I can list my favorite childhood memories on my two hands and Sword in the Stone ranks high in the top 10. Disney is about to release the 45th Anniversery Edition DVD of Sword in the Stone on June 17th and I am already celebrating.
Based on one of my favorite fairy tales the Sword in the Stone is Disney's version the King Arthor story and his magical sword who is stuck in a massive stone. The sword can only be removed from the stone by his rightful heir, hince becoming the King of England.

Ironically as much as I love this movie and was estatic about its rerelease, its honestly one of the most simplistic disney films... there is really no dazzle or sparkle to the movie and it does not really have a disney feel to it when it comes to the soundtrack either. I think the disney studios must have been asleep for this one, but in some ways thats part of my love of the movie.. the story is not drowned out in fluff. The cartoon is well a cartoon and not so spectacular that you get overly impressed by it as I know at least on my behalf that there have been some recent animations that I did not necessarly LOVE the story but I was so overly obessed with the animations that I ended up watching them just for the animation itself. Not there is anything wrong with that either, but its nice sometimes to just watch an animated movie and actually enjoy the movie.
Speaking of which.. I am going to go watch Sword in the Stone with Connor right now.
Set to be relased on June 17th, Sword in the Stone is available on Amazon for preorder right now!
Disney was kind enough to give us THREE copies of Sword in the Stone to give away to our readers.
To enter :
- Leave a comment on this post. Go check out Sword in the Stone and tell me what you loved most about this movie, or what disney move is your favorite.
- No "i want to win" stuff without a little effort (and I do mean little!)
- Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com) We have had to disqualify a lot of potential winners as of late as many people do not have emails available in their profiles or leave anonymous posts without any way to contact you.
- Please US entries only.
- To get extra credit :
- For an extra entry :
- Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
- Non Bloggers (or bloggers) subscribe to my mailing list/RSS feed and earn another entry!
- One extra credit per person. Please post your extra credit in a separate post.
- This contest will end June 21th at midnight!
Selecting a favorite Disney movie is tough, there are so many amazing one. I think my all time favorite is still Little Mermaid.
Thanks for the great giveaway!
Extra Credit: I subscribe to your feed
Love love love Disney - especially musical animations like the little mermaid. But since I have a little boy, this story is perfect. I love how he must go through a series of challenges to prove his worthiness before pulling out the sword.
Stephanie V.
The Sword in the Stone is in my top ten as well!! In case anyone cares...my top ten looks like this...
1. Cinderella
2. The Jungle Book
3. Lady and the Tramp
4. Sleeping Beauty
5. Sword in the Stone
6. Alice in Wonderland
7. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
8. Peter Pan
9. Bambi
10. The 101 Dalmations
Heck...I love them all!!
I'm reminiscing from my childhood so this might not be accurate, but I loved the part where Merlin keeps changing Arthur into different animals.
My favorite part of Sword in the Stone is when the magician is battling the old witch.
I'm a subscriber.
wow what a good movie this is and yes i love to try and win it thanks
I LOVE disney movies. But epecially Little Mermaid, and Beauty snd the Beast. Thanks so much for the opportunity.
I am a subscriber.
My favorite part is when they are changing back & forth between different animals when they have their magic showdown. :)
byubabe14 at yahoo dot com
The magical duel, of course. I remember seeing this movie pretty close to 30 years ago and loved it then. That was probably my favorite scene in the movie. Arthur as a fish wasn't too bad, either.
Thank you for the opportunity to win!
I'm first! Fun! I loved Little Mermaid.
I loved the owl Archimedes! It would be so cool to watch this with my son! Oh, nostalgia!
onlycancan at hotmail dot com
Try as I might, I barely remember the sword and stone movie......the owl looks familiar but that is it. My fave movie was Snow White, I always enjoyed the dwarfs.
The Sword in the Stone is definately one of Disney's classics, my favorite parts of the movie are the songs that Arthur and Merlin sing together. My son's favorite Disney movie is "A bugs Life".
Your on my bloggy sidebar for an extra chance! http://kristiniac.blogspot.com
Believe it or not we have not seen "Sword in the Stone" yet but my favorite Disney movie is "101 Dalmations"! Thank you for the giveaway!
I'd love to win the Sword in the Stone! One of my favorite Disney movies is Song of the South but it is only available now in Europe.
heatherlbrandt (at) verizon (dot) net
this is a wonderful disney film but i have to say my all time favorite is 101 dalmations. its the first movie i went to see with my dad. thats a memory.
My favorite disney movies are Cinderella, and Finding Nemo!
The Sword in the Stone is my *favorite* Disney movie, mostly because its based on one of my favorite books as a child. The story of King Arthur is always exciting, even in cartoon form.
My favorite Disney movie is Aladden. The scene I like in The Sword in the Stone is when Merlin turns himself and Arthur into fish.
My favorite part is when he finally gets the sword out of the stone!
Merlin was fun and so was Wart.
I love Sword In the Stone (Merlin is perfect) but my favorite Disney movie is Sleeping Beauty; it has the best villain of all time....Malificent!
gkstratos @yahoo.com
Extra credit... subscriber. Thanks!
gkstratos @yahoo.com
My all time favorite movie which just happens to be a Disney movie is Beauty and the Beast.
My favorite Disney movie is the Bambi. I never get tired of watching it.
101 Dalmations is the best
I really hope this doesn't disqualify me, but I have never (and I'm 34 years old) ever seen this movie in all my life. My children have never seen it either. I would love to win so that it could be a movie for us to watch together...
Great contest!!!
I love the when the dishes wash themselves and when the squirrel chases another one.
"Pinocchio" is the perfect blend of ingredients for me
I love Sword in the stone, but my favorite Disney movie is still 101 Dalmations.
I also subscribe to your feed.
I love watching Merlin turning himself and Arthur into different animals, especially the squirrels!
My favorite Disney movie is The Princess Diaries.
My favorite Disney movie is "The Color of Friendship." Sadly, I have not been able to find a DVD of this fine movie about the issue of apartheid and two teen girls becoming friends. I love that movie and wish I could find a DVD of it. It also was based on a true story.
I would love to win the DVD.
My husband and I both absolutely LOVED this movie growing up. Madam Mimm was one of my husband's favorite characters but I loved the part where they turned into squirrels. Thanks!
I've also added you to my sidebar. =)
I liked the wizards fight when they keep changing into different creatures.
My favorite Disney of all time is The Little Mermaid.
This is a great movie! I love that this little child, Ward is the only one able to remove the sword from the stone.
Great movie. We just love Disney movies! Would love to win this for my kids.
Thanks for this giveaway.
I like Fantasia. The music and the movement of the cartoon is fabulous.
My favorite Disney movie is Beauty and the Beast.
Our favorite movie is the Disney Pixar movie - Toy Story! It is our 2 year old's current obsession - but he would love Sword in the Stone! Thanks for the giveaway!
My favorite part of this movie was when they had the magic battle and changed each other into various creatures. We have tons of Disney Movies. I loved them as a kid and I really enjoy watching my three kids watch them too.
Gosh, favorite Disney movie? Right now we are really loving ENCHANTED!
My favorite part about this Movie is " The Memories " i have . My Daughter was about 2 Years old and we had to watch it over and over ..lol :) now she is 20 Years old :)
My personal favorite movie is Narnia and Monsters, Inc.
Thanks for this great contest!
I love the storyline of the king arthur story, too! (scrawny little picked on kid turns out to be king) Kinda like cinderella, but without all that girly stuff. (I was total tomboy...)
I love Finding Nemo.
I love the idea a scrawny little boy could be king.
I remember watching this as a child. I liked the fact of the time period it took place in. i was always building castles out of boxes and such. as an adult i like the fact that it teaches you that even if you dont think you can do it you should always try to do it. never count yourself out. thanks for the chance to win.
i loved the songs especially higitus figitus. disney always had great music to go along with family music classics
Alice in Wonderland has always been my favorite!
I liked the scene where merlin transforms arthur into a goldfish, a bird, and a squirrel!
I am dying to see the Sword and the stone by Disney..sad hunh? But, what fun to watch it with my grandkids?
My favorite Disney movie is Fantasia..oh, I still love watching it!
Still on my side bar at:
Wart is a great character he reminds me of my son who just loves this movie.
I love when Merlin says "blow me to bermuda!" I LOVE this movie... one of my disney favorites.
My favorite Disney movie would have to be Beauty and the Beast-that's the first movie my family ever owned and we watched it so many times that'd I'm surprised we didn't wear it out! Definitely a lot of good memories :)
Monsters Inc is my favorite.
I love this film-- I think my favorite part is when they become squirrels!
I actually read the original book where the movie was taken from (it's a long one, but well worth it!) called The Once and Future King by White. I thought Disney made up all the twentieth century references and turning into animals, but I was wrong-- and it makes for some entertaining reading!
ohh.. my favorite disney movie would have to be beauty and the beast. My daughter loves to sit in my lap as we watch and it's a great time to bond with her.
this is such a classic! the kids seem to love all the singing!
Never seen this one before--- One of my favorites is Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier.
Okay...say I am cheezy...but I loved Escape to Witch Mountain and Escape From Witch Mountain...and I hear the Rock is going to make a new one next year.
My favorite disney movie is fantasia
Extra Credit...I just subscribed and I am chowing down on popcorn thinking of this movie to watch with the kids.
The Sword and the Stone is my favorite Disney movie! I feel it is really unique, because before The Lion King it was the first (I believe) Disney movie where the protagonist was a boy instead of a girl. It was also (I think) the first Disney movie based off a legend instead of a classic fairy tale or children's story.
My little girls and I love The Sword in the Stone! We are big Disney movie fans. My little girls' favorite Disney movie is The Little Mermaid. Thanks for this awesome giveaway!
i loved when they changed into all those different animals! That was the best part of the entire movie - and when the witch and merlin changed into all those crazy things.
my fav in this movie is: When they battled the old witch!!
This is one of my disney favs. Also love sleeping beauty, snow white, cinderella, pete's dragon and the little mermaid.
My favorite Disney movie is Lady and the Tramp. I would love to watch this one with Rylee!
When Arther is transfered into the many shapes and sizes to learn lessens. I learned along.
My fave Disney movie is The Little Mermaid... awesome soundtrack, really fun movie.
I never saw this one, but I love all the Disney movies I have seen. My favorite is Cinderella!
I love Robin Hood and the older Disney flicks. There was much more storyline and antics then you see in the new overly stylized ones of today.
Believe it or not, my family has not watched this movie. But we'd like to see it. My fave Disney movie is The Jungle Book.
I love the Little Mermaid and Lion King. Thanks, we dont have this dvd so I'd love to win it!!
What I love are my childhood memories of watching this great film with my dad. Now that I am older, my favorite Disney movie is Beauty and the Beast...because it is my daughter's favorite, and we now will share memories of THAT movie as well. THANKS :)
I have to agree with my grandson on this one...Cars is our favorite Disney movie.
Favorite disney film?
Fantasia... no contest, as a child loved the Socerer's Apprentice segment
My favorite Disney movie is Lady and the Tramp.
We love Cinderella!
My daughter loves 101 Dalmatians.
well the sword and the sorcerer is my all time favorite to many good parts to list always enjoyed all disney films but its #1
I love this move and want to share it with my 4 year old.
my favorite disney movie is the nightmare before xhristmas. even though it's not really disney style movie. next would be lilo and stitch
blogged ya
Dumbo is the best movie!
I love all the disney movies and especially Little Mermaid...would love to win this for my grandkids
I haven't seen the Sword and the Stone, I don't know how I missed it. My favorite Disney movie is Dumbo-I just love that little elephant!
My favorite Disney movie is Lady and the Tramp.
I'm a subscriber.
My favorite is finding nemo.
My kids would love to win this!
My favorites are Alice in Wonderland, Fantasia and Toy Story 2. I like the movie you're giving away quite a lot. I love silliness of Mad Madame Mims!
Thanks for the chance to win!
katie at dekabyte dot com
This video was my kids all time favorite. I probably can recite the whole movie. I would love it on DVD for my grandson!
tadavies70 (at) msn.com
This is one of our family's favorite movies. Wart is so good, so gracious, so innocent, a true knight.
My favorite Disney Movie is Lady and the Tramp.
Cool Giveaway. I've never seen this...
I always loved the part where they turn into birds. I have been fascinated with birds since I was a little kid!
This is my all-time favorite disney movies, and my favorite part is when Arthur is turned into a squirrel and the little girl squirrel falls in love with him and chases him all over the place before Merlin turns him back into a boy. The amount of emotion they managed to put into the look on her face when she sees that he's human and not a squirrel is amazing. Disney ROCKS!
My husband and I were just talking about the Sword and the Stone last night! We had this movie on tape when I was little and we used to watch it frequently. I loved it! One of the best scenes is when they turn into squirrels and the real squirrel falls in love with one of them! So adorable. Thanks for the opportunity to win this DVD! I really hope I do win!
alladin is my favorite disney movie, thanks for the contest
I am a huge Little Mermaid fan, but now that I have a little boy movies like Sword in the Stone he will love.
Love disney but i have not seen this one
edq143 at yahoo dot com
i love ALL of the Disney movies - the Sword in the Stone is definitely one of my favorites! Alladin & Beauty and the Beast & the Aristocats & 101 Dalmations & the Little Mermaid . . . I could go on forever, but I won't :)
I think my favorite Disney movie growing up was Fantasia. It was originally released in the early 1940's but would be brought back regularly. The "sorcerer's apprentice" segment has always been my favorite.
My favorite Disney Movie is Beauty and The Beast. It has everything I love in a Disney Film. Great characters,romance, humor, magic, it is a classic!
I blogged about the contest too!
I thought I had already entered but maybe I didn't. I like the part when they change into different animals and the witch and merlin change into different creatures. Ha ha!!
We love the battle scene and merlin changing into all the different animals.
I have never watched Sword in the Stone - my favorite would have to be Bambi
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
Peter Pan has always been my favorite. My 4-year-old just watched it for the first time.
My favorite Disney movie is "The Little Mermaid" because I always wanted to be a mermaid when I was little! Thanks for the giveaway!
My favorite Disney movie is Peter Pan!!! I also love The Little Mermaid! This movie is cute though, I haven't seen it in forever! I'd love to win for my son, he's never seen it!
I love this movie! But my favorite Disney movie is Fantasia.
Almsot all Disney movies are my favorite but if I had to chose just one it would be Cinderella.
I've never seen this movie, but I liked "Cars", "Toy Story", and "Monsters, Inc.".
My favorite Disney movie is the Beauty and the Beast.
My kids would love this movie! My favorite is 101 Dalmatians but I like so many of them.
I love this movie. it is so awesome, i love when the owl is laughing so hard. It is so funny looking at him lose his breath from laughing. Thanks for the contest.
Disney makes nothing but good movies and this is one for my grandchildren,they would love it.
My favorite Disney movie is Bedknobs and Broomsticks!
My favorite Disney movie is Beauty and the Beast, since I think that Belle is a terrific heroine (she loves books!). As far as the Sword and the Stone, it has been awhile since I saw it, but I think my favorite part was the shape shifting contest between Merlin and Madame Mim. Thanks!
Well My favorite disney movie of all times is The little mermaid.
Sword in the stone is one of my husbands favorite. My daughter is 5, shes never seen this movie. It would be great to win it.
When I was a kid I loved The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, and Aladdin. Great giveaway, thanks!
Blogged ya:
Thanks again!
My favorite Disney movie is Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, a true classic.
I am subscribed via email to your feed.
Sword in the Stone is definitely my husband's favorite Disney movie. His favorite scene is when Merlin and the witch have their magic duel.
beccachristensen at hotmail dot com
This was one of my favorite movies and one of my favorite parts was when the witch turned into a dragon and she got the spots! Darn what was the name of that disease she got? lol!
my fav disney movie would have to be cinderella. when merlin and the old witch change into the different animals is my fav part. thats a great movie. thanks for the giveaway chance. maggie_kunkel at yahoo dot com
It wouldn't be fair to the other Disney movies to choose just one...
I used to say that "Lion King" was my favorite Disney movie, but my kids have been watching it so often lately that it's hard for me to say that anymore! I love "Robin Hood," "Cinderella," and "Mulan." "Mulan 2" is also one of our favorites of all time.
Sleeping Beauty is my favorite Disney movie...
My favorite Disney movie is Beauty and the Beast, although I must say I really enjoyed the recently released Enchanted, in my opinion it was the best film Disney released in years!
I haven't seen all of this movie for some reason. I love ALL the Disney movies and it's so hard to choose a favorite. Currently, we are still loving Enchanted!
I loved this movie as a kid, Merlin was my favorite. I would love to win this to watch it with my daughter now.
I just love anything King Arthur. Great movie!
I'm subscribed.
Mulan is my favorite!
I have never actually seen this movie. My favorite Disney movie of all time is The Little Mermaid, though. Thanks!
I love when the owl teaches arthur.
This is one of my favorite Disney movies as a kid. The owl, Archimedes, was always hilarious, but I have to say I liked the magic battle between Merlin and the witch and when they turned into fish the best.
Although my favorite Disney movie was their rendition of the Robin Hood tale.
It's been so long since I've seen the sword in the stone, I think we need to win it. I love the little mermaid, although my kids love Cars right now.
I love the transformation fight... and the fish scene. I think this is one of my favorite Disney movies!
Cinderella has always been my favorite.
I memorized a pocahantas song before the movie ever came out by watching the preview over and over and over again on another disney movie. sword in the stone is one of the classics, i love when he is turned into a fish.
This is one of my favorite Disney movies. My favorite scene is when Merlin and Arthur are squirrels and have the squirrel girls all lovesick. So cute!
My favorite is the Little Mermaid! but it has been a while since I saw the Sword in the Stone
I love this movie! My favorite part is pretty obvious, but I can't help it! I love when Arthur finally pulls the sword out. My all time favorite Disney movie is The Jungle Book. King Louie is the best!
I remember liking this movie when I was younger, but can't remember the details. My daughter just turned four and so far loves every Disney movie she's seen. Our favorites are Cinderella, The Jungle Book, Alice in Wonderland, The Aristocats and The Little Mermaid. I'm sure this will be added to the list. Thanks for the chance!
sleeping beauty was my first and my favorite movie
So I am sure I have seen this. I think we own it on VHS. But I can’t really remember it. I will defintely have to pick up a copy if I don’t win. I do know the story and it’s a good one. My all time favorite Disney movie is Sleeping Beauty. It was the 1st Disney movie I ever saw in the theatre. I love It!
Chrissy5352 at yahoo dot com
My favorite Disney movies have to be The Little Mermaid and Bambi.
I love the scene where the boy and Merlin turn into fish. That's always great!
owl Archimedes
I love the story inside the Sword in the Stone. My favorite part of the Disney version is when Merlin teaches Arthur about magic by turning him into a fish. We love all things Disney!
I am sorry that I have not seen this movie before (I have been wanting to see it, though). My favorite Disney movie is: Aladin
My favorite Disney movie? Fantasia!
I haven't seen this movie yet. My favorite Disney movie would be Cinderella!
We wore out the video of this when my daughter was 2. I want to get the Dvd so my son and daughter can see it again.
My favorite scene from the movie is when the boy is getting sugar in his tea and he gets more and more because he doesn't say the right word.
I like this movie and it reminds me of David & Goliath. Kings don't always look how we think they should :)
I've never seen this movie, but my favorites are Bambi and 101 Dalmations.
This is definitely one of my favorite movies. I could never get over how well the music and the movements are synchronized. The entire movie is fascinating. This is one of the magical Disney movies!
My favorite Disney movie is Brother Bear! :)
I like the wizard in the movie
My favorite is One Hundred and One Dalmatians, original one from 1961.
Thanks :)
My favorite Disney movie is Beauty and the Beast.
I love love love Archimedes. Every single one of his lines is a gem. And I still can't really tell if he was trying to eat or save Art when he was in fish form ;)
My all time favorite would have to be Peter Pan - just like the lost boys I don't want to grow up.
Love Disney movies and this one was always one of my and my sister's favorites! Especially love the part where Merlin and Arthur are fish and singing the "To and Fro" song. Great...now it's stuck in my head! :)
I loved merlin and all the magic he could do. Especially when he turned them into fish and squirrels.
Lion King is probably my favorite
It's too hard to pick just one. So here are some of my favs: Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, Mary Poppins, Bedknobs and Broomsticks, and the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. Thanks for the giveaway. I loved Sword and the Stone when I was little and I'd love to watch it with my boys.
Little Mermaid is my favorite
My all time favorite Disney movie is Fantasia. Thanks!
My favorite Disney film is Peter Pan.
i loved the whole movie , and i want my kids to see it...
fav disney movie
the goofy movie , bigfoot dancing around listening to disco still cracks me up
Oh, The Sword in the Stone is probably my favorite Disney movie along with Cinderella, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. My favorite parts of the movie are the ones that include Madam Mimm. I especially like the wizards' duel. I am living proof that you can never outgrow a good animated movie!
Robin Hood is my favorite Disney movie. I can't wait to build on my collection for my daughter.
I love the 101 Dalmations!
jaydonco1 (at) aol (dot) com
We love Disney in this household! I guess my absolute favorite would be ... Little Mermaid ... or Beauty and the Beast ... or Alladin! I can't choose! Too hard! But I'd love to see The Sword in the Stone again. Thanks for the opportunity!
I still think Aladdin is the best!
don't think I've ever seen sword in the stone, my favorite disney of all time is The love bug.
for extra credit, on the sidebar at http://www.powersweepstaking.com/answersblog
I've liked almost every Disney film out there but right now my favorite is enchanted.
I know it's trite but Amy Adams is so good as the wide-eyed innocent that it overcomes a fairly weak plot.
Oh there are so many favorites, do I have to name just one? Okay I can choose three: Peter Pan, 101 Dalmatians and Aladdin
"The Lion King" is my favorite.
"The Lion King" is my favorite.
The best part of Sword and the Stone was when Wort got to change into different animals and learn different abilities. It was funny when Wort would get into danger.
It's hard to pick just one favorite Disney film, but I would have to say 101 Dalmatians.
my family loves disney. the little mermaid is a favorite!
my fav Disney film is "The Little Mermaid"
Thanks so much!
my favorite is "The Little Mermaid"
I also subscribe to the RSS Feed
I always loved this movie - I remember being a kid and thinking it was so cool when Wart would turn into different animals.
I love The Beauty and the Beast, its my all time favorite Disney movie. I liked it when he pulled the sword out of the stone thats my favorite part of the movie.
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