Friday, April 4, 2008

Off with their heads! Now switch them around!

Who ever knew removing the heads off your stuffed animals can be this much fun!

Ok well its not that brutal, actually Plaja Pets are an exciting new plush toy which allows their owners to mix and match parts to make one truely unique creature.

All of the heads tails of the Plaja Pets are attached via magnets so with a gently tug you can easily remove and replace parts to make whole new creations.

You can then rename your new creation anything you wish.. is it a rabfish or a bunswim? I donno.. you decide. I find it strangely addicting. Mom's and little ones alike will love the creativity and changeability of these great plush friends. The more you have the more fun it is! Personally Hokon the Dragon is by far my favorite but I wouldn't mind seeing what a dragon/panda combo would yield, possibly a pandon or a dragda?!

Wanna play? Go check out the Plaja Pets Shop and you can get some interchangeable friends of your own!

I have a Plaja Pets Vappu the Goldfish here that is looking for a new home. He would be a great way to start your collection!

To enter :

  • Leave a comment on this post. Go check out Plaja Pets and tell us what creation you would make!
  • No "i want to win" stuff without a little effort (and I do mean little!)
  • Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com) We have had to disqualify a lot of potential winners as of late as many people do not have emails available in their profiles or leave anonymous posts without any way to contact you.
  • Please US entries only.
  • To get extra credit :
    • For an extra entry :
    • Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
    • Non Bloggers (or bloggers) subscribe to my mailing list/RSS feed and earn another entry!
    • One extra credit per person. Please post your extra credit in a separate post.
    • This contest will end April 11th at midnight!


Mary512 said...

I like tashi the pig and itzel the friendly monster. great giveaway, thanks!

Mary512 said...

blogged ya:

thanks again!

jenny said...

hi well boy arethay so cute i would love to have one if i was to make one i think i would take mavrick and parrehant and mix them all up to get ? but it would berealy cute thanks

Anonymous said...

That is a VERY cute litle idea. Hopefully someone who is very deserving wins it! And their children very much appreciate it. Unfortunately mine is still baking and wouldn't be able to appreciate the toy... Maybe someday =)

Anonymous said...


mar said...

My creation would be Dermot the Rabbit top with Hokon the Dragon bottom. If I was designing one I would make a frog. thank you

Anonymous said...

Itzel the friendly monster.

mkboldin said...

Thre are so many possible combinations to choose from. I think I'd go for the dragon and fish and call it a dragish, or the monkey and the dragon and call it a monkagon, or, the pig and the fish and call it a pigish.

Anonymous said...

Love the dranda pair -- so cool!
Stephanie V.

Meredith said...

I like the Platyger! The platypus started out all mixed up and then we can just shake him up a little more! How about some antennae!

Betty N said...

These are toooooo cute. OK here is my try at combining about Tashi the Pig (head) and Yongi the Tiger(body) and coming up with a new animal named "Toshgi the Pigger" and that leaves Yongi and tiger head with Tashi the pig's body and we could call it Yonshi the Tig.

My grandchildren would love this!

peg42 said...

These are just so adorable. What a great and unique idea. I love the Dermont the Rabbit and Boomi the Monkey the best. Thank you so much for this fun giveaway and please enter me.

Allie said...

I would make a rhino-monkey, cause they are cute! They're all cute!

ky2here said...

This would be fantastic for my nephew. A parrophant it is!

agordon10 said...

Boom! The MOnkey is a favortie according to my kids,

toasters lie said...

panda dragon

Andrea said...

I'd mix and match the elephant and the dragon. fun idea!


I love the rabbit. He looks like the Nestle' Quik bunny!

chromiumman said...

cute toys!
i'd make a monkey-fish

Jessie R. said...

I would make a Padragon. Soo cute! Thanks!

Shannon Smith said...

Those are so cute!
I love the PARREPHANT.

my2shelties said...

These are awesome I have to get me a few! I really like Chizu the platypus and Hokon the dragon I would put the platypus head on the dragon body and call him Chizon the dragonpus

SeahorseLady said...

Oh, how fun! I would start with the elephant and add the monkey head. These would keep the kids busy for hours.

Uniquely Yours said...

This may upset my toddler, but I chose Dermot the Rabbit top with Hokon the Dragon bottom.

windycindy said...

I like the way these critters take imagination and foster creativity. I really like the "Classic Rabbish Pair
Pack! Dermot and Vappu are the cutest to me and would be the most fun to mix and match! Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks,Cindi

Ann said...

This is great, I love Hokon the dragon and Itzel the friendly monster. Thanks for the great give away! I hope I can start my sons collection with a goldfish.

Anonymous said...

How cute! I think I would pick Pingguo the Panda and Vappu the Goldfish. Where else would you come across a "panfish?" Thank you for the contest!

Kari said...

Panda dragon :)

misternat1 said...

hokon the dragon and chumbo the rhino to make a wankus


Laura said...

I really like the dragon, so I would make a dra-fish with the little goldfish! Cute animals!

Donna said...

Itzel the friendly monster.

Maude Lynn said...

A dragon monkey!

Crystal F said...

I would choose the The Miniature Mon-Mon Pair-Pack. It has a monkey and a monster. We love monkeys in this house and I'm sure we could make some cute combinations with him and the monster. Thank you!

Stacey Moore said...

ella loves tashi the pig!! probably because she is pink!! cute site!! thanks for sharing!!

Anonymous said...

I like "Yongi the Tiger"!

Anonymous said...

What a great gift!!! I like the pig and tiger, very unique design it is tough to pick a favorite.

Tammy said...

I really like the Goldfish by itself it's quite cute! If I were to create a toy I think I'd make a Tigon, a cross between The Tiger and the Dragon!

Cricket said...

I would love to combine Maverick with Vappu the Goldfish to make a "Goatfish" like creation...A Capricorn like my daughter and me! It would make a perfect addition to our family of Capricorns since Grandma & Grandpa are too.

Thanks for such a fu giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I like the Parrephant Pair with the Parrot and Elephant! This is such a great idea, a fun way to inspire creativity in your little one.
Thanks for a great giveaway!
Marissa :)
md-sweeps (at) hotmail (d0t) com


I like Dermot the rabbit

jennem said...

I would make a pigephantus!

Andrea @ Momma in Flip Flops2 said...

I blogged here:

noreen said...

I would make a friend with muga (elephant) head, hokon (dragon) body and Vappu (goldfish) tail. My girls would love the goldfish to play with

Dove420 said...

I can't decide between Pingguo the Panda and Muga the Elephant but they are all great! Thank You

Jessica Cote said...

I would make a dragon fish with Hokon the Dragon and Vappu the Goldfish

Anonymous said...

ok that fish is so stinkin cute!! Sarah is obssessed with fishies right now and would get such a kick out of this toy!

hmm, I'd create elephant head, panda body and aligator tail! so cute!!!

Samantha P said...

i'd love to create something out of Dranda Pair pack, a panda and a dragon would make an interesting creation, haha

mogrill said...

hokon the Dragon!

Anonymous said...

Boomi the Monkey and Itzel the monster would make the best creation, looks fun!

cltgrace said...

Hmmmm - I think Tashi & Hukon would look fun all mixed up!

VickieC said...

I like the pig an the tiger,they are my grandsons faves,

Anonymous said...

We like the elephant and the dragon!


mountainrailway at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I love the dragon, elephant and the fish

edq143 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Boom! The MOnkey

Anonymous said...

The Parrot head on the Dragon body with the rabbit tail :)


Becca Ann said...

I love vappu the goldfish! and chizu the platypus

Anonymous said...

Muga the Elephant. These are just so cute!

miriama said...

Hokon the dragon is the cutest to me but frankly, they are all adorable!

miriama said...

Hokon the dragon is the cutest to me but I love them all! Great idea!

bison61 said...

I'd like to mix Hokon the dragon (my favorite) and Zoco the parrot

tiramisu392 (at)

Carol said...

I think Chumbo and Hokon would be fun to mix up.

Anonymous said...

Will it help if I beg!!!? We've been wanting to get these for our little guys for awhile now!
Id combine the goldfish, dragon, and parrot for a very colorful friend!!!
dansan826 at

Anonymous said...

I;m a subscriber too!
dansan826 at

Unknown said...

I would make a pankey or would that be a monda? (monkey/panda) A Piger which could also be a Tig would be funny, too. Your right, this is strangely addictive :)

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

I think the elephant and dragon combination would be too fun!

Tim Sternberg said...

I like tashi the pig and itzel the friendly monster.

Anonymous said...

the idea of a rabfish is really cute

Denese said...

I'd mix the elephant and the rhino up. Thanks!
neeseyb1 at alltel dot net

FawnGeorge said...

The rabbit head on top of the panda bear body.

Anonymous said...

Has to be the monkey! So Cute!!

Anonymous said...

I like Hokon the Dragon and Yongi the Tiger. What a wonderful way for kids to use their imagination. Thanks for such a great giveaway.

Anonymous said...

top - Hokon the dragon
bottom - Itzel the monster


Suzie Williams said...

The goldfish is so freaking cute. At first I thought it was a bird without a beak or something.

I'd love to make a Tiger with an elephant head and a monkey tail. That would be cute.

My other thought was to make a Monster head with a bear body and a pig tail and call it "Mon Bear Pig..."

vboackle said...

boomi the monkey and zoco the parrot because they would get along well.

Anonymous said...

My son would love these! we would love the elephant and the dragon.


PowerSweepstaking said...

Dragon head on the Panda body, on the mantle, next to the Mother in Laws picture!

mommysweeps said...

blogged your contest, for extra entry...

would definitely choose the panda, so cute.

phxbne said...

I like the platyger

Anonymous said...

i like muga the elephant

Unknown said...

Hokon the dragon...would definitely be a hit with my daughter!!

Anonymous said...


Jinxy and Me said...

I would combine Boomi the Monkey with Tashi the Pig

Anonymous said...

Vappu the goldfish is as cute as can be!

Leslie said...

Hokon the Dragon is great. :)

Julie Donahue said...

I would have to start with a monkino (monkey and rhino)

jodene said...

I'd mix tashi the pig with boomi the monkey - my two favorite animals!

/\Heather/\ said...

I'm going with a platypus head and a monkey body, complete with monkey feet. Hilarious!

JOYVEN said...

the elephant is what I like but also the goldfish - how about creating Rover the dog

Anonymous said...

Awww! I love the Maverick!

Anonymous said...

I would mix the rabbit head and dragon body!

Brooke said...

I would make a goldfish/platypus/panda

Anonymous said...

Love the Panda and the Goldfish are absolutely perfect. Thanks

klp1965 said...

boom :)

Anonymous said...

Remember Mr. Potato Head? I use to play for hours as a kid, mix and matching! Plaja Pets kinda remind me of that, only toddler and baby friendly! Very sweet! Lily would take good care of Vappu!

Anonymous said...

I would make a TigPig

carissaad said...

I would mix and match Boomi the monkey and Chizu the platypus.

calgirl said...

I like the tiger and parrot so I guess it would be Parragrrr

Steph said...

I'd mix the Dragon and the Monster

memetu said...

The PANDA reminds me of my youngest son.

lilyk said...

I would make a Dranda.

Sarah said...

definitly tashi the pig because pigs are my favorite animal.


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