You know I have to be honest.. the first time I watched the Braincandy Five Senses Series I didn't know what to say... I've never seen anything like it so its really tough to compare it to anything else we have experienced. Not that I'm saying thats a bad thing, oh no, but it certainly is a unique quality for a product to leave me completely speechless.Braincandy explores the five senses in a way I have yet ever see a product or even a person tackle. Instead of telling the viewer how something looks, smells, or feels they attempt to show you! I know this sounds odd but seriously they do an amazing job of leaving you wondering and wanting more. The videos are designed for children ages 6 months to 4 years though I would venture to say that that ages one through three would enjoy them most. There is very little dialog in the videos themselves and most of the video is shot in a way that puts you right in the action.. which leaves me to note that the person responsible for shooting the footage itself need some sort of metal as every scene is beautiful and well presented, and every scene is diffrent unlike some other infant DVDS where the set is pretty much the same.
Want to experience Braincandy for yourself? You can purchase the DVDS as well as check out a sample of each of the titles directly on their webpage.
Win a set!
I have a full set of Braincandy dvds to give away to one reader!
To enter :
- Leave a comment on this post. Go check out Braincandy and look sign up for their kids club. You'll get a 10% off coupon when you do! (Please note, I respect my readers right to not sigh up for the kids club as it uses your email address.. though I would really like you to support our sponsor as they are giving away a VERY nice set of DVDs, out of respect of privacy if you do not wish to sign up just send me an email directly with your email address and the email title "braincandy" and you will still be entered, see my email address below.) Come back here when your done and leave me a comment as to which character in the series is your favorite and why!
- No "i want to win" stuff without a little effort (and I do mean little!)
- Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com) We have had to disqualify a lot of potential winners as of late as many people do not have emails available in their profiles or leave anonymous posts without any way to contact you.
- Please US entries only.
- To get extra credit :
- For an extra entry :
- Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
- Non Bloggers (or bloggers) subscribe to my mailing list/RSS feed and earn another entry!
- One extra credit per person. Please post your extra credit in a separate post.
- This contest will end March 14th at midnight!
What an interesting set of videos! My favorite character would be the nose. I can't really say just looks funny. :) I would love to try these videos with my daughter. I am sure she would get a kick out of them. (I signed up with their kids club) katebeth45 at gmail dot com
I like the brain -it's just so cute. My son and I watched all the sample videos on the site and he loved them. Which is unusual, because he has never been interested in "kid" or "baby" videos before. We signed up for kids club, too. amanda.funai at gmail dot com
i'm up for this this is some thing thats realy good for kids and i verry much loove to get this for my little one
I like Ivy eyes-she's girly. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
blogged ya:
Hello, I like the "ear!" Sometimes, I think children can have selective hearing and this dvd may help that out! Thanks for a phenomenal contest! Please enter me in your drawing.Cindi
I like the Brain character. Emailed you instead of signing up for the newsletter. Thanks!
I have never heard of these. I like the hand. I guess the tenacles are feelers.
Mojo Mouth is my favorite! Love the name and the DVD trailer for Taste was funny!
chigirljenn at yahoo dot com
mojo mouth, well cause the name is funny!!
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