Monday, July 7, 2008

Bob is back for some summer fun!

Hey its summer, so what is Bob up to these days? Well building a beach of course!! Bob the Builder : Let's Build the Beach is available on DVD right now!

There is a promenade to be built at the famous Bobland Bay, who comes up with these names anyhow? My favorite Bob character Spud is always trying to help, but you know Spud sometimes his version of helping ends up having the opposite affect. No fear though, the endlessly optimistic Can-Do Crew will get the job done no matter what! If I could only find an ounce of the optimism and energy they have I'd get all my laundry done, the dishes, all my blog posts and even possibly that toy box finally sanded and painted for Connor... all in one day.

Five episodes in one DVD, plus the bonus features, should keep your little crew occupied and there are two very cool new members of the Can-Do Crew for you to meet. Bristle the street sweeper, and Splasher an awesome amphibious vehicle! I'm already quite positive that Splasher will be the new favorite at our house, sorry Scoop. We just need our own little Splasher for bath time!

Here is a little more about Bob the Builder : Let's Build the Beach :

Just as families head-out for summer vacation, Bob the Builder heads to Bobland Bay to embark on some beach-building fun as Lionsgate and HIT Entertainment present the all-new Bob the Builder: Let’s Build the Beach DVD. Bob the Builder and his machine team are always ready to tackle any project. As they hammer out solutions that lead to a job well done, Bob and the Can-Do Crew demonstrate the power of positive thinking, problem-solving, teamwork and follow-through. Most importantly, from start to finish, the team always shows that The Fun is Getting It Done!

Let's Build the Beach is available right now on Amazon!

I have five copies of Bob the Builder : Let's Build the Beach to give away to our readers!

To enter :

  • Leave a comment on this post. Check out Bob the Builder : Let's Build the Beach and tell us what your plans are for the summer! Also we'd love to hear who your favorite Can-Do crew character is!
  • No "i want to win" stuff without a little effort (and I do mean little!)
  • Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com) We have had to disqualify a lot of potential winners as of late as many people do not have emails available in their profiles or leave anonymous posts without any way to contact you.
  • Please US entries only.
  • To get extra credit :
    • For an extra entry :
    • Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
    • Non Bloggers (or bloggers) subscribe to my mailing list/RSS feed and earn another entry!
    • One extra credit per person. Please post your extra credit in a separate post.
    • This contest will end July 15th at midnight!


Hetal said...

Two camping trips and for the first time, we are planning to make S'mores!!. Kids are so excited..My favourite character is Wendy.

Anonymous said...

I love Bob the Builder! My favorite member of his team is Scoop. Sagan is just starting to get into it. I'd love a copy!

Anonymous said...

My wife and I are hoping to take our two children to Sesame Place in Langhorne, PA this summer. My personal favorite character from Bob is Scoop.

Anonymous said...


plans to go to Mendocino

Anonymous said...

I don't know the characters. I want to win it for my grandson.

I plan to go to Mexico.

Anonymous said...


plan to go to sf

Anonymous said...

We plan to go camping a few times. We like the bulldozier. (sorry, we can't remember his name) and of course Bob!

peg42 said...

Thank you for offering this giveaway. My sons love Bob the Builder. Our favorite can do character is Bob the Builder himself. Thanks so much and please enter me.

Miss Spoken said...

This summer, our family will be doing a lot of camping in the Sierras. Finally our kids are all at an age where they can really enjoy it. Our favorite Can-Do Crew member is Tumbler.

Miss Spoken said...

Also a member. Thanks.

Andrea @ Momma in Flip Flops2 said...

My son likes scoop!!! We have the characters in person and he plays with them all the time. We don' thave any real plans for summer.. just our regular stuff.. swimming, etc!!!

Andrea @ Momma in Flip Flops2 said...

You're added to my side bar as always! Thanks.

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

We do not have too many plans for the summer. A mini trip here and mini trip there. We also plan to take our son to an amusement park near here that has Wiggles World.

My favorite Bob crew member is Spud :)

Thanks for the great giveaway.

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

Extra credit: I subscribe to your feed in my Google Reader :)

miller lawn service said...

This looks great! Our summer plans include lots of travels with 3 little ones in the back seat: visits to both sets of grandparents, a wedding, and a conference--4 states in all!

Brooke Lorren said...

Gymnastics twice a week right now, and trying to get moved in to our new house (we had a fire so we had to move). I like Bob and Wendy the best.

Mary512 said...

Bob is definitely our favorite. Our plans for the rest of the summer is to go to the beach as much as we can! Great giveaway, thanks.

Michelle T said...

This summer, we're going to spend a few weeks in northern Washington, near Seattle. Our favorite is of course, Bob!

Anonymous said...

Well, I hope we are going to the beach!

The kids love Bob the best. As for his crew members, I believe that would be Scoop. :)

mountainrailwayblog at gmail dot com

phxbne said...

My daughter likes the Musketrucks - Packer, Scrambler, and Dodger. We already went to the beach in Florida and are off to the beach in California soon!

Anonymous said...

My plans for the summer are to spend as much time possible with my 3 kids. I love Bob the builder. I have watched that show with my boys fro years.

mverno said...

i'm going to enjoy the outdoors i like bob

Erica C. said...

the kids have been enjoying the pool outside w/ the neighbors!
myself, I'm a sucker for Bob to be honest!

Princess Golden Hair said...

bob of course. I like bob so much that even though i teach high school I made a bulletin board with bob on it proclaiming "Yes I Can" The kids loved it

Anonymous said...

Lofty is my favorite

No specific summer plans except to enjoy the great weather by being outside as much as possible.

kygirl said...

Our plans involve lots of camping.

Donna said...

MY SON loves BoB!

soha said...

I like Scoop.

Anonymous said...

Our plans this summer are to camp in our camper....go to Six Flags Great America...and our local zoo!

Our favorite character is of course, Bob!

Thanks :)



Anonymous said...

Spending time with our grandsons and since they both love Bob, it would have to be Bob, but all are neat!

Kristie said...

Our summer vacation plans are to go camping and my favorite character would have to be Bob.

khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

haomom said...

we love Bob!
heading to Cape Cod in August

Anonymous said...

We've already beached it - the rest of the summer we plan to veg at the pool and eat lots of Brown Cow ice cream bars! :0)

Our favorite, by the way, is Scoop!


Miranda Ward said...

My daughter loves to walk around saying can we build it yes we can

chromiumman said...

we like to go camping

Amanda C. said...

we're planning on going camping later on in the month, but other than that, no particular plans for the summer.
My favorite character would be lofty.

janetfaye said...

Favorite character is Bob but we also like Scoop.

janetfaye said...

I forgot to add that we plan to stay home this summer and visit local sites.

I am a subscriber.

Anonymous said...

Our favorite is Scrambler.
For summer, we are doing activities that the local library and park offer for free. We are also swimming and visiting with my sister at her camper.

vboackle said...

i like scoop and plan to relax more this summer.

Anonymous said...

We don't have anything special planned for the summer - our kids are 3 and 1 and the idea of traveling with them is a little terrifying.

We do, however, love Bob and his gang. My son's favorites are the forklifts, Trix and Sumsy.

Thanks for the chance to win!
cfoblog [at] gmail [dot] com

denyse said...

Scoop is our favorite.
We'll be at the beach alot.

Anonymous said...

We have been staying busy by going to the beach and trying to stay cool.

Anonymous said...

We're taking our 3 year old granddaughter to Tybee Island, GA in a couple of weeks, so this would be perfect for her to watch!

Kari said...

I like Scoop! this year we are headed to Walt Disney world for 9 days!! Cannot wait :)

VickieC said...

Our favorite is Bob,my little grandson is nuts over Bob,my summer is going to be moving 1200 miles,so not too much fun,but ill be near my precious grandbabies

,so that will be wonderful!so this would be a nice surprize for my little bob lover,so please count me in,thanks

Anonymous said...

We are going camping for a week and then to visit relatives up north for several days. My kids love rolley!

tatertot374 said...

My daughter is a scoop fan for sure! We are planning to go camping this summer. It will be a blast. Thank you!


We love Scoop & Bob. No big plans this summer. Maybe a few day trips.

Heather said...

We are spending lots of time at the pool and playing in the backyard. We have a huge garden this year and the kids are having fun growing flowers, fruits, veggies and herbs. It is a lot more fun to eat your veggies when you grew them yourselves!

And as for Bob, we adore Farmer Pickles at our house!

imjasonc said...

Bob, and I plan to work around the house.

mdog said...

Bob the Builder, who else would be our favorite character!! We are off so San Diego next week, relaxation, castle building in the sand and the relaxing sun and surf.

Anonymous said...

Spud is so cute. My plans for the summer are to babysit and this would come in handy.

Heather said...

We are spending a lot of time at the pool!

Our favorite character is Farmer Pickles :-)

Anonymous said...

My favorite character has to be Bob himself. He's so cool and creative! We don;t have too many specific plans this summer, just hanging out and having a ton of cookouts. Our new baby is due in September, so we'll be waiting on her! Thanks for a great giveaway!

CrystalGB said...

We are going to the zoo and the aquarium.

jennem said...

We love Wendy!
We are taking a cruise with our extended family.

mogrill said...

Scoop is our household favorite! We are planning on spending a couple weekends at Ocean shores!

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

I like bob of course and my plans for summer is just soaking up the days

Anonymous said...

Of course Bob is the favorite at my house. As for plans for the summer, more or less staying close to home, but hopefully several day trips out on the boat.

JenO said...

We like scoop! We're planning to go camp at the beach next weekend, should be interesting with a newborn!

Kmommy said...

Our summer plans are moving! Not much else sadly.
My son is completely obsessed with Bob!!

louiseb130 said...

Enjoy my garden!

ashley said...

We are going to be trying to find a new place to live this summer! I guess that means a lot of packing. Our favorite character is Scoop.

Julie Donahue said...

My son loves Bob (and the whole gang). His 3rd birthday party in May was Bob.
We are hoping to get away for at least a long weekend, but $$ and the price of gas...only time will tell.

kristilb19 said...

My son LOVES Bob! Our plans... we went to Six Flags twice and Branson Missouri. I'm prego so not doing anything else, nearly due!

Prek Noey said...

Scoop is my fave, and this summer I plan to relax, thanks

Heather said...

Our family plans for the summer include adding a baby girl to our family. My son is so excited to have a baby sister. She will be born by c-section on August 4th. Our favorite Bob character is Lofty. He's so funny because he's always scared of something. It shows my son that being scared of storms and doing a difficult task, is silly! :D

dvice12 said...

Mostly staying home. And I'd have to say Bob.

Katie said...

We're going to be doing a lot of painting around the house this summer. Fun! And I like Pilchard, even though technically I don't think he's part of the "Crew."
katiekarr at gmail dot com

agordon10 said...

driving my kids around to their sports activities.

Go Rollie!

Anonymous said...

With being on a budget we aren't doing much but to make summer fun were doing alot of swimming in the pool, playing cards, and bbq's.

Sarah S said...

Scoop is my favorite too. Though I think my son loves Bob the best. We would love to add another Bob DVD to our collection!

We just got back from a vacation in Portland - it was great. Now we're enjoying just being home and enjoying summer.

judybrittle said...

Sad to say no plans this summer. Bob the Builder could keep us entertained.

bison61 said...

we're sticking close to home, no special plans-the boys like Bob the best

tiramisu392 (at)

Betty N said...

Instead of us going to visit our grandkids this summer, they are spending time with us. My "Bob the Builder" fan is with me right now! My favorite can-do crew charater is probably Scoop, the yellow backhoe loader (and unofficial leader of all the machines.)

Eryn said...

Plans this summer have revolved around my sister's wedding. I have her fiance's two little boys while theyre on their honey moon. That brings the count for boys under 5 up to three. Can I do it? YES I can! (with some help from Bob, of course lol) My favorite is Dizzy, but my son's favorite is Lofty.

Christine said...

No big plans this summer. We're saving a big Disneyland trip next summer though. We'll do a coulple of day trips for the kids. We've already been to the zoo and we'll try to go to the beach and go hiking in Muir Woods.

My son's favorite character is Bob. He has a hat and tool belt he wears so he can be like Bob.

robt6 said...

Great prize to give to my grandson.

Anonymous said...

My son loves Bob and Scoop.

Anonymous said...

I blogged this giveaway on A Contest Blog at

Belinda said...

No big vacation plans, but we have visited Seaworld so far this summer and we're going to make a second pilgrimage there in August -my daughter loved the dolphins and penguins, such fun!
Our fave character is Bob himself:)

Belinda said...

I'm subscribed via email to your feed:

twistinggooch said...

We're planning on going to the beach before summer's end on the east coast.
My daughter's fav character is bob himself.

Tammy said...

We like Roley! No plans for the beach here, we're pretty land locked, however the spray park is always a fun time, even with no sand!

Anonymous said...

Since we'll go on a big vacation in October, summer is reserved for some 1-4 days road trips mainly along the west coast!
Our fave is of course, Bob,
thanks :)

Anonymous said...

We are staying local, visiting all the local museums and attractions we miss by going AWAY for vacations! I like Wendy because a chick that can use power tools is OK in my book!


Trish said...

we love bob!

we are going to the beach!

Anonymous said...

My plans for the summer is to spend lots of time with my 3 year old and 5 month old grandsons.
My grandson loves Bob the Builder!
We like all the characters but I would say Scoop is my grandson's favorite.
Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

lots of swimming and bob is my childrens favorite

Sunshine Mama said...

We got milking goats this year, so our summer plans are to stay around the house and do some day trips to Lake Michigan. Favorite character is rolly.
kristie2 (at)

Becky said...

We just moved back from Germany so we are taking it easy (haahhah) this summer looking for a house, moving, maybe a few day trips to some local parks...

My and my kids favorite can do character is Bob...

Unknown said...

We hope to be going home to indiana and taking our boys to great america

Anonymous said...

Scoop is the best!

We have season passes to our local Six Flags, so we've been going as often as we can....they have so much for the kids to do.

Anonymous said...

Baseball, the beach and reading!


Jinxy and Me said...

No big plans here. Just relaxing and enjoying the outdoors. Bob himself is the favorite here!

kananee said...

We're going to do some camping and swimming at the lake.

lokeelanee (at) netzero(dot)com

Anonymous said...

Scoop is our favorite!

As far as plans for the summer, we're a little strapped in the cash department, but we're hoping to get over to Pismo Beach for a couple of days. The kids always love playing on the beach...

Thanks for the great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

We went on an Alaskan cruise in June.
My daughter really like Bob the Builder.


Anonymous said...

I subscribe to your feed


Molly C. said...

We really don't have much planned for this summer. I want to get some major cleaning done around the house, and lots of trips to the park & grandma's house to swim. Bob rocks!

Anonymous said...

We are getting away to DisneyWorld for a few days. Scoop is our favorite.

ARW said...

This looks like a cool DVD :) Let's see our favorite character is Dizzy (well scoop too!), and we are planning to go the beach at the end of this month and play in the waves with our cousins, aunts, and uncles!

allicat22 [AT] gmail {dot} com

carissaad said...

We're planning to go to Kings Island.

Thanks for the giveaway.

carissaad at aol dot com

carissaad said...

I'm a subscriber.

brandy said...

we are going to florida ina acouple weeks. to see family and the beach.
my fav is scoop, bob and wendy. i'm collecting bob the builder for my son! would love to add this

Anonymous said...

My favorite Can-Do crew character is Roley the steamroller. We don't have any plans this summer besides going to the pool because of money issues.

Anonymous said...

Our plans for the summer include tent camping a couple of times and going to an amusement park and probably a water park. We love Bob at our house and my son's favorite is Scoop and my daughter loves dizzy.

ssmina said...

please enter me thank you

Lisa said...

we have a yurt trip on the coast planned for sept. i like wendy! yay for females in construction.

klp1965 said...

staying home with these gas prices

Anonymous said...

We are taking the family to nc,we are all excited!!

ldrnc2000 said...

We plan to go to Long Beach and build like Bob- but with sand!

mrstrooper said...

Camping...we love Scoop!

Donna said...

My favorite is Wendy. I am subscribed.

masonsgranny59 said...

ty 4 the great contest! My grandson son would love granny to win this!

bev said...

Bob The Builder is one of our favorites around here! Thanks for having the contest!

Rockin' Mama said...

We are going to SF!!! : ) Other than that we may go visit my husband's parents in Nashville in the fall.

We love Bob and Wendy!

jasonncaryn at yahoo dot com

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