Friday, January 18, 2008

Toy Review : Glo-e Babies + Giveaway

Wonderfully soft huggable friend by day, protector and night light by dark. What better to glow away the monsters than your very own stuffed dog?

You know, I'm not so sure who likes this more, me or Connor?

These plush pets hide a wonderful secret. Squeeze their paws and tada you have one of the most beautiful night lights you can dream of. They glow and pulse in a rainbow of colors and are bright enough to gently light the entire room. Little ones can say goodbye to all those monsters that lurk in the dark and under the bed as the dark is just not so scary when you have your Glo-e friend!

On a serious note,
Glo-e come in a wide range of animal styles. Some options include a bear, dog, and monkey. They glow when the pressure point is squeezed (clearly marked on each animal) in a rainbow of color patterns. You would think with a light mechanism inside that they wouldn't make good snuggle buddies but its just not true. They are not heavy like an average battery operated plush nor does the battery pack seem to affect their "snuggleability" at all.

The only real downside is.. when its dark they are BRIGHT which could be a bit distracting to some of the kids and parents when trying to sleep. I'm highly sensitive to light when Im sleeping and I could not sleep while I could see the light. The good news is they do go off on their own after a short period as well.

Overall I am NUTS about the Glo-e, If Connor ever decides he doesn't want his anymore I'm stealing it for myself. :)

Want one?
You can buy your own Glo-E baby on Amazon and most major retailers.

Win it!
I have a Glo-e Baby (12") Dog for one lucky reader!
To enter :

  • Leave a comment on this post. Go visit the Glo-E webpage and tell me which Glo-E would you most like to own? No "i want to win" stuff without a little effort (and I do mean little!)
  • Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com)
  • To get extra credit :
    • For an extra entry :
    • Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
  • This contest will end Jan 25th at midnight!


Anonymous said...

so cute

16" tall monkey

Anonymous said...

itsy-bitsy babies

Anonymous said...

glowing butterfly

mar said...

I like the monkey - thank you

Anonymous said...

the monkey

sillelin said...

Glo-E Bear in pink -

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

My little monkey would love the monkey. I may just have to get one for him for a present soon.

Thanks for the great giveaway!

the_angel_forever at yahoo dot com

HilLesha O'Nan said...

I love 'em all.

bison61 said...

they are all cute - but I'd pick the monkey!

Anonymous said...

Oh, those are cute! I just want to squeeze them. Especially the bear.

Anonymous said...


windycindy said...

We are a family of dog lovers. Most definitely the dog. The itsy-bitsy style is adorable, too! Thanks for the fun contest.....Cindi

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

I have always been a monkey collector so has to be the monkey.

Anonymous said...

I prefer the Glo-e butterfly. Really cute!

Anonymous said...

I like the monkey and the bear is cute too!

Anonymous said...

The monkey is the one I like the best.

Anonymous said...

I would have to say the dog since my sons loves them!

jdine said...

The monkey is my favorite!

Nissa said...

I like the doggie! Yippee- that's the one you're giving away! I also think the Friends are cute for girls.

You're in my sidebar, as always!

Anonymous said...

I love the monkey.

peg42 said...

I love the Cepia 16-Inch Glo-E Magical Bear with Pretty Little Lily Book. So cute. Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

the monkey.

Anonymous said...

I love the Glo-E Bear!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'd like to win the monkey.

jffryclough said...

decisions, decisions, but we're going with the monkey

Anonymous said...

I love the blue elephant!

anny32 said...

i like the Glo-e Baby (12") Dog

its darn cute! never saw these before...

noreen said...

my girls would enjoy the monkey the most, they love monkeys!!

Shawna said...

I really love those glo-e audio sticks! But I also would LOVE to win the rainbow dog for my little girl. Those are awesome!

Anonymous said...

The monkey

heather h said...

How clever! I'd choose the Glo-E Light Up Bear. I want one for myself, too! Thank you for hosting such a cute giveaway!

Betty N said...

It would have to be the monkey! My grandson really really likes monkey and this one is wonderful!

Unknown said...

I would say Glo-E Show Dog, the Sparkle Faries are nice too. We all love dogs though, includeing Shadow our Lab.

Anonymous said...

the glowing butterfly

Tarasview said...

oh I love the rainbow light up bear!

Anonymous said...

I love the dog but I think the monkey is adorable.

Anonymous said...

The Glo-E heart shaped pillow would be an adorable gift for Valentines Day!

Erica C. said...

I really like the green light up square pillow...adds a nice touch!

Anonymous said...

Love the Heart Shaped Pillow!

Anonymous said...

I can't decide between the doggie or the monkey!

Anonymous said...

I love the glo-e doggie

Andrea said...

I love the Dog...but the monkey is really cute too!

I also blogged about it here:

fyjules said...

I like the bear.

Unknown said...

My wife adores the Cepia 16-Inch Glo-E Magical Bear.

paryjeja said...

I like the monkey but light panels and lamps on the site were cool also.

Anonymous said...

My 3 year old was spying while I was entering this contest and she eyeballed the monkey and said she wants it bad!! I have to admit, its a hard choice to make... they are all so cute!!

num1twinkie at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Love the Dog, at least this one wont need out! :)

Anonymous said...

After looking through the website, I have to say that I like all of the items available. It's definitely something that I will come back to research and possibly buy. My favorite are the bedtime sparkle fairies. My step-daughters would love these.
partymix25 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Kari said...

The monkey, is sooo cute!!

Anonymous said...

i would like to win the glo-e dog, how cute!

ky2here said...

bedtime sparkle fairies for me!

Anonymous said...

Love all the Glo-e products. But the monkey is my favorite!

Becca Ann said...

My daughter loves the puppy

Anonymous said...

My daughter really likes the puppy too.

sweetsue said...

My grandaughter would love the dog.

Tammy said...

the monkey the monkey!!!

redron said...

Glo-E Bear in pink -

Anonymous said...

I would most like to own a Glo-e Light Up Puppy :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!

sachidewey said...

My son would love the monkey - he's currently into pretending he's various animals, and the monkey is definitely his favorite.

maweisberg said...

Cepia 12-Inch Glo-E Dog

imjasonc said...

I love the monkey. Monkeys are cool.

Anonymous said...

Oh I love the glo monkey!

Jenn S. said...

Well, if it were for my son, I would choose the Monkey, if for my daughter I would choose one of the sparkle fairies. These are so cute!

Anonymous said...

We love our glo-e bear but would love the puppy or anyone for that matter!

pancak said...

The glo-e baby monkey is adorable! It would make a great gift.

Anonymous said...

I like the monkey!

Anonymous said...

The 24-in. Glo-E Sparkle Bear looks like a perfect fit for a wee little sparkle-loving girl who has a really big fear of the dark.

Anonymous said...

I love the glo-e babies they are very cute

Amanda said...

We LOVE monkeys!

Stacey Moore said...

ella would be thrilled with a glo-e star friend!! thanks so much
moore.g at insideconnect dot net

Ginny said...

Ok I just fell in love with those sparkle fairies, my kids would go nuts for those!~

Anonymous said...

I Love them all, Not picky all of them are so cute!

Beverley said...

The monkey is so cute!

Jessilyn82 said...

These are amazing, the puppy is beyond cute!

Anonymous said...

i want to win

Anonymous said...

The monkey rocks!

Superdumb Supervillain said...

Roo would like the Bedtime Sparkle Fairies and Pretty Little Lilly set (her grandma's name is Lily!) I like the MP3 dock that changes color... like a modern jukebox or lava lamp! Ooh, and the paper lanterns that change color are very cool, too. Love that they're battery powered.

Tisa said...

I love the dog! My daughter would love this! ~ :)

Bree said...

I love the monkey!!

Anonymous said...

My daughter would LOVE the puppy. These are so cute and what a great idea.

Anonymous said...

i'd take them all if i could. so cute. the monkey for my son
bwalleshauser at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

aawww,,,such a sweet prize, thank you

Anonymous said...

They all are so cute, but I am really into the rainbow dog, thanks for a great giveaway and good luck to all of you

Maude Lynn said...

I love the monkey!

Qtpies7 said...

I love the moneky, he reminds me of my youngest child who figured out how to climb tothe top bunk this week, at only 14 months old. Little monkey!

I am blogging you!

megret7 said...

I think the monkey is the cutest!! ( meg dot wilson at gmail dot com )

Anonymous said...

I would love to have the entire set. They are all so adorable. The monkey is my number one pick and I would love to win it.

Thanks for hosting the contest

Anonymous said...

the dog is my favorite as well as my son.. he loves his "stuffed friends"

Tricia said...

The monkey is definitely my favorite!


Anonymous said...

We are definately dog/puppy girls here and my girls would love to win!!! Thanks!!


Glo-E Dog

Unknown said...

hard core teddy bear fans here, so the teddy bear would be great!

Lolly said...

i love the monkey! so cute.

Nick, Megan, Chelsea and Tenlee said...

The monkey is my choice...that's our nickname for our little girl. :)


The Saunders Family said...

oh, the monkey is too cute!
mom2maria at hotmail dot com

Milk Mama said...

I would love to own one of the glowy teddies for my daughter. I think she's afraid of the dark. :(

The Robinson Family said...

I would love a 12inch baby monkey for my son. He LOVES monkeys and I think this would help with bedtime. The fairies are adorable also...this is such a cute gift for a little girl!

Anonymous said...

I would love Bedtime Sparkle Fairy!
All of them!!!

Taryn said...

The monkey is really cute!

Dana said...

The bear and the monkey. I guess the monkey the best. They are all cute!

Jenna said...

The monkey is popular! :) Yep, that's my fave, too.

Anonymous said...

My favorite is the baby bear.

Brooke said...

I love the monkey too!

Erica G said...

My fave is the monkey. It looks so happy and snuggly.

melonkelli said...

I like the chinese paper lanterns

taureau AT yahoo DOT com

Katie said...

I think the 16" Monkey Rainbow Friends one looks super cute.

Lisa Garner said...

These are so neat! My son loves stuffed animals and if I don't win I'm going to get him one for his birthday. My favorite is the Glo-e Light Up Puppy. So cute! I added your link to my blog at

Anonymous said...

So hard to choose, I want them all!! Ok, if I only pick one then I'll go with monkey!

Brandy said...

Ooh, ooh, ooh (making my best monkey impression)! I love the monkey! :)

Marly said...

The dog would be perfect for my son - how convenient! Our second favorite would probably be the good old-fashioned teddy bear though. ;)

Sassyfrazz said...

I love the monkey, FOR SURE!!

What a little cutie!

THanks for the chance to win, and I would be happy to put up your link button. :)

JaniceJ said...

I think the Glo-e Light Up Puppy it just the cutest thing I have seen in a while!

Sassyfrazz said...

Here is the link to the spot where I blogged your contest:

For chance #2!


Anonymous said...

The dogis adorable

Unknown said...

the dog- we already have a bear and this might keep the stuffed cat company=)

miriama said...

The puppy!

Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said...

We'll have to pick the MONKEY!

mymommymy said...

oh, my son would love the monkey!! Great idea!!

Linda SS said...

I like the animals better than the dolls, and I'd go with the bear because my bestest friend as a child was a teddy bear. Over 50 yrs. later, I still have that bear:) I'd like to see each of my 3 young grandchildren experience the love I got from that one special animal.

Jen said...

What a cute idea!! Maybe that would help my 2 yr old to go to sleep w/out me having to sit in the room with her. They are all so cute, but if I were to choose I would go with the bear as my daughter has a stuffed monkey & dog she sleeps with. Believe it or my daugher does NOT have a teddy bear so I would have to go with that one.

FENICLE said...

This would be perfect for our son!!

I would love the monkey! Too cute:)


Becky said...

I like the monkey.

teresa said...

I think my son would really enjoy snuggling with the little dog. He loves all things that light up!

Anonymous said...

I would like the 10" monkey for my son which I know would comfort him in the dark.

Heather said...

My son keeps trying to steal my daughter's Bear she got from Grandma, so the Baby Monkey or Dog would be great!!!

bfox74 said...

I like the Japanese Laterns ... and the monkey!

Melissa Markham said...

I love...I mean my daughter would love the monkey;)

Laura M.- Editor said...

My little monkey would take the Monkey for sure!

Anonymous said...

My daughter is 3 years old and has trouble staying in her own bed at much as I love her, I don't enjoy sleeping with her (she's wiggly), thus, she (i.e. my hubby & I) could really use a better nightlight solution...these seem perfect! She'd probably enjoy the monkey since she's obsessed with ALL monkeys right now.

Becca said...

We've got a little white poodle, so I'm a sucker for white dogs in stuffed animal form. But to prove that I checked out their site, my second favorite Glo-E animal is the Sparkle Bear.
beccachristensen @

kaaas said...


dodo said...

16 inch glo-e bear :)

moushka said...

My husband calls our daughter "Little Monkey" so the Monkey would be prefect!

Anonymous said...

I know a dog lover who lives here that would love glo-e dog.

SJINCO said...

I love monkey's so I'd pick the monkey! My 2 year old would LOVE this.

Anonymous said...

These are soo cute! I would recommend them to everyone. We did have a bear that did five "lightshows" but it was stolen from our car this summer.
My 4 y/o was traumatized.
He would love a dog or a monkey on I am sure.

Anonymous said...

My little monkey would love the monkey! Super cute!!!! :-)
Hollie Peterson

Erin said...

Oh, the monkey is the cutest. My daughter would love it! Thanks for hte chance to win.

Anonymous said...

They are all so cute it's hard to choose I'd say the dog or the itsy-bitsy babies. This would be great for my first grandchild.

Crystal F said...

I would have to say the monkey with the different light shows. We had a bear but it never worked. Thank you!!

Anonymous said...

I love the monkey and I think the itsy-bitsy babies are very cute.

cdrury said...

the monkey is soo so cute!!!

Anonymous said...

They are de"light'ful! It was hard to choose between the bear, dog & monkey but think I would choose the monkey with his cheeky grin!

jennem said...

Cepia 24-Inch Glo-E Sparkle Bear. My daughter would be in love, she craves all things fluffy and sparkly!

phxbne said...

My daughter would love the Star Friends!

Anonymous said...

My daughter would love the Cepia bear and book

Stephen A said...

Cepia Bear and book!

Anonymous said...

"OMG HOW SWEET" I would love that little Bear.

Sundi said...

I would love the little dog for my daughter!

Anonymous said...

I love the monkey. My son had a cute little brown monkey he loved to hold on to and he lost it a few days ago.

Anonymous said...

I love the monkey he is so cute

Anonymous said...

I like the Glo-e Light up Puppy! But they all are cute! The baby monkey rocks too!

thecowgirl AT

thanks for the contest!

Anonymous said...

The Glo-E Monkey is just too cute.

Anonymous said...

I love them all but the Glo-E monkey is the cutest.

Anonymous said...

The dog is definitely my favorite.

scarlett [dot] lettered

Jeanette J said...

I really like the dog

Anonymous said...

The puppy is cute!

cyph0r13 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I love the dog!

Anonymous said...

book, bear & wand

Unknown said...

Seiing as I've always liked monleys....the 16" monkey is my favorite.

Tiffany G said...

I like the Glo-e Monkey for my little monkey

Bakersdozen said...

I like the dog.

J_Mama said...

I like the puppy dog!

blueviolet said...

That Glo-E rainbow friend monkey is absolutely the most adorable little sweetie! That's my pick for sure.

Anonymous said...

love the monkey

PowerSweepstaking said...

that dog!

ReviewsbyHeidi said...

For me, it's a toss-up between the monkey and the bear~ but my little guy would probably pick the dog (and I'll give it to him anyway, if I win!)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the chance to win. I like the monkey.

jennifer57 said...

I like the dog the best ;)

Anonymous said...

Heart Pillows

Anonymous said...

I looooove! the dog!

Unknown said...

the 12" dog

Jinxy and Me said...

The white dog is so cute!

Anonymous said...

I would like the 12" Glo-E baby Monkey the most.

Sheila said...

I'd love to own the adorable doggy the best ! Because as my italian grandmother would say "Now Thatsa face !"

Havok said...

I like the 12" Dog!

JOYVEN said...

everyone needs a guard dog

Anonymous said...

I think the monkey is just about the cutest thing ever!
They're all precious, though.
I also love the other products, the panels and the pillows in particular!

dianerph said...

My favorite is the Glo-e Puppy.He's really cute and the Bear is a really close second.

Anonymous said...

These animals are so huggable, I bet they are really soft ;-)
I like the puppy a lot, and I know my son would too since he's pretending to have one attached to his bathrobe belt !


Anonymous said...

I love the dog, he is so adorable!!! I really want to win this.

ladypawnbroker said...

I love the teddy bear in pink!

Anonymous said...

Love the monkey, as well as the pink bear...
My fav is the monkey though...

thanks for the giveaway,


carissaad said...

I like the Glo-e Light Up puppy.

Samantha P said...

i looooove the monkey!

Amy said...

Would have to say the butterfly to go with my baby girls other butterflies in her room. She loves things that glow.

Sonya said...

The monkey is so cute!

susansmoaks said...

i like the dog the best

Anonymous said...

It's a toss up in cuteness between the dog and the monkey! I might have to have twins just so I can get both of them! :)

Anonymous said...

That monkey is so cute!!!

Angie K

Anonymous said...

The Cepia 16-Inch Glo-E 5 Show Monkey is my number one pick. Absolutely adorable!!! Thank you for this giveaway. Please enter me to win!

Unknown said...

Glo-e monkey!

Sahm Lee said...

I would love the monkey or butterfly! Too cute!

dreak70 said...

aww...ya gotta love that monkey! too cute!

Anonymous said...

I love the Glow-e Bear

Anonymous said...

I like the dog best! My daughter would love it, too!

masonsgranny59 said...

Glo-e Baby Dog

Anonymous said...

The Monkey baby

Anonymous said...

I like the Glo-e Light Up Puppy! My daughter loves puppy dogs!

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