Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Nothing is worst than a leaky diaper in public!!!

I've tried my hardest to get away with using whatever was on sale vrs the brand name diapers for most of Connor's life so far... but I began to realize that though those cheaper diapers might seem like a great "deal" at the time, once you venture into springing a leak, especially in public you might rethink that.

My first experience with extreme leaks was during our last teething session. Though Connor was not a super drooling baby he had awful diarrhea for over two weeks, we are talking full on water poop (sorry for the graphic image in your head) for TWO WEEKS.. I seriously thought he might dehydrate and blow away before he would ever get over the diarrhea. Past panicking about his hydration, those cheaper diapers do nothing.. and I mean NOTHING for liquid poo.

After that experience I figured it was about time I really get serious about finding something better. We decided to give Pampers a try and so far I can happily report we have had no major leaks to date since the switch. I noticed immediately that they seemed actually thinner than our store brand diapers which concerned me a bit at first, but once he got the first one wet I realized why. Instead of using a ton of padding to soak up the mess there is a liner inside the diaper that expands only once the baby gets wet. Honestly though my favorite part about the change is generic diapers are not known for being super stretchy. Now that Connor is really moving and starting to try to walk he is ALL over the place. Those stiffer diapers would bunch up or sag a bit, where as the pampers flex and move with him.

Pampers is also offering with every package purchased, one vaccine is purchased for a baby through Unicef, so with every package you buy you are potentially saving another babies life!

Pampers are available at most all grocery stores, and major retailers such as Target and Walmart!

Pampers has generously donated one free package of diapers or training pants (any size jumbo package) and one package of wipes (60-77ct) to one lucky reader!

To enter :

  • Leave a comment on this post. Go check out Pampers and check each of their diffrent types of diapers and training pants. Come back here and tell us which type of diaper you think would best suit your baby!
  • No "i want to win" stuff without a little effort (and I do mean little!)
  • Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com) We have had to disqualify a lot of potential winners as of late as many people do not have emails available in their profiles or leave anonymous posts without any way to contact you.
  • Please US entries only.
  • To get extra credit :
    • For an extra entry :
    • Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
    • Non Bloggers (or bloggers) subscribe to my mailing list/RSS feed and earn another entry!
    • One extra credit per person. Please post your extra credit in a separate post.
    • This contest will end April 23nd at midnight!


Andrea @ Momma in Flip Flops2 said...

We use cloth, but sometimes when we're out and about I like to use the disposables because I just throw it in my purse... I like the cruisers because my daughter is wiggly. Plus we could always use a package of wipes as we have not gone to cloth wipes yet!

Jen D. said...

I just checked out the Pampers Website. I loved the Swaddlers when my kids were newborns and infants. Now I think the Cruisers suit us best. My son is on the verge of crawling and my daughter well she is about to be potty trained this summer. We may need some of the training pants, but I am hoping to get by with the cloth ones I purchased along with plastic pants. I think she may train quicker that way, we will see. What a great way to give back with the vaccines.

Jen D. said...

I blogged about diapering and mentioned your blog.

Superdumb Supervillain said...

we're Pampers lovers, for sure. At 9 months, Jasper is already wearing the ones Roo was in when she potty trained (size 4 Cruisers). Huggies just don't fit right.

We also like the Gifts to Grow program.

anne s. said...

i love the cruisers in the size 3-i have had no leaks, as well.would never try another brand!
annjsav at gmail dot com

Claire Roach said...

I like the website description of Swaddlers. My son gets a diaper rash ALL the time, so the Swaddlers that pull away the moisture would be a lifesaver!

Deb said...

OMG, I didn't realize that Pampers Cruisers go up to size 7! My 2-year-old is already in size 6 diapers and I've been worrying about what we'll do if she's not potty trained before she outgrows them. I'd love to win a package of them for her!

Adding this one to my Contests page and always subscribing... :)

Danielle said...

We have a pampers love love cruisers!!! And the sensitive wipes are great too!


Jessie R. said...

We would use cruisers in size 2 Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Swaddlers, definitely! We are expecting a new wee one in 2 weeks!

mountainrailway at gmail dot com

Steph said...

The Easy Ups would be the ones for us. They are both currently training.

Anonymous said...

I have always used pampers

Anonymous said...

I'd have to pick the Swaddlers

janetfaye said...

Pampers Cruisers are the best for us.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

cruisers in a size 4

Anonymous said...

The newborn Swaddlers are a favorite. The liile groove in the front makes it that much more comfy.

agordon10 said...

I use the cruisers for my daughter who just can;t get through the night w/o peeing yet.

bison61 said...

I'd pick the cruisers in size 3 for our little guy

tiramisu392 (at)

Anonymous said...

My 8 month old just moved up from Swaddlers to the Cruisers. My worry was with all his squirming and his urge to start crawling I was going to find that he had a leaky diaper. I am happy to report that the Cruisers are right on - they are super aborbant and they are made for active little ones. I also joined up on the Pampers site the gifts to grow - where you enter in the codes from all your Pampers products and love that they donate a vaccine for every package you buy. I'm just hoping they sell them at the wholesale clubs.

deb rutt

jenny said...

now we are talking i could realy use some i would love to win this give away it would help me out a lot thanks i need a size 4 or 5

jdine said...

My new baby will be here in a few months and I'd love to try the newborn Swaddlers.

Anonymous said...

I love swaddlers! They feel so comfy!

Anonymous said...

After trying every diaper out there, the ONLY one we will put on his little behind is Pampers Swaddlers...Would love these! Size 2

bucbratt at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I would love to win. Pampers comfy fit in size 3!

Meredith said...

I always thought Pampers leaked less and produced less allergic reactions. I always had trouble with Luvs and store brands. But they are all so expensive! A necessary evil,though,I think! And I don't buy all this environmental stuff about disposable diapers. Far more beer cans in my local dump than diapers!

Anonymous said...

Cruisers size 4 for my son!

Anonymous said...

We used Luvs most of the time with my daughter- they were cheaper and money is always tight! With a new boy coming this summer, I'd just love to have some diapers on hand!! Please enter me!!
num1twinkie at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

im way excited that they come in size 7 as my big guy is on the threshold of growing out of 6! Id definitely want the cruisers and I love the lavender wipes

Unknown said...

subscribed to the feed

Anonymous said...

Wow, with 3 children in diapers, you know this is something that would be much appreciated in this household. I have twins age 2, and a 6 month little dumpling. We use size 4 for the bigger guys and size 3 for the princess. Sometimes, when I'm in a pinch I'll use then interchangably if I run out of one size. Shhhh, don't tell the boys they sometimes wear their sister's diapers. :)

Anonymous said...

Cruisers would be best for my daughter right now.

peg42 said...

Thanks so much for this giveaway. We'd love to try the Swaddlers size 3 if we won. Thanks.

denyse said...

Training pants/ Pull ups- Size 6


My friends' newborn would love the Swaddlers!

Anonymous said...

My two little granddaughters ages 1 & 2 visit often and I could sure use the cruisers for them. Size 4 please!

Marissa said...

I will be using cloth diapers, but I use Newborn Swaddlers until the umbilical cord falls off. Thanks for a great giveaway.
md-sweeps (at) hotmail (d0t) com

Stacey Moore said...

i would love to win some swaddlers for my expecting bf!! thanks so much!!

Anonymous said...

pampers swaddlers are the best !

lace said...

The cruisers in a size 4 would be great. Pampers are great diapers.

Anonymous said...

I love the Cruisers. My son just started walking a few weeks ago, and these seem to work best for a little one on the go. I also love what they are doing with the vaccines. ilovechrisk(at)hotmail(dot)com

Jinxy and Me said...

The Swaddlers would be great. So many friends swear by them and I am sure they would be excellent for my new nephew expected in May!

I also blogged about the contest here:

Milk Mama said...

Pampers Swaddlers are great for newborns. We used those when my daughter was a newborn. We don't use them any more because of the price, but I really do love them. The Pampers Cruisers size 4 are perfect for my daughter! Thanks for the contest! It isn't long for potty training time for us! :D
sarahmarie dot pemberton at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Swaddlers are #1! Exceptional fit for a newborn.

Anonymous said...

Size 5 Cruisers are what our Gianna will be ready for next.

Kristyn said...

Actually, I am a special education teacher with two students in wheelchairs; they are a brother and sister and we always need extra supplies for these kids. The easyups in size 6 would be awesome to have some extra packages for. The parents really have no money and it is a struggle for them. Thanks for the consideration.

Anonymous said...

i could reallu use this i have two in traing pants and one in diapers.
i'd use the training pants size 5
bwalleshauser AT yahoo DOT com

blogged ya

debbie s. said...

The cruisers are the ONLY diapers that work for my son! Plus, the swipers wipes are nice and big and thick for those great messes mom gets to clean up!

Kari said...

I used cloth but I know my sister's baby to be could use the swaddlers!!

A said...

Cruiser pampers make things simple for me and my little ones. Sure beats a pooper scooper, j/k.

Anonymous said...

The Pampers Cruisers Size 7 would be perfect for my son. The Swipesters wipes look great also.


Anonymous said...

Pampers diapers are the only ones I like to use! I have used others, like Huggies, and Tristan just leaks right through them.
The Pampers baby dry work for us!

sweetsue said...

I think Pampers are the best too! They certainly are worth spending a few extra pennies on. The diapers that would suit us best are the swaddlers in size one.

Ann said...

My daughter is 10 months old and teething. Same story here, lots of poopie diapers and Pampers does the trick, we've only had one leak and that was just cause it crawled up the back. My girl is crawling so I can definitely use the cruisers.
Thanks for the give away!

Anonymous said...

My absolute favorites are pampers and huggies. i love the texture and design and they move with his little body.

edq143 at yahoo dot com

mogrill said...

I love the swaddlers!

Anonymous said...

Swaddlers - expecting a new baby this year!

fireball351c AT yahoo DOT com

Becca said...

I love Pampers Cruisers. My daughter NEVER holds still, so the not-stretchy store brands just don't work for us anymore.

123connie said...

I love the cruisers in the size 6!!! Please pick me!!!

April said...

Cruisers size 3...great diapers for little busy bodies like my 15 month old!


I also left a link to this in my sidebar on my blog

strawberry3d said...

luv's are the best they don't leak.

Sunshine1954 said...

We really like Pampers Cruisers. They are the only diaper that actually fits properly. Although we appreciated any box of diapers as gifts, I am glad they are all gone! Now it is pampers all the way!

Anonymous said...

Pampers are the best! The cheapy diapers really aren't a good deal when you think of the time, laundry, and inconveniences leaky cheap diapers cause! My son wears Pampers Cruisers size 5

Anonymous said...

I like the pampers cruisers

chickeedee_2002 at yahoo dot com

JaniceJ said...

My daughter could sure some pampers when the baby gets here, she would use the Swaddlers for newborns.

Anonymous said...

We could use Cruisers in Size 4.

Anonymous said...

Love the cruisers in size 2.

noreen said...

easy-up would be perfect as we are nearing potty training

cdrury said...

newborn swadlers for my brand new grandbaby coming soon!

Anonymous said...

we use pampers here and LOVE them. I love the cruisers and the pull ups. We could use this prize so much since diapers are not cheap. BLECH! thanks for an amazing giveaway

Anonymous said...

The Cruisers in Size 4 Would be great for my little wiggle worm! Awesome giveaway!
dansan826 at

Anonymous said...

Count me in again! please! Im a subscriber, and these would be a GREAT help!
dansan826 at

jfg06001 said...

We could use the Swaddlers Size 3. They are really great for sensitive skin.

Crunchy Green Mom - Suzanne said...

I could use Swaddlers, Size 1. My best friend is having a son in July, and I am making her a Diaper cake, and a diaper wreath, I need all the diapers I can get!!!

Anonymous said...

we could use the easy ups here. my son is in the middle of potty training.

mesargent813 @ yahoo . com

Anonymous said...

I love the cruisers the best for our little one,count me in please,blogged ya below,thanks×tamp=1208706507669&javascriptEnabled=true

Tammy said...

I think the cruisers would be best.

Anonymous said...

Pampers in the tinest size would be great. I have a 2 month old granddaughter. We also have 4 friends and relatives expecting this year. Could really use some help on baby gifts. Please enter me, thank you

Unknown said...

We've tried a lot of different diapers and Pampers Swaddlers seem to work the best

kdkdkd said...

pampers cruisers size 4 for for my very active soon to be walking baby.

Anonymous said...

I love the swaddlers. I am a mom to 2 boys 21 & 23 but I have a new grandchild so I have been trying to get diaper deals for when he stays with me which I hope will be often

Anonymous said...

i am expecting in a few months so the swaddlers would be my pick. i'm training our 2 yr old so.... wipes would be great too!
i'll blog about you ~smile~


Feel N Learn 4t-5t

Mary512 said...

My daughter has always worn Pampers. Right now she is wearing the Easy Ups in size 5. Great giveaway, thanks!

Mary512 said...

Blogged ya:
Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

Cruisers & Baby Dry


Anonymous said...

I like the cruiers... We have little ones in diapers (i have 5 kids) but when ever I get awards or free samples I donate them to my church to those who can use them and might not have the money.

Anonymous said...

We like the "Easy Ups" because even though the little one is only 14 months old, she won't lie down for a diaper change, but fully cooperates if changed while standing! We use a size 4.

jules said...

Pampers Cruisers in size 4 are the ones I would pick. I love name brand diapers (especially Huggies), but they are a free box would be wonderful!!

jschonlau at gmail dot com

Timster said...

We use cloth.

Tuesday Girl said...

We love the swaddlers in my house.

nicki72182 said...

My son is ready (finally!!) for the Easy Ups (size 5)! He's a big boy :)

Cassie said...

We could definitely use some Newborn Swaddlers. We are expecting our first baby in June, and everyone has told us that Pampers Swaddlers are the way to go! I'm adding you to my blog roll!

Anonymous said...

swaddlers size 2 would be my pick

ohAmanda said...

We are pampers fans here, too. My daughter is mostly potty-trained but with a new baby on the way, I'd need some of the swaddlers! Oh, they are so sweet! Tiny!

Anonymous said...

I am a huge penny-pincher. One thing that I refuse to skimp on is diapers. Yes, Pampers are a little pricy, but they are simply the best and unmatched with any other brand. We love the cruisers!! They never leak and since they pull wetness away from his body, he never gets diaper rash! As my oldest son would say, CRUISERS ROCK! Thanks for the chance to win!

candpsmomj at hotmail dot com

GrowingRopers said...

cruisers size 4

suzzcq70 said...

We would like the cruisers in a size 4. We are in the middle of teething poopfest and raging diaper rash too . . . so I get what you mean. BUT I use store brand diapers for daycare which work fine since they change the diaper whether wet or dry every 2 hours. Can't afford name brands in that situation . . . and it ain't me cleaning that poop!


Anonymous said...

We have a new little one on the way and I love the swaddlers - thank you!

julie said...

swaddlers are great for new niece just had one and would really appreciate this gift..hope to win

Anonymous said...

Swaddlers definitely :D
Thanks awesome giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I am planning on cloth diapers. If I change my mind definitely Newborn Swaddlers.

dani77_99 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Stacy said...

We use the Pampers Baby Dry. My 3.5 month old is already in size 3. He's a big boy

Kimberly Carpenter said...

We used swaddlers and now use cruisers. Pampers has been the best diaper for us.

Erica G said...

Swaddlers for my newborn!

Bethany Maxson said...

I could use the size 3 cruisers... Thanks I love Pampers

Unknown said...

Size 3 Cruisers. My son is in the sometime crawling- sometimes walking stage. He's so active that sometimes his diapers leak. Yuck.

Be Thou Exalted said...

I love the Swaddlers! I'm one the pampers website weekly!

Muskie Mom said...

Pampers Cruisers Size 4 are the diapers for us. I have also tried others and experienced leakage--not good! Pampers Cruisers rock!

krista said...

swaddlers are my favorite for my 5 month old...pampers are the best!

michelle said...

My babies are usually larger and always seem to grow so quickly that newborn sizes never fit for very long. I would pick the Swaddlers 2-3. I would love to be entered in your giveaway.

michelle (at) northofthe49 (dot) com

Unknown said...

The Swaddlers for newborns would be great for my BF who is expecting and trying to get one potty trained before the new one arrives!!! Pampers are the best!!!

Jodi said...

totally all about pampers cruisers - LOVE them!! I love knowing that I just don't have to worry about the diaper leaking everytime I turn around! I can't even remember the last time we had a blowout or a leak! thanks for the great contest!

MamaGames - Alexa C. said...

We use cloth at home and disposables when we're out... but my 17 month old baby is starting to get more independent so I'm thinking of trying a product like Easy Ups, something she could learn to do herself. Thanks for the contest!

Tracey said...

I would like the PAMPERS CRUISERS or SWADDLEERS!! I am adopting a baby!! Yah Me!! God help me!!! I need all the advise I can get!!! I am so excited!!!! Thanks!!!

Anonymous said...

Pampers cruisers, size 4, are the only ones for us! We, too, tried all kinds, and only the cruisers do the job. Thanks for offering this!

Anonymous said...

Pampers cruisers for sure. Probably a size 4 would be best. Thanks for the fun giveaway! :)

Richelle said...

We like the cruisers!

Heather said...

We use the cruisers in size 3!

D said...

I need a sign that says will work for diapers! We are foster parents and it seems we go thru a case of diapers a week f0r 4 little ones in diapers.
The Cruisers seem to work best for us.

Anonymous said...

I have always LOVED Pampers Swaddlers, I have a new baby on the way and I will be useing them for thin little one. They are the best diapers for newborns. When my twins were in the NICU they used Pamper's Micro Preemie diapers...they fit in the palm of your hand SOOOO tiney. Since then I have always used pampers!


Ashley said...

We use Pampers Cruisers for my son. They have served him well through his most impressive near blowouts and wear great overnight, too. He's a totally active little boy, and they move right with him!

Kirsten said...

I haven't tried cruisers yet. My baby just made it to size 4 and I think she is allergic to her diapers. Would love to try something new!

Victoria said...

We use Cruisers during the day for maximum wiggle and Baby Dry at night for maximum absorption. We are a Pampers family.

Hélène said...

Size three cruisers for my little girl. I loved the swaddlers when she was a newborn.

Michelle said...

I have a 2 month old and would use the swaddlers - great giveaway with how expensive it gets to buy diapers!

Allison said...

Since I'm expecting a baby any day now, I'll have to go with the Swaddlers for newborns!

Jawan said...

P = privacy held within
A = absorbing
M = maximum strength
P = plush
E = excellent
R = rear end
S = satisfying

Cruisers are the best for us at this time. Yippee for the free giveaway. Don't want my baby to be naked!

Amber Rose said...

My daughter wears Pampers Cruisers. I am so excited that they are doing the Unicef Vaccine program, that honestly affects my decision to purchase Pampers products! Thanks for the nice giveaway, and Thanks Pampers for helping make the world a safer place for babies worldwide!
seekthetruth08 at gmail dot com

Smellyann said...

Right now I could use their pull-ups for my son and daughter. Great giveaway - I'd love to win. Thanks and please visit mine, too!

Anonymous said...

I run a daycare and I highly recomend any/all Pampers. They work the best with little "movers".
Cruisers #4 for me!

Anonymous said...

I'm seven months pregnant, so I'll go with the Swaddlers!

Promises said...

I have 2 boys. One is 3 months and the other is 2 years old. I ONLY use pampers because I have heard many stories from other people on how their diapers leaked, and I really did not want to deal with that - all over saving a few bucks! Pampers all the way!

I would either decide between swaddlers size 2 - I LOVE these diapers for my nursing infant! OR I may try the cruisers size 6 or 7 - my 2 year old pees a lot at night, and wears a larger size diaper at that time.

Thank you for the chance to win! I hope that I do! Every free diaper helps the budget! :)

greenly said...

I'm a big fan of the Cruisers. There's a huge difference between them and cheaper diapers--and they seem much more comfortable. My son wears size 4.

Tam said...

I love Pampers that is all I have to say. At my baby shower I got tons of diapers and some off brand and well they leaked and leaked. Pampers anything is the way to go. I love this new campaign of theirs for the Vaccines. It rocks.

Heather said...

Would love to get the swaddlers for the baby in the oven :)

Unknown said...

Without a doubt, Cruisers. We used Swaddlers in the beginning and did try the Baby Dry's once, but I found they didn't really keep our son dry. I also like the Pampers site because it has information on activities that are age-appropriate. I've also benefitted from the "Ask the Expert" section.

Elizabeth said...

I would need the size 2 for our two month old.

Anonymous said...

My daughter is a size 4-Cruiser. Really she's a runner, but not ready for potty-training. Maybe this summer, sigh.
kvicker at hotmail dot com

Elizabeth Giger said...

We're due in June, so we'd need the Swaddlers least for a short while!

emerzim said...

We're a size 5 Cruisers family over here. My husband never liked Huggies and was fine with either, so Pampers were the winner in our house.

bassethoundmom said...

I would use the swaddlers at this time.

Anonymous said...

I'm entering for a friend who is due in August and is a little cash-poor at the moment. She would use the new baby size.

Heather said...

My daughter fit the cruisers best, my son fit the baby dry ones best. We'll see what this Munchkin in my belly fits into best in a few weeks!

Tara @ Feels Like Home said...

We use Cruisers exclusively. They fit Grace's little bottom well, and they come in size 5 (what we're in now) and size 6 (that we will hopefully not need!).

Also, I love the Gifts to Grow program. Grace's favorite toy in a big box of Legos that came from GtG.

bfox74 said...

A dry one! :)

Meg said...

If you have a newborn, Swaddlers are the only way to go!! I need to try the cruisers for my son now that he is older.

Cassie said...

Pampers Cruisers are my favorite. My twins are in size 3 now and we go through a lot of diapers! I think you end up paying the same whether you use generics or name brand since you have to change the babies more often with generics (every time they leak)than with the name brands. Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

I hate leaky diapers! I bought the ones on sale once and I totally regreted it! I like the Pampers Cruisers. My son is in a size 4. I used the Swaddlers when he was little and really liked them.

Anonymous said...

Pampers swaddlers worked great on our last newborn, and I'd love to win some for the one to be born in the fall! thanks!

jes (AT) beautyfromchaos(dot) com

Momnerd said...

This is the BEST giveaway! My twins just turned one and the cheapies are just not cutting it. My favorites are the Cruisers.

Anonymous said...

I like Pampers a lot too and am ready to try the Pampers pull ups with my 2 year old.
emily_albrecht at hotmail dot com

Sonya said...

Easy Up Trainers, and of course Splashers (since summer is here)

Heather said...

Love Pampers. My youngest is almost ready to try some of their training pants!

Shannon said...

It's like you read my mind! I've been living in the midst of diapers for years, and it isn't stopping any time soon! I love the Pampers Swaddlers for my babies when they are newborn. Then move up to Cruisers. My 'plan' is to have my 3 year old potty trained by August when baby #5 will's no fun having 3 in diapers...I think I'll try to get it down to 2! lol

Liz said...

I really would like the Pampers Cruisers for my son- he is so active! What a great giveaway! Please sign me up! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I like the curisers, because my son doesn't sit still

Anonymous said...

We have a Size 3 "Cruiser" boy, so this would come in SO handy! Thanks for such a generous giveaway!

Melissa said...

My baby isn't born yet so I would say Swaddlers for newborn. Thanks for the oppurtunity to win this, I will need all the help I can get! Thanks again!

bethany said...

Cruisers would be the best kind for my son right now! Thanks

Sarah said...

I'm having a baby in July and the swaddlers were so nice with our first. I'd really love to get some of those again because they were tight enough to at least reduce the number of blow-outs if nothing else. Awesome giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I would chose the training pants for boys. We are TRYING to get out of the diapers stage, but I keep buying more and more pull-ups as he refuses to become potty trained.

Becca Mae said...

I love the Cruisers. It is the only diaper I will use. I also love their lavendar wipes. It is such a soothing smell.

Suzanne said...

Size 5 or pull-ups

Sarah said...

I personally loved the swaddlers, but now that my little guy is older I really like the cruisers fit. I like how they have a little bit of stretch.

Marcia said...

Pampers Cruisers size 6. I filled out the form and that's what they suggested haha. I think I'd rather have the Training pants but I'd need a 3T and the smallest is 4.

Someone Being Me said...

I loved swaddlers when Bear was a newborn. He is now into cruisers. Pampers are awesome and they smell good too.

Anonymous said...

Cruisers, Size 4

Emily said...

I think that Pampers Cruisers are the best diapers and are best suited for my little guy because he's on the go, A LOT and we have been leak-free using them. Thanks for offering this giveaway!


calgirl said...

Easy Ups would be great.

Ames said...

Swaddles in newborn or size one for the little one on the way would be perfect - I know that my friends who use them LOVE THEM!! Thanks :)

Momof4 said...

I'd pick Pampers Cruisers size 4 for my 28 lb 2 y.o. boy. We really go through the diapers in this house. My 3 1/2 y.o. is only selectively potty trained (potties consistently when away for the weekend at the in-laws', wants diapers when home). And I'm pregnant, due Oct. 30. These are the Diaper Days.

Thanks for the chance to win.

Marly said...

We are all about the Cruisers! Thanks for a great giveaway!

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

Cruisers are perfect for my son. He is crawling, pulling up, cruising, and trying to walk on his own already. We used Swaddlers when he was an infant, and switched to these as he was older. When he was hospitalized a few months back they had Baby Dry, but there was a perfume scent to those that bothered me.

Thanks for the great giveaway!

Denise said...

I'd have to pick size 6 cruisers. My twins are so close to being potty-trained, but we're not there yet! Thanks!

Jinxy and Me said...

The Swaddlers - Great giveaway!

Mitchell's Mama-ma-ma said...

I love Swaddlers. I was so disappointed when I realized they didn't go above size 2! In fact I am still disappointed about that! But really I love the Cruisers and Babyfresh Unscented Wipes. I am a Pampers Addict.

I'll be subscribing to your feed.



Unknown said...

we had the same experience w/ DS, only pampers worked for him. he's currently in pampers cruises size 3, but may be a size 4 here pretty soon.

CanCan said...

We do the cruisers! Currently size 3 fits. I do agree that pampers are the best "top of the line" diapers if you are going to spend the money!

Jennifer said...

Size 3 Cruisers for us. We are finishing up our last pack of size 2 Baby Dry. Our little girl is starting to try and crawl and becoming more active, so we are ready to switch to something that will move with her.

dj3hill98 (at) bellsouth (dot) net

Jocelyn said...

We LOVE cruisers - Size 3 :) We used swaddlers but outgrew them awhile back! And, we love pampers sensitive wipes.

jocelyn dot compton at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

cruisers size 3 works great for us :)

kristine said...

Swaddlers are the best for us! We loved them withour first baby and plan on using them again!!

Stephanie said...

What a great practical! When our daughter was a newborn, we only used Pampers Swaddlers! They seemed so much better than all of the other brands!

Now, we can be a bit more flexible (no more blow-outs, thank goodness!), but I still like to use Pampers. It would be fun to win this. We'd go with the Pampers Baby Dry diapers for nighttime use.

Stephanie said...

I also posted about your contest on my blog as part of my Tuesday Tours column: :)

craftytammie said...

I'm so with you on this - Pampers are the best! My 6 month old can sleep through the night without leaks in these - not so in Luvs, Huggies, or Target brand.

He's in size 4 Cruisers.

One warning - the absorbent gel stuff inside of Pampers is quite messy if it gets torn open - Our 2 year old was fighting me during a diaper change, tore the front and flung that stuff everywhere!

Greta said...

We luuuuuv Pampers Swaddlers but for now are using Pampers Baby Dry (b/c you get more for the money). If I won, I'd love some Swaddlers in size 2-3!

Anonymous said...

I am going to be a first-time grandmother, so it looks like we need newborn swaddlers!

Sandy M said...

We use Swaddlers and they are wonderful. Absolutely the best for my girls.

ssmina said...

Cruisers size 5, thanks!

lilyk said...

The Easy Ups Trainers are just what I'm looking for!

Anonymous said...

I like the cruisers size 6, I tend to take the kids to the park alot where they can run around so this will definitely prevent any accidents from happening.

Anonymous said...

This may sound so totally selfish, but this is the perfect practical gift; I cna't imagine not having to go by an aisle in WalMart, K mart, wherever and knowing I don't have to spend money on these baby items. So needed. Many Thanks; best of luck to all who enter!!!!! SW

lilyk said...

I subscribed to your mailing list.

Kara said...

I NEED these for my daughter coming from Ethiopia--we have not used diapers in a lonnng time!

Oh boy!!! I would love to win! Pick me, pick me, pick me...

You can reach me at


Check out my GIVEAWAY at

12:45 PM

Name: Jenni said...

DIAPERS, YEAH!! The cruisers look like a good one for us, as girl #3 is starting to move around more!

Great giveaway!!

joahsgrandma said...

Easy Ups - or Swaddlers. One for training my 23 month old grandson or the other for his new baby brother.

Brooke said...

Cruisers!!! But oh how I wish they'd make them more environmentally friendly.

Anonymous said...

We love Pampers Cruisers! My son is currently wearing a size 4. Hope to start potty training soon :) Then it'll be off to Pull-Ups! Thank you for this opportunity!

masonsgranny59 said...

Pampers Cruisers size 5 for my grandson.With 4 boys his mom and dad can use a useful win like this. ty 4 the contest!

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