun, especially the rocket toy which goes with my son's rocket themed room!

EB said...

I like the basics set. It would be great for my nephew!


Erin said...

I'd be so excited to see the BEANSTALK BASICS gift series for year 3 (especially that great Ravensburger matching game), and I know our little one would love it. Thanks for the contest!

emhagedon at gmail

Eryn said...

Silly goose, it is NEVER too early to think about what you're going to be shopping for at Christmas! Or maybe that's just my And wood toys and cars hold such a special place in my heart.

I almost can't decide what gift series I would choose. I think the ULTIMATE gift series, for ages 4-5 looks just AMAZING. What a wonderful website!

Eryn said...

I'm a subscriber to your super awesome feed, too

Tammy said...

BEANSTALK BASICS gift series for 3 year olds -- perfect for my nephew -- we don't give "birthday and christmas gifts" since we live so far away - so we just have special gifts when we visit or they visit us. It's so much fun to have a pile of gifts to open "just because'!

Blessings Abound said...

That's a neat idea! I'd choose the ultimate gift series for a 2 yrs old. I could see all of those things being a winner with all my children. Thanks!


Anonymous said...
The Castle Blocks for my grandson - my oldest had one and would love to get this for my youngest

Michele said...

WOW!! What a GREAT site!!! I liked the Travel Gift Series and the Space Saver Gift Series the best. I'd want it in the 3 year old age group.

Michele R.(CA)

Michele said...

I'm a subscriber!!

Michele R.(CA)

michelle said...

I like the Newborn Beanstalk Basics gift series. I love the Whoozit and Ladybug. All of the toys in the set are ones I want to get for when my baby is born.

michelle at northofthe49 dot com

Brandy said...

Having a child with autism, I love to see that they have a developmental delays category. I love the Teaching Cash Register and the Tell A Story game.

Brandy said...

I'm also a subscriber. Thanks!

CJW's folks said...

I LOVE the idea of the toy gift series!!! I'd have the say the space saving ones!

Katie said...

MOMS' CHOICE gift series for a 1 year old looks like something my son would love. Thanks katie_mmartin at yahoo dot com.

Liz said...

The Ultimate gift set for my grandson

Stephanie said...

ULTIMATE gift series
tvollowitz at aol dot com

wigget said...

we would really enjoy the nightlight soother

wigget said...

we would really enjoy the nightlight soother

Karen said...

Nightlife Soother.

Karen said...

Nighlight Soother !

Gina.B said...

I love the castle blocks. My son sits for hours with his blocks!

Anonymous said...

The rocker is adorable. I also like the travel sets. What great ideas!


Anonymous said...

This eshop always has such a fun selection of toys. I'd love to get the 2YO Travel Gift Series for my nearly-two-year-old daughter.
beccachristensen at hotmail dot com

Valerie said...

I like the Melissa & Doug finger painting set. And the Plan Toys drum set!

Anonymous said...

nightlife soother

klp1965 said...

my son would love the The castle blocks set gift series

Unknown said...

I like the MOMS' CHOICE gift series for a 1 year old.

Anonymous said...

My little one would love the train set!

dvice12 said...

I like the castle blocks

tatertot374 said...

Thank you for having this. I really like the travel series for my little one. Thank you!

Unknown said...

I just love this website. I have got to get the Taggies Nest & Stack Blocks for our little boy. These are just adorable. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I love the space saver gift set. I'd get it for our little girl!

bison61 said...

I like the travel gift series

tiramisu392 (at)

Xenia said...

What great toys, I'd love the travel gift series (for 2 year olds) for my daughter.

Thanks for the giveaway!

SeahorseLady said...

What a great site. I really like the Beanstalk Basics gift series as well as the Castle blocks.

arvard said...

I would like the Travel Gift Series for my grandson.

cman said...

I love the Chubbies Bucket.. my son would LOVE it :)

Jinxy and Me said...

The Ultimate Choice Gift Series is great. Overall they have a LOT of nice things.

Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said...

I like the Space Saver gift series for us - it looks like there's some fun toys in the set! :)

judybrittle said...

I love the arts and crafts in their gift series. My favorite would be the busy box. Thank you for the chance!

Bakersdozen said...

I would say the Ultimate because I love the Retro Rocket! vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com

Donna said...

I like the Garden Fruits & Vegetables

Audrey B said...

quadrilla set was very cool, a bit pricey for me, but I also loved the pirates bounty for the baby and oh that log blocker game can't think of the name now. Very cute stuff, I definately could spend a fortune at their website. Great stuff.

masonsgranny59 said...

Travel Gift Series

Rockin' Mama said...

My son would love the PREMIUM gift series

jasonncaryn at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Travel Gift Series for one year olds.

Anonymous said...

The travel gift set for one year olds would be nice to give to a coworker at a shower.

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