Monday, August 11, 2008

Check out those socks!

Talk about the cutest thing ever, but Nix Socks takes the cake when it comes to toddler socks.

They are basically knee high tube socks, basically the same "old school" type tube sock that was popular with the skater crowd when I was in school, and Connor's Daddy still loves to wear today.

Well besides being beyond adorable the tube sock look is as functional as it is stylish. Not only do they look great but they provide a great barrier to cold, and down here in the southern states where cold isn't so much an issue, I've found they make for GREAT protection from mosquitoes.

In Alabama this time of year Mosquitoes are horrible, and It almost makes me want to keep Connor inside many afternoons. A good bug spray is a must but honestly I do not necessarily enjoy dousing my son with bug spray every time we leave the house. I can however put a pair of long shorts on him, a pair of Nix socks and we are good to go as usually its his legs that get most of the bites as especially on hot days it seems that the mosquitoes go for the lowest exposed skin possible. I usually get bites around my ankles and near my knees.

We spent most of the afternoon outside today and Connor went to bed with only one bite on his arm, and not a single bite on his legs. That alone is worth a pair of Nix Socks, though truthfully I didn't get him a pair for their mosquito fighting powers. I really love the way they look, and I love the fact that they don't slide down so he can wear them all day and I don't even have to think about adjusting them.

You might think of tube socks as a boy thing, but you are SO wrong. I love a good tube sock on boys, but I honestly think that nothing is cuter than a pair of tube socks on girls. I loved to wear them growing up, but I never had any socks even remotely this cool. Now the question is where can I find a pair of the pastel socks in an adult size?

You can check out all the color choices of Nix Socks and purchase them directly on their website!

Nix Socks was generous enough to offer a giveaway of one pair of socks to one lucky reader!

To enter :

  • Leave a comment on this post. Check out Nix Socks and tell me what is your favorite pair of socks, and did you wear tube socks when you were a kid?
  • Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com) We have had to disqualify a lot of potential winners as of late as many people do not have emails available in their profiles or leave anonymous posts without any way to contact you.
  • Please US entries only.
  • To get extra credit :
    • For an extra entry :
    • Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
    • Non Bloggers (or bloggers) subscribe to my mailing list/RSS feed and earn another entry!
    • One extra credit per person. Please post your extra credit in a separate post.
    • This contest will end August 31th at midnight!


Mary512 said...

I like the Girls Bright Set. I didn't wear tube socks as a kid. Great giveaway, thanks!

Mary512 said...

Blogged ya:

Thanks again!


love the bright set..

yes I wore tube socks growing up- the whole embarrassing gym outfits- the baggy pants and ugly outsits... boy the gals complain now- too bad they cannot go back and experience some of the things we had to growing up- they are so cute and spoiled now with styole and fitted clothes

jenny said...

wow i realy like the socks and well the kind i still where to day are the same kind i use to where when i was a kid but olny biger lol thay are footies and bobby socks and some tub ones too thanks

Maja said...

boys white set.
no i didn't. ;)

Maja said...


HilLesha O'Nan said...

I love the Boys Dark Set and no I've never worn tube socks. :)

Kristie said...

I love the Boys Heather Set-very nice! I'm pretty sure I wore tube socks.

khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Michele said...

I don't recall wearing tube socks as a kid, but I think these are darling! My niece just picked out the Girl's Pastel Set as her favorite!

Michele R.(CA)

Michele said...

I'm a subscriber!

Michele R.(CA)

mverno said...

didn't everyone

Dumaurier said...

I like the boys heather set

Michele P. said...

My fave is the girls bright set! And yup, I wore tube socks once in awhile! Here in Maine in winter it was a necessity when out shoveling or walking through snow!

micaela6955 at msn dot com

Michele P. said...

I am a subscriber, thanks!

micaela6955 at msn dot com

Anonymous said...


Wehaf said...

I like the boys bright set. I didn't wear tube socks, but my older siblings did!

urchiken at gmail dot com

kygirl said...

No I didn't waer tube socks

Boys heather set

peg42 said...

I love the boys bright set. Yes I remember wearing tube socks when I was a kid. They always kept me warm.
Thanks for this giveaway.

Superdumb Supervillain said...

I love the girls brights but they're too small for Roo so I will go with the boys heather for Jasper...

Jamie - The Itty Bitty Teacher said...

I love the boys bright set. Yep I wore tube socks when I was little too.

Andrea @ Momma in Flip Flops2 said...

I think the girls bright set is really cute. Yes i wore tube socks. LOL!!

Miss Spoken said...

Love the girls Bright Set and yes, I wore tube socks (especially when roller skating).

Miss Spoken said...


Anonymous said...

My favorite is the girls bright set! I don't think I wore tube socks as a kid.

Cute designs! What fun socks!


Sarah said...

I don't recall wearing tube socks, so I probably didn't. However, I think they are super duper cute!

I like the Girls Heather Set the best.

ignoramoose (at) gmail (dot) com

agordon10 said...

My daughter would love the Girls Bright set.
I still wear tube socks.

Anonymous said...

I love the Girls Bright set. Unfortunately I never wore tube socks, as much as I asked for them. :(

Allstarme79 said...

I DID wear these as a skid but also in high school, when the skater fad was back in. My son is about to be a toddler (!) and I think I like the Boys' heather site the most. They match a lot of the outfits he has now.

Anonymous said...

Blogging you at:

(Just left that last comment too)

Jenn S. said...

I like the Boys Bright Set the best. I remember wearing them when I was little.

Belinda said...

I like the Boys White Set and no, I didn't wear tube socks as a kid!

Belinda said...

I'm a subscriber via email:

tatertot374 said...

Thank you for having this! My daughter picked out the Girls pastel set. Too cute! I never wore tube socks as a child but my husband did. I just recently seen pictures of my husband when he was around 5 with a half shirt and shorts with long tube socks. Too funny.

Meredith said...

I had to wear those little thin cotton socks with the lace at the ankle forever until I could use babysitting money to go hog wild on multicolored toe socks and other such frivolous footwear!

Anonymous said...

I like the Girl's pastel set


Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, forgot to mention that I did, proudly wear tube socks as a kid. With satin shorts and roller skates. Sigh, those were the days.


kristilb19 said...

Boys Bright Sock Set! Cute!! No I didn't wear them when I was little, I remember my brother and sister did though.

windycindy said...

Hi, Their socks are really cute! I like the girls' "Heather" set. The colors are soft and look good together! I didn't wear tube socks as a childe. I wore anklets. Please enter me in your drawing. Many thanks, Cindi

Julie said...

Yep, I wore them. If you had known me in the mid seventies you would have seen me in short canvas shorts and white tube socks with red or blue rings around the top. I'm partial to the boys heather set. Thanks!

carmen said...

The boys white set would be best for my son's wardrobe. I do not remember if I wore tube socks! so sad I know.
ceegee24 at hotmail dot com

Jenna said...

Cute! I like the girls pastel set. I don't think I wore tube socks growing up. I usually thought of that as a "boy" thing.

donnav said...

I like the Girls Heather Set. I did wear tube socks when I was a kid, but I hated them. I thought they looked too much like boys' socks.

mom2boys said...

I love the boys bright set. I also wore tube socks as a kid and I loved them. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

girls bright set is the cutest. I wore tube socks back ion the day of phys-ed class where the teacher checked to make sure your hair was wet.

Smooshy said...

I wore my brother's tube socks! I like the boys' dark set.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, the girls bright set is the cutest thing! I love the hot pink with orange! I did not wear the tube socks as a kid but my kids will! jeepcutie82 at msn dot com

Anonymous said...

Did not wear when I was a kid and I like the Girl's HEather

frugallm said...

I like the girls pastel set! I don't remember wearing tube socks as a kid, but I remember my dad had them.

elkmeese at yahoo dot com

Alice H said...

I love the boys white set - and I totally wore tube socks growing up! Thanks!

Unknown said...

I like the girls bright set.

No, I didn't wear tube socks as a kid. :(

Thanks for the entry!

Denise said...

Girl's heather or boy's white. I sure did wear tube socks. I also really liked those socks with the toes in them - like gloves for your feet. They looked cool but weren't very comfy.

Buki Family said...

I love love love the boys heather set. Cute! I dont remember wearing tube socks when I was young, I just remember wanting to roll them into doughnuts all the time! :)

Katie said...

I like the Boys White Set and the girls bright set. Very cute. As for me I didn't were tubes socks growing up I think they weren't so much the style. Thanks katie_mmartin at yahoo dot com.

phxbne said...

I love the Girls Bright set. I was not a tube sock kid....

phxbne said...

I subscribe to your feed

Heather Brandt said...

I'd want the boys' white set. I think I wore knee socks for sure. Mom put them on my brother to disguise his skinny legs:0

heatherlbrandt(at) verizon (dot) net

Mom said...

I love the boys heather socks. Of course I wore these type of socks when I was little, especially for the sports I was in like volley ball. I don't know a lot of people who didn't. Thanks for the chance to win!

kdkdkd said...

I love the boys heather set. Yep, I wore them when I was a kid, but then again I grew up in the 70's so everyone wore them then.

Michelle T said...

I like the boys white socks. I didn't wear tube socks when I was a kid...although my husband wears them now! Ha!

lace said...

The girls heather set is my favorite pair.

I've never worn tube socks.

Anonymous said...

My fave is the Girls Pastels, particularly the mint green. I hate to admit it, but I wore tube sox in high school!

Tammy said...

I like the gray with green ones for a boy -- I did wear tube socks as a kid, although I can't say I was overly fond of them!

Tara Burton said...

It's a tie between the girls pastel and the girls bright set. Both so cute and I could just see my daughter running around w/ these on this winter!

Um, didn't wear tube socks . . . my brothers did - but can't say I had the privilege.

Kari said...

Love the girl's heather set!! I used to wear them when I was younger, maybe 8 or 9? They looked horrendous though, lol :)

Kristy said...

I did wear tube socks as a kid. I like the Girls Heather Set. Thanks for the chance.

Ellie said...

The boys bright set are my favorite. I don't remember wearing tube socks as a kid, but I agree with you, I think they're just as cute on girls as they are on boys!

Princess Golden Hair said...

My fave is the girls bright set! did i wear tube socks when i was young? yes but not with flip flops

miriama said...

I like the girls' pastel set and yes, I wore tube socks. I had many, many pairs with different designs, numbers, etc.

Unknown said...

I love the Girls Bright Socks! They are indee brightly coloured, and I dont remember if I ever wore tube socks when I was young, that was to long ago to remember haha.

Brooke said...

I like Girls Bright and I DEFINITELY wore tube socks hiked all the way up to my knees, but they were not as nice.

Anonymous said...

I love the heather gray pastel socks for girls. Those are darling. And heck yeah, I wore kneesocks when I was young. I wore them all the way into adulthood and I remember after I got married my friends at work laughed at me and it wasn't until that very day that I stopped to think about it. I stopped wearing them but I tell you, I still like them!

Liz said...

I adore the kids pastel set they are so cute. And IO refused to wear tube socks. I wore knee highs

Lo said...

I like the boy's heather set! I didn't wear tube socks as a kid, I think I thought they were for boys. Though not these beauties!

Anonymous said...

I like the boys bright sets! these are so cute!
I don't remember wearing tube socks, but I know my dh wore them :)

Aprilshowers said...

I love the girls socks in heather grey. I always look forward to fall so I can start wearing socks again. They are so cozy and I sure did wear tube socks when I was a kid.

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

Love the Boys Heather Set. No, I did not wear tube socks, but I did wear knit knee socks when I wore skirts/dresses when little.

Thanks for the great giveaway.

the_angel_forever at yahoo dot com

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

I also subscribe to your RSS feed.

the_angel_forever at yahoo dot com

miller lawn service said...

These look great! I like the Boys Heather Set. And Of course I wore tube socks as a kid!

angela said...

I like the boys dark set. Didn't wear tube socks myself though.

Julia said...

I like the boys white set. I did wear knee socks in the '70's... guess everything comes around again!! :)

Karen said...

Like the Boys White Set.

bison61 said...

I like the boys heather set, and I did not wear tube socks

tiramisu392 (at)

Heather said...

i like the Girls Heather Set. And yes I am guilty of wearing tube socks!

Anonymous said...

I like the boys white knee socks-I wore these as a kid

vboackle said...

i like the boys white set and no i did not.

klp1965 said...

honest to god i never wear socks hell i dont even like shoes..the only time i wear socks is if there is snow on the i dont remember if i wore tube socks but i know my brother did

Anonymous said...

The Pastel Nix Socks are adorable... Don't remember wearing tube socks on my legs HOWEVER, I did wear some on my hands when I got burned really really bad... wiicked13 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Anonymous said...

Im going to say the boys white set, ty !

Amanda said...

I like the Boys Heather and yes, I definitely wore (wear?) tube socks.

Libby Design said...

Love the Girls Pastel Set - as the description says, "Pretty, but still ROCKIN"!

I was a TOTAL tube sock wearer as a kid...and guess what, I just scored some super cool ones at Old Navy the other day on clearance. So I'm STILL a tube sock nerd!!! I'm a complete sock freak - this is my favorite sock website EVER:

Izzie said...

My favorite pair of socks had a scarecrow on each sock. (I love "THe Wizard of Oz"). And yes, I wore tube socks.

wigget said...

i like the boys white set. i don't remember ever wearing tube socks...

Unknown said...

I love the Boy's Heather Set. Yes, I did wear tube socks. My favorite were a pair of rainbow striped ones.

stacie marie said...

I like the girls pastel set.. no, I don't recall wearing tube socks as a child :(

jennem said...

I like the boys heather set. Yeah, mom bought us tube socks by the sackful!

jennem22 at yahoo dot com

Erica G said...

I wore tube socks!! I like the girls white set.

egreca (at) hotmail {dot} com

Anonymous said...

I love the little girl's bright set. Yeah, I wore tube socks until I was in the sixth grade. Lol.

yellowlabs said...

I like the girls bright set, and no I did not wear as a kid.

Xenia said...

I would love the Girls White Set for my daughter, the idea of socks that actually stay on is great! Of course I wore tube socks as a kid, my mom always had them ready.

Thanks for the giveaway!

arvard said...

I like the Boys Heather Set.

Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said...

My favorite set is the boys bright set - I love the OSU colors pair! :) These are super adorable!

I wore them - I grew up in the late 70's and early 80's so I am sure there is photographic evidence even out there. LOL

MageMorgana said...

I like the Girls Heather set, and the socks I remember most were those navy blue knee socks that were part of the parochial school uniform ;)


judybrittle said...

I like the boys dark set and I don't think I wore tube socks when I was a child. I can't remember that far back. Thank you!

Bakersdozen said...

I like the boys heather set. I did not wear tube socks as a kid, but would have probably preferred them to the girlie socks that didn't stay in place. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com

Donna said...

I like the Boy's Bright Set. Yes, i wore tube socks as a kid.

haomom said...

love these...either girls pastel or bright, like em both can't choose.
yes most definitely wore tube socks but they were NOT Nice looking like these.

masonsgranny59 said...

I love the Boys Dark Set

Anonymous said...

Tube socks were all the rage! I love the girls bright set.

Anonymous said...

Boys dark set.

Rockin' Mama said...

I like the Boy's Bright Set....I actually never wore tube socks! : )

jasonncaryn at yahoo dot com

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