Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Children's Gifts Review : Tattoos for Tots + Giveaway

I have yet to meet a young child that doesn't LOVE removable tattoos. I know when I was little I would beg my mom for quarters to get the cheap ones out of the vending machines at the grocery store.

I spotted these toddler friendly removable tattoos over at Tattoos for Tots and got pretty excited. With easter coming they would be a GREAT basket stuffer and not only are they fun but all of the tattoos are labeled so your toddler can work on their words at the same time! I personally will be giving them out to the little ones in my family as part of their gift bags at easter.

I did get a chance to try them out and I walked around with a tattoos for tots circle on my arm for days. They hang on well and they actually stay solid (not slowly tear away) for 3-4 days under normal wear and tear. When I finally got tired of looking at it a firm scrub with my bath puff took it right off. At $3.99 a package you get two sheets of tattoos (approx 4 large tattoos and 3 little tattoos per package) you save a bunch over a vending machine! They would make great rewards as well for chores or even potty training!

Want them? Visit Tattoos for Tots and pick out your own favorites! They have everything from pirates to fruit to even snowmen!

I have FOUR packages of Tattoos to give away. There will be two winners (two sets each!)

To enter :

  • Leave a comment on this post. Go visit Tattoos for Tots and tell me which of their Tattooos you love! One of these sets is more boyish the other is more girlish if you have a prefrence let me know in the post! No "i want to win" stuff without a little effort (and I do mean little!)
  • Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com)
  • Please US entries only.
  • To get extra credit :
    • For an extra entry :
    • Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
  • This contest will end Feb 13th at midnight!


Unknown said...

I would lean more towards the boyish ones. The Hawaii ones are really neat. Thanks

Tricia said...

My boys would love the reptiles set... or the pirates one...or the dinosaurs. They are all so cute!


Erica G said...

The pets one is the best!

windycindy said...

Hello! These tattoos are really cute. I like the "Sky Elements" and "Ocean
Animals!" Please enter me in your tattoo drawing. Thanks,Cindi

Anonymous said...

Cailin would LOVE the insects and the pirates, she's such a tom-boy!!

Please enter me!

num1twinkie at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

the pet one is best

peg42 said...

My sons would love the repetiles collection. These are so cute. Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

The pets

agordon10 said...

reptiles would be soooo cool

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

My daughter loved the Princess tatoos.

redron said...

grandduaghter would love the princess ones

Unknown said...

My kids love tatoos!

Stacey Moore said...

the cupcakes would be great favors for ella's birthday party!! thanks

Shawna said...

I like the nature collection. My little girl would love these!

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

My son would like the Hawaii tats.

Anonymous said...

It would have to be the princess tattoos for my daughter.

Anonymous said...

hello to all--your right, these little tattoos are just the cuties, I could see either set on either of my little G-babies.My two G-sons are all boy boy-the snipes and snail and puppy dog tails kind of guys,MR.RUFF and MR. TUMBLE. Then you have my baby Willow who really believes she is a princess--so as you can see-either who be nice from their Granny Good Witch.

Anonymous said...

I love the reptiles or the pirates tats. My boys would love these!

Anonymous said...

I like the pets colloection. Thanks!
hanourse at gmail dot com

sweetsue said...

I like the little girl tea party set. Real cute!

Anonymous said...

i like the pets.

Anonymous said...


Becca Ann said...

Princess for my daughter!

carissaad said...

I can see that my checking account is going to be losing some money. I like the Pirate set.

Danielle said...

My little man would love the Pirates and the Outerspace sets!
Boy pack please!
dansan826 at

Anonymous said...

I would love the reptiles ones for my lil boy.

sachidewey said...

My son would LOVE the outer space ones- if I am so lucky as to win, I would love the boy pack!

Unknown said...

Vehicles- DS would be in heaven! we bought out the cars tattoos at target when they went to a quarter, but they only last a day or so.

tatertot374 said...

My daughter loves the butterfly ones and My son loves the lizard one. These are great. Thank you

Anonymous said...

the classic collection of zoo animals would be perfect

Unknown said...

Those are so cool! I have boy/girl twins that'll be three next month. My son LOVES pirates, and my daughter's already a foodie. I saw the food tattoos and cracked up. I'm envisioning full-veggie sleeves this spring. :)

Anonymous said...

The Hawaii ones are really cute.

bison61 said...

the boys would like the dinosaurs, sharks and pirates- they are all real cute

tiramisu392 (at)

Anonymous said...

I love the princess stuff!

Donna said...

love the reptiles or the pirates tats for my son

maidto5 said...

I would have to go with the princess ones for the self titled princess :)

jennem said...

I'd lean towards the girlish. But individually, my favorites are Pig, Bat, and Cupcake.

lace said...

I love the farm animal tattoos. These are cute.

House of Chang said...

I love the zoo animals! My boys would probably prefer the more boyish tattoos. :)

Bree said...

I love the Ocean Animals- I would love the girl set, please!

Bebemiqui said...

I like the insects set

Anonymous said...

I like the pets collection the best, but would love to win the girls set!! Thanks..

Becky said...

we go to the zoo about once a week so the zoo animals one would be fun

Heather said...

My kids are all about PIRATES right now so we would love that set. What a cute site! I love their products!!

Ginny said...

Love the girls set especially the flower & butterfly. I blogged here:

Superdumb Supervillain said...

I like the Hawaii collection, since that's where I grew up. What a fun way to teach kids Hawaiian words!

p.s. we'd like the girlish set

Jameson's Mama said...

The space tattoos are so cute!

Unknown said...

I love the "space" tattoos! I think my daughter would love the pirates package and my son would love the dinosaurs. As for this contest, I don't think they'd have a preference. My kids LOVE fake tattoos.

Julie said...

Ooh! Fake tattoos are the bribe for sitting still during nail clipping time! My son would love the 'vehicles' tattoos

Tonya said...

We are all about Safari's right now, so I like the Zoo animals. Tattoos would be something new for my kids.

Jennifer McNichols said...

I love the space ones and the insects. These are great!

Mary512 said...

We love the princess tattoos. My daughters such a girly girl. thanks for the entry!

Mary512 said...

blogged ya:

thanks for the extra entry!

Unknown said...

The dinosaurs set FOR SURE. I know the perfect little guy (and he's not mine!) who would ADORE these!!!


Anonymous said...

My fave is the zoo animals.


sassy2 said...

i like the trucks and vehicles

Maude Lynn said...

How cute! I like the ocean animals.

Leane said...

I would have to go for the boyish ones.
I like the ocean animals, zoo animals, dinosaurs, vehicles, and on and on.....these are a great idea. The tattoos are a visual way to add vocab. and spelling practice into your kids day, but they are so much fun they won't even realize how smart they are becoming.

Leane said...

I have blogged your smart giveaway over at

Thanks for the extra entry!

Anonymous said...

I have to go with the Boyish type myself-pirates, dinosaurs and the ocean animals. I would love to win a set of these tatoo's


Jessica D. said...

2 girls, anything pink!

Mags said...

They are all fun but for my son, I like the pets and reptiles the best.

houseofeling said...

the veggies are our favorite, specifically the carrots! Would love to win!!!! thanks...

Ellie said...

I love the space ones, but my son is really into vehicles, so that one would probably win! Definitely more boyish around here!

Anonymous said...

The LION is best!

Re said...

pirates and pets! The veggies are cute too!

lev53211 said...

i'd like to win the Dress Up collection for my niece!

Qtpies7 said...

I like the Princess and the Pirates set! We have boys and girls who love tatts!

I blogged you at

and I will add you to thursday's post at

Cori said...

I like the insects. My girl might like boy themes more!

Stephen A said...

Pirates set!

Medley Family said...

I like the vehicles tatoos. I would prefer the boy ones if we were to win. Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

My little guy would probably go nuts over the dinosaur tattoos. Those are so cute and great!


tlcfromtn said...

My grandsons would love the vehicles. I like the holiday collection. I would prefer the boyish ones.

Anonymous said...

I love the lizard, the shark and the astronaut. My little boy would go for these.

phxbne said...

My daughter would love insects or dinosaurs this week!

jodene said...

My daughter would love the princess ones of course.

/\Heather/\ said...

I know my daughter would love the Princess pack. Shoot, I might even wear the rose. :-)

Samantha P said...

i really like the sky elements collection, those are really cute!

Crystal F said...

I like the dress up set or the princess set. They're so cute! Thank you!

Sylvia P said...

i love the pirates!

Anonymous said...

I like the "Sky Elements" I think they're cute

Anonymous said...

The Hawaii Collection

melonkelli said...

I like the Fruit & Vegetable collections. I would love the more "boyish" tattoos if I win.

taureau AT yahoo DOT com

Don and Lisa Osborn said...

I like the tea party tattoos. I would prefer a girlish one if I won.

Anonymous said...

I love the Nature tatoos!

Anonymous said...

Zoo Animals I would prefer the set for girls. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

WOW the flower ones are sooo cute. My girls would love those. Girlish ones for us, please.

malleycc(at) hotmail (dot) com

Brooke said...

oooh! Fruits and Vegetables, please.

Donna said...

My son would love the pirate tatoos.

Taryn said...

My son would love the vehicles the most!

Anonymous said...

fruits and vegetables

Jen said...

I have a son that is nuts for Zoo animals. So cute!!

Anonymous said...

So adorable! Please enter me

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