Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Book Review : Big Plans

by Bob Shea & Lane Smith

Ever know one of those kids who you just were sure were plotting something big, like being president, or taking over the world. (Ok, its possible I watched too much Pinky and the Brain in my life..)

Well my friend's son Alex has already told me he has plans to rule the world, of course hew as three when he proclaimed this, and if you knew him you'd believe him. Alex if your reading this.. when you turn 18 I am changing my number to unlisted... hehe.. serious.. I am joking (sort of).

Big Plans opens with a boy sitting in the corner in time out at school. He's busy plotting his future and his big big plans! Maybe he will be Mayor, or President or even build a rocket ship! Who knows!! This little guy has some serious planning to do, and no one is going to stop him.

Do you know a little person like that? LOL I certainly do, Connor has already started to hold meetings with his stuffed friends, I'm most certain he is planning something though honestly I can't quite understand him yet. He gives some good speeches though, complete with hand jesters, and great facial expressions. Melos (his chihuahua) seems to know exactly what he is saying though as he is always front row to the lectures.

Big Plans
is available on Amazon as well as at most major book retailers!

I have a ARC of Big Plans to give away to one lucky reader!

To enter :
  • Leave a comment on this post. Tell us about your child's Big Plans or tell us why you'd love to read the book!
  • No "i want to win" stuff without a little effort (and I do mean little!)
  • Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com) We have had to disqualify a lot of potential winners as of late as many people do not have emails available in their profiles or leave anonymous posts without any way to contact you.
  • Please US entries only.
  • To get extra credit :
    • For an extra entry :
    • Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
    • Non Bloggers (or bloggers) subscribe to my mailing list/RSS feed and earn another entry!
    • One extra credit per person. Please post your extra credit in a separate post.
    • This contest will end May 6th at midnight!


julie said...

My daughter has big plans of being a giraffe vet....ok very specific plans. she has said this for quite awhile now and I believe her...oh she and her best friend are going to marry the Jonas Brothers and move to Australia...Big Plans!

Anonymous said...

My baby boy is 10 months and his big plan right now (as far as I can tell) is to create a doggie club. He loves his stuffed doggie and when we walk everyday talks to all of the dogs -- planning!
Stephanie V.

Leni said...

My little one's (4 mo) Big Plans are only to finally get a hold of my cell phone to suck. But we need all the books to fire our imagination for when it is time for her to start making Big Plans!

Danielle said...

My daughters big plans were to become a nurse, however most recently she decided to become a doctor so as she says she can be the nurses boss. She also says she will take care of all our family at her hospital in her big house. I wish I could dream like that

Andrea @ Momma in Flip Flops2 said...

This book sounds delightful. My son is always pretending to be someone different from a police man, race car driver, farmer, hunter, etc. I think this book would be great for the imagination!

Anonymous said...

ah, what big plans he has. At 11, he has studied piano for 7 years and guitar for 4 years and now playing trombone. Can you guess what his big plans are? He just might make them come true. He already knows that hard work and practice are keys.

(we both have adored the authors other books since my child was much younger).

thanks for th echance!

phxbne said...

My 3 year olds big plan is a return trip to Disneyland!

Grateful Gramma said...

My granddaughter is not quite four but she says she's going to be a chef. Once I came into the room to see that the cartoon she was watching had gone off. I asked if she wanted me to find another one and she said, "No, Gramma, that's 'Christina Cooking'. She'll stop what she's doing to watch any of the Food Network shows and can explain to me what they're doing.

Stephanie said...

My 3 year old wants to fly, not in a plane but actually fly. She announced this upon getting out of bed one morning last week. The conversation went like this... Me: Goodmoring sweetheart, what would you like to do today? Her: I would like to try to fly. Then she spread her arms and jumped as high as she could off of our entry way landing. BIG PLANS!!!

Lucy said...

I also have a link to your site on my sidebar!


jenny said...

well i never read any of the books but well it looks like it would be realy fun to read

Anonymous said...

My almost three yr old grandsons big plans right now are to be a robot,I am Robot Mamaw,we speak robot language etc.omg too funny,he walks like one too,love to read this book,please count Robot Mamaw in,thanks


windycindy said...

My youngest son, Alex(maybe there is something about the name),is a creative and out of this world type thinker! He has been making video films since he could hold one. He is a master at Legos, also! Maybe someday he will make documentary films. Thanks,Cindi

sweetsue said...

My two year old grandaughter has a plan to get into my kitchen cupboard where I keep the goodies. It is way too high for her to reach, butI caught her stacking books in order to stand on them to reach it.

Mommie Daze said...

My son would love this. He had big plans every day. Usually it involves something that causes the dogs and cats to go running for cover.

bison61 said...

our little guy either wants to be in a rock band or a police man

tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com

noreen said...

My daughter's big plan is to organize a train ride (the couch)to Disneyland (my room) with all of her stuffed animals (she is currently collecting tickets for the train ride

Amanda said...

My son's big plans are to crawl the world over ... actually, at one I am not sure. But he'd love to hear this book.

goalmom said...

My 6 year old dreams of being a rock star. He's tried playing Guitar Hero, but can't quite get his little hand around the neck of the guitar. For now, he just plays air guitar whenever he hears a song he likes.

Mary512 said...

I'd love to read this book to my daughter because she has such an imagination. Fun giveaway, thanks!

Mary512 said...

Blogged it:

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

Right now my four year olds big plans involve his birthday party planning. His birthday is not until August and he has been talking non-stop about this since November/December.

My almost 1 year olds plan is to learn to walk on his own. He is so anxious to get down and run with his big brother.

Thanks for another great book title!

Anonymous said...

My son is only 3, but already is saying that he wants to play the guitar like daddy and rock and roll.


Crunchy Green Mom - Suzanne said...

I'd love to read this book to my daughters, because I want them to start dreaming of big plans at an early age! Even if they don't fully understand me now, I know that when they are in their room talking, they have big dreams to plan together!

Susan W said...

I subscribed to the RSS Feed for an additional entry.

calgirl said...

My kids big plans include becoming a psychologist helping with greif issues.

Brooke said...

My daughter has big plans to map out all the goblins in the world and bonk them. She's recruiting for her goblin bonking army.

klp1965 said...

please enter me :)

kerri69 said...

my daughters big plans are to become a mom that is what shr said hopefully she will have a husband
kerrisixtynine at gmaildotcom

/\Heather/\ said...

My daughter has big plans to be a rock star, a movie star...and a vet. Oh, she also has big plans to buy a limo for her everyday travels.

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