by Michelle Meadows
Your mom always told you to put away your toys and not to leave them laying about as they might get lost! (At least mine did..)
Pilot Pups is a tale of what happens when some kids leave their toys all alone in the yard. The Pilot Pups go on a rescue mission to find their lost friends and bring them back safe and sound.
Pilot Pups is soo much fun to read, the words just flow on the page. Here is an excerpt directly from Simon & Schuster's webpage.

Canines cruising, in control. Searching, searching - on patrol.

lift, lift, lift. Rescue workers moving fast. Scramble, scurry, safe at last.
Honestly the best part of the book is the fact that its short and a quick read. I donno about you guys but by the time we get to bed I am exhausted and the last thing I want to do some nights is read a long book... but my biggest complain on some of the picture books is though they may be a quick read they can be VERY boring for the parents who have read them 50 times over. There is so much going on in Pilot Pups both in the pictures in the way the book is worded, I never feel feel myself tune out halfway through this book. I honestly really enjoy how the words slightly rhyme, its a fun read for the parents as well as the kids!!
I have an ARC of Pilot Pups to give away to one lucky reader!!
To enter :
- Leave a comment on this post. Tell us something about your toy situation in your home. Is it a disaster with toys everywhere (heh.. um like mine, we don't even have a toy box), is there missing toys in the yard, or are you successful at keeping the toys in the right places!
- No "i want to win" stuff without a little effort (and I do mean little!)
- Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com) We have had to disqualify a lot of potential winners as of late as many people do not have emails available in their profiles or leave anonymous posts without any way to contact you.
- Please US entries only.
- To get extra credit :
- For an extra entry :
- Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
- Non Bloggers (or bloggers) subscribe to my mailing list/RSS feed and earn another entry!
- One extra credit per person. Please post your extra credit in a separate post.
- This contest will end May 7th at midnight!
We got this amazing floor to ceiling shelf that's sectioned off into 24 squares, from Ikea abotu 2 years ago. It has seriously changed our lives in the toy dept. If we take a little work every week to straighten up the shelf, it stays organized because everything has a place! It has also removed all toys from being stored on the floor and we have eliminated all but one small toy box. Truly, it is worth it's weight in gold!
We need to get more organized in the toy area. We have a semi toy room and I throw the random toys in a big tote. The other stuff (farm things, tools, stuffed animals) all stick together, but it's not very organized looking. We have a medium sized basket that we switch toys out of at the end of the week. Everything that gets brought down stairs gets thrown into it and at the end of the week it gets put back upstairs and we start over again. It works pretty well for keeping the downstairs neat and then something new coming in!
wow this looks like it would be a cute book to read thanks
Our house is not immaculate by any means, but we do keep our toy collection to a minimum. We have one toy box in my daughter's bedroom and one in the living room. If toys start overflowing from those two boxes, we usually go through the toys and give some away to charity.
This book looks fantastic and I love that it has rhyming text - fun illustrations too!
Our play room is pretty tidy, not perfect but tidy. I have made a big effort into makin it easy for the kids to be able to easily put away items.
Hello! We have a basement toy room, but somehow, many of the toys end up in our boys' bedrooms, in the family room, etc. Our family is very good about not leaving bikes, balls, etc. out in the yard. I guess that toys and boys are that way! Thanks,Cindi
LOL, this looks like a GREAT book!! Our toy situation was under control...until our newest arrival! Now that she's 8 months, toys are everywhere...and the dog thinks that if they are out they are fair game! After all, she was our "baby" for 2 years prior to Pea! I don't mind the's my husband. My motto is...I have kids, deal with their toys!
We were doing okay with keeping our toys under control until Christmas hit. Grandmas and Grandpas just don't know when to stop! We REALLY need to go through our toys and get rid of some to clear out some space.
i actually went to kmart this past summer and bought containers for my toys. now the legos all stay together the clics and magnatiles and blocks stay in the respective containers, too. i find when the kids know where to put the toys away, they are more likely to clean up.
annjsav at gmail dot coma
OMG!!! Toys are everywhere. I had a few organizing ideas, but we have exceeded them. Now I know what lies ahead for my summer.....sewing and organizing.
Hi... we try so hard to keep the toy thing under control for my 3 yr old twin boys - it still amazes me how many cars/trucks 2 boys can acumulate. We have tried to teach the boys that there is a specific spot for each toy and that they must "park" or put away all their toys before we can start something new, go for a walk, etc. Definitely is still a work in progress but we are so trying.
Maureen (jnomaxx at hotmail dot com)
We don't have a play room so we have toys in all 3 kids's rooms. They have their boxes and shelfs to put there toys in or on but this doesn't always work out great. At least 2 of them are of the age that they know that they need to clean up when it gets out of hand. Thanks for the great giveaway!
My granddaughter can get pretty messy in the toy department. Once I was helping her with her room; the floor was literally covered with toys, clothes, and "stuff".
I got a garbage bag and asked her to pick up one thing. Then she decided whether it went into the garbage bag or got put it up where it belonged. Doing that with a few things got her started and the task no longer seemed so overwhelming for her.
The grandkids' toys are in a box in the sunroom
I'm 68, live alone with my 2 cats, and have lots of Beanie Babies and a few other toys. I never had toys as a child, so now I can have all I want without my late mother saying toys just clutter up her house! And no, I don't stash them away. They are in plain sight, making me smile every time I look at them! No matter what your age, toys are fun and give you the warm fuzzies!
We do not have a lot of toys, so I guess that helps with the mess. We do have a lot of paper though! My kids like to write and draw. My dd loves stuffed animals and she has a toy box full!
I am a neat freak, so all of the toys are in wicker baskets. Nothing is out of place. Sounds like a wonderful book to read. Thanks for the giveaway.
We have the toys in our yard situation. And they get so gross and dirty sometimes I just throw them away =o
Sarah F
My daughter is going through some sort of phase where she wants to build forts and put every toy she owns inside. It's a disaster!
Everything is in its place
I am trying to teach my 3 year old to not only put his toys away, but try to organize them also. He likes to pull every toy and book out at once. Every now and then, I will go around and find every piece that goes to every toy and puzzle and put it back together. His bithday is coming up and I usually go through his toys twice a year, before Christmas and before his birthday. I give away the ones he has outgrown or doesn't play with anymore.
Toys are EVEYWHERE! in closets, under beds, no matter how many I donate, they multiply!
We have lots of bin so at least until the next birthday we have the toys under control for a few minutes each day :)
Can I tell you how excited I am that our church rummage sale is in a month? I've been happily decluttering toys surreptiously into the donation box!
Otherwise I think we have toys in every room!
subscribed to the feed=)
My kids always want to be in on the action. As a result, my living room looks more like a toy room. We recently bought a large leather stool that has a storage area. Right now it's doubling as a toy box.
We have toys everywhere and my son doesn't really even have very many! But they are always out.
we keep the toys to one room and in several plastic tubs. We will have a garage sale this summer and clean out some
tiramisu392 (at)
My daughter is an only child (so far) and has a ton of toys. We have a toy box but its kind of lopsided with toys in it so my daughter can get to them easier. Then there's a ton of toys in her toy 'area' but they often travel out of that area and get in the way! Cool giveaway, thanks!
Blogged you:
Thank you!
Mostly in their place but the living room has a "lived in" look at the moment.
there's a place for everything
We have a corner in the living room with toys for all ages. That is where the grandchildren head. Our big problem is books. we all love to read and with so many age differences the books pile up.
We keep our toys organized, but there are still a ton of them that are taking over the family room!
We have toys everywhere.
The toys in our house are confined to my son's room. He has been told, and learned first hand, that if they get stepped on, they will not be in his room anymore. As a result, he always makes sure he has the toys he wants. Thank you for the contest!
I only take out one toy at a time. My son is great at staying focused on something like legos, or thomas trains for an entire day. We clean it all up and everything is in big plastic bins, at the end of the night.
we have a big basket to hold toys.
With 2 girls in one room and 2 boys in another room each one has its own messy situation. My girls have all there tiny bratz, polly pockets, little pet shops, and whatever else all over the place. I have tried those storage stack totes, totes, and organization bins. There seems to be no organization to the choas. My oldest son is a neat freak and likes his stuff organized while my youngest son thinks its funny to take all the toys out of the toy box and toss them all over the bedroom.
the kids think there aren't enough toys and my husband feels that there's no room for more. What should I do? I know....get more toys
This would be for my niece - they have a whole corner with toys shoved in it! They started off meaning well, they have a box with a lid...but now the toys just get piled around it.
The dog (when he was an 'only child') had his toy basket in the same corner - he now digs through blinky, bright light toys to find his chewy ball. :)
fireball351c AT yahoo DOT com
Too many toys, too little space. And she barely even plays with them...prefers drawing.
I keep half of my daughter's toys at my in-laws, since they have a bigger place. I still rotate the toys to keep it fresh for my daughter. I also pack-up and donate when needed.
I get your feed/email
Oh my we have toys all over the place thanks to our 4 year old and 11 month old. We are in the process of making a rarely used space into a playroom for the boys. With a more open amount of room the kids will be able to play more and keep things away more (I hope).
Thanks for the great book review.
My toy situation has gotten much better ever since I got my son excited about helping me pick them up before bed every night!
Thus far, we have managed to keep things picked up, because Lily is too young. But Hey, no false illusions of grander. We know our day is coming! Pilot Pups would be a wonderful addition to Lilys' growing library. Hopefuuly, she has the same love for books instilled in my family. Thank You.
We have toys everywhere! In the girls rooms, living room, even the kitchen. We are overrun with toys, lol.
I am a grandma so I only have to pick up toys a couple of times a week. We have a playbed full of toys, a pink pedal car in the living room, slide on the porch, and assorted goodies that we find around the home. I hadn't forgotten all the ingenious places little ones like to stash things. This time around I enjoy the mess more than ever. They are signs of love and little giggles.
We are so disorganized here. I've given up trying to keep the toys all in one place. There's even toys on the patio that got pushed out the doggy door. I figure why bring them in if she's going to push them out there again!
with 3 boys it is a constant job to get toys in a place to avoid slips , falls and tumbles.
After six kids, I've learned one thing. Purge.. Often!
I don't let the kids toys get too out of hand without stepping in, and purging what they don't need (they only really need a handful of stuffed animals!)
One room has loose toys in a box. The other room has the large musical toys. (the ones that people don't like having in the tV room.)
It's the only way I can keep sane. :)
please enter me thanks
I have the "Grandma Closet" that I add toys to when I can for the grandkids.
Our toy situation is lots of boxes and baskets trying to keep things organized...but the toys keep expanding.....
We have a place for everything but that's not to say it's always in its spot. Every night before bath time is pick up time and although I do most of the work at least the message of cleaning up is reinforced daily.
We have a small home and its hard because we have 13 year old girl stuff, 10 year old boy toys, 6 year old boy toys, and then baby girl toys. Too many, not enough room!
We are just starting our toy collection and the baby isn't even hear yet. Everyone wants to get the baby it's first "fill in the blank".
the toys are pretty well organized, it's the books, all over the house, nobody is reading just one book, it's like all of us are reading 12 at a time, so 48 books, opened to the page everyone left off at, tables, chairs, beds, toilets...
we have several toy chests,but our gouse is still always a mess as our just barely turned one year old LOVEs to throw his toys everywhere!! We get them for him and he throws them again! lol
us lots of bins and baskets - but when something new comes in something else has to be donated!
My little girls have a very messy playroom. It looks like a tornado came through it. I am currently trying to teach them responsibility and to clean up their toys after they are done playing. IT'S NOT WORKING! UGH! I am in the process of creating a chore chart. I am hoping this will give them some incentive to clean up their toys.
The 'Pilot Pups' book looks adorable and I know it would be a wonderful addition to our library.
I keep finding Lego in the couch cushions.
Pilot Pups sounds like a wonderful book. Our toys get a good home with friends or get stored away by age for when we have children over.
We have toy boxes, we even have one for the dog with paw prints on it. A shelf holds our games and the stuffed animals are sitting in a wagon.
An educational and fun book for the kiddies!
jaydonco1 (at) aol (dot) com
My house looks like Toys R Us threw up!
dansan826 at
dansan826 at
We are pretty disasterous here! We need a playgroom big time.
sarah2405 at hotmail dot com
There are toys everywhere in this house. My house is a total disaster by the end of the night. Don't even think about going into the girls' room. There's not a clean space on the floor to walk. It's crazy. lol
toys are taking over :O
Honestly, we have a very neat house (please don't hate me), the toys are always in the toy box at the end of the day, and/or neatly stacked in a corner. And no it is not done by myself, the owner of the toys in question does the picking up. (really don't hate me okay?)
I think my house is like everyone's who have children. It is a losing battle. Even with a toy box toys are scattered everywhere in the house, beds,cars
We have a controlled disaster. Every six months, when someone has all the kids out of the house, I go through the house to clean up all the toys and arrange them. The kids are so happy, they don't notice what I gave away.
We have a toy but but also there seems to be toys in every room of the house...but that is are only a kid once!
My kids leave everything outside. They love playing with their matchbox/hotwheels cars along the fence. I tell them that they will get ruined out there. Well, the neighbors had a fire that spread through the leaves and melted/burned all the cars. Oh, the kids were dissapointed.
Toys are controlled three ways; the nets in the corners as swags above the bed; Storage bins with each child having their own color; stackable plastic milk crates again also by color. many Thanks and Best of luckt o all who enter!!!!!!!!!!! Hapy Mother's Day to ALL!!!! SW
Don't have that many toys, so the clutter isn't too bad.
I subscribed to your mailing list.
We need to get more organized.
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