Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Well Hmm.. Ok now its time for me to ask for your opinion.

I don't want to be one of those bloggers that complains about their personal life on their blog as I can't really complain, Connor is amazing and I love my blog. But I had some pretty scary news today and since its a fairly rare thing in someone my age I'd love to hear from you guys if you've had any experience in it especially with someone under the age of 40.

So those of you on my Twitter or know me personally may already know that for the last week I have been having some problems with my right eye. I thought at first I had just been spending way too many hours in front of the computer as I am seriously backed up with school work and I had been putting in long hours to keep everything trucking along. I took the weekend off to see if my vision issue was just a straining problem and no.. it was no better by Monday.

To make a long story short.. and four doctors later I finally have a diagnosis.. and have started treatments. I have Idiopathic Choroidal Neovascularization (in non doctor terms that means New Blood Vessels of unknown origin in the Choroid which is the underside of the macula part of your retina (your field of vision)). Basically to break it down I have blood vessels growing into the back part of my retina (where you actually "see") which is causing me to loose a significant part of my vision in my right eye. As of this morning there were three very well formed healthy blood vessels in a place that they should not have been, making some serious trouble. Literally on Tuesday I was fine.. On Wednesday I had basically gone from 20/20 vision in my right eye to 20/400 (barely). Its pretty freaking scary to put it bluntly. And thats in nice terms.

Well today after my fourth doctor and two specialists in less than 24 hours we came up with a treatment plan.. basically today they burned those pesky blood vessels out of my eyes which sadly also burnt any chance of me seeing where they were out of my eye as well.. which I guess means I will forever have white spots in my field where those blood vessels once were. My real fear and a possibility is the fact that they could come back.. even closer to my optic nerve this time and essentially rendering me blind in one eye. The other odds are is since this happened in one eye.. it could possibly happen in the other. I don't even want to go there.. or think about that as no vision means no writing and I am pretty much dead in the water without being able to write.

Its a humbling experience to say the least.. and I am a bit anxious. If any of you guys have any sort of experience with this.. especially on the side of the odds of it reoccurring please speak up and tell me what you think. I guess its fairly rare in people under 40 and I am only 29.. so I've gotten a lot of weird looks the last few days like I am some sort of oddity (Its never good when a doctor tells you your rare btw... *grumble*)

Typing with one eye btw.. is also a weird feeling for me. The real question is how do you make a pirate eye patch look sexy? LOL (Ok I just have to laugh at that..) Wee.


Anonymous said...

The good thing about losing vision in one eye is that it is only one eye. Pain in the ass yes, but hardly something that you can't live or write with. I would just make sure you are more careful when driving. The other thing is that now you just have to be much more vigilant with eye health.

I have been one eyed for some time (30 years or so) and despite being patched for a year when I was 5ish, I have lived a really ordinary existence. You will get used to the sight difference and soon you won't even notice it. Good luck.

chicshopperchick said...

Oh my gosh, that is so scary! I am so so sorry to hear about that. I don't know anyone that it has happened to, sorry that I'm no help in that department. However, my father is legally blind in one eye (a piece of metal lodged in it when he was 20) and he says that he doesn't even notice, his brain has just gotten used to working with his good eye because he was like this for so long before ever going to the doctor. It sounds like you are in much better shape than him, so hopefully you will learn new ways to work around it.

I hope that everything gets better from here on out -- please let me know if I can do anything for you!

katy said...

I don't know anything about that condition but you are in my prayers, Angela. {{{hugs}}}

Rashmi said...

You know you visit people's blogs, read their articles, enter their contests and essentially assume all is right in their world. Never delving deeper until something like this comes along! I'm not going to utter platitudes here, I know you must be getting plenty of those from family, friends and elsewhere. As someone once said to me, 'think positively and good things will happen to you'. I believe that strongly, so do that and wish those d*** blood vessels into oblivion! And looks like you've retained your sense of humor, that's good, very good :) I and I'm sure other bloggers are there to help you out whenever. Just say the word. And think positive!

Angela said...

Thank's guys.. I really appreciate the encouragement and the cheers.. I can still type so thats a good sign.. Its been a week since the initial vision loss and I am starting to adjust especially now that I know I just have to deal with it and work around it. WHen it really bothers me I just wear an eye patch.. which believe me is VERY attractive. ARH!! I always did want to be a pirate.. I guess now is my chance.

Qtpies7 said...

I'm sorry you are going through this. I have a big fear of going blind as my vision gets worse and worse each year, and glasses will not bring me to 20/20 vision.

I did come across a blog by someone who is blind. Not sure what the software she uses is, though.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if you believe in a higher power or just positive thinking, but whatever you want to call it, do it. There's plenty of stories about people who kept positive through situations such as these and came through better than before. You can do it...others are here with you.

I did go through a scary experience as well. I (22) was having issues and went to a doctor who then sent me to a specialist. He thought it was breast cancer but three biopsies and a mammogram later, I just have cysts. Yeah I don't have healthy "girls" but I'll take lumpy any day. You never know what will happen but like your other comments said, at least its only one eye. You'll still be able to see your boy's beautiful smile and you never know what kind of medical breakthrough will come out next! Keep your head up!

Sky said...

Wowza...how scary! To be honest, I've never even heard this eye thing before! I'm so sorry!! I wish I could help you. I read your blog every day, and appreciate your honesty. Please, as I'm sure all of your readers will agree, please, let us know if we can help in any way...

Debbie Savage said...

I am so sorry! I am so glad your medical team found out what it was and started you on treatments right away. I will be praying for you and please do not hesitate to contact me if you need anything.

Anonymous said...

Oh I am so sorry! I just stumbled upon your blog and I can only imagine your fear. "Pretty freaking scary", as you put it, is exactly what I was thinking.

My thoughts and best wishes are with you.


Stephanie said...

How scary! Thanks for being brave enough to share this with us. I wish you a "miraculous" and speedy recovery...

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear that! If it makes you feel any better, I got the joy of rockin' the pirate eye patch for awhile too after 2 eye surgeries. We even have pics my hubby took of me wearing my patch and my sons costume pirate hat and hook hand! LOL!
Feel better! Keeping you in my thoughts!

Anonymous said...

I don't have any information for you, but wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts and I hope that all will turn out for the best. ~Lori

Belinda said...

I have no experience with this, so I can't offer up advice, I can only say keep your spirits up and stay positive, my thoughts are with you:)
ps: my cousin lost his eye many years ago when someone hit him in the face with a glass bottle. He now owns a business where he does amazingly detailed custom paint jobs on motorbikes; he is hugely successful!

Mary512 said...

I'm so sorry you having health problems! May god bless you, I am praying for you.

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