Friday, January 11, 2008

Suprise Giveaway : Body Shop Gift Pack care of Vicks!

Vicks is holding a contest that all of the mom's out there can relate to!

Share Your Story in a Video

Who was there for you when you really needed comforting? Whether you were sick, feeling down, or just needed a hug, we want to hear your tribute to the person who cared for and comforted you.

*You Could Win a $10,000 Comfort Getaway*

Create a tribute video and tell your story about a time when you felt really comforted or cared for. Tell us who that person was and what they mean to you. Enter your video for an opportunity to win a Comfort Getaway.

Contest * finalists will be revealed February 29, 2008 , and then voting will begin. The video with the most votes will receive a $10,000 Comfort Getaway* for two at the luxurious Nemacolin Woodlands Resort, and more. Learn more about the grand prize, first prizes, and second prizes .

See below for a few sample video tributes as well as full contest details

Pay tribute to a friend or loved one. Send a Vicks Tribute Card to the person who was there to care for and comfort you. Click here to begin.

Here is the best part! To help spread the word Vicks is offering a prize pack to my readers in exchange for your help getting the word out! Help spread the word and you have a chance to win a fabulous gift pack from The Body Shop! One winner will win a Vitamin E Skin Care Starter Pack.

Enter to Win :

  • Leave a comment on this post. Go visit Vicks Caring Tribues. Tell me in your post who you would nominate to win and why! (Please note, you do not have to enter the Vicks contest to be eligable to win this contest.. we just want to spread the word!)
  • Make sure there is a way for me to contact you (be it leave me your email address on the post if you don't want to leave it in the comment.
  • For an extra entry :
    • Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
    • NonBloggers - Email five of your friends about this contest and cc: me at angelaandconnor at (Im not so sure about using this method in later contests so let me know if you like it or not)
  • Winner will recieve a Bath and Body works gift set as shown above!
  • This contest will end Jan 18th at midnight!

This contest is being hosted by M80 & Vicks!


Superdumb Supervillain said...

My 3 1/2 year old daughter is the most empathetic person I know... she is always wanting to help others.

Madame Moore said...

It's a little cliche, but I would nominate my mom, who not only nursed my (her) entire family - but as a hospice nurse has the compassion, patience, and strength to help dozens of other people every day with one of the most difficult times of their lives: watching a child, parent, lover or sibling die. She amazes me.

(And I blogged this at:

- Thanks!

sarah.barnett (at) gmail (dot) com

Stacey Moore said...

it would have to be my BF as we have been friend for 25 years and i can tell her anything!! she always has a honest opinion!!

moore.g at insideconnect dot net

Anonymous said...

Don't most of us think of Mom when it comes to who took care of us when we were sick. I'm going to try to make a video and enter. Thanks for the info.

Taryn said...

My grandmother was the most selfless person I have known. She never thought of herself.

Anonymous said...

I would have to nominate my mother. Even to this day she is truly my best friend. She sacrificed and did everything she could to ensure that her family was taken care of. She has always been there for me through the laughter and the tears. She was and is my role model for what it means to be a woman and a mother.

If I get a chance to blog about it I'll email ya!

Awesome opportunity you have...

jasonncaryn at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

As I've said in the other blog, it would be my mom. Or my father. But unfortunately, I don't think I am good at making videos. With or without a video, my parents deserve all my accolades.

BTW, I blog about you here.


mar said...

I nominate my mom. She is ninety years old in a nursing home but that does not stop her. She always puts other first and is the kindest and most loving individual I have known. thank you

Jinxy and Me said...

I would enter my mom because she really deserves it!

Anonymous said...

I would nominate my grandma:)

ky2here said...

I would nominate our director of client services, she works her tail off to help the homeless.

Anonymous said...

I'd nominate my Mom - she's been there for all of us since we were babies.

deborahrosen900 at hotmail dot com

peg42 said...

I would enter my mom. She was always there caring for us, taking care of us and loving us. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Deg would have to nominate my friend Gerri. She is the true sister that I never had and is always looking out for me through good times and bad.

agordon10 said...

I'd nominate Denver_CAREvan, she is a devoted daughter.

Anonymous said...

i would nominate my grandaughter.

Divine Diva In NC said...

My step-daughter. She is 10, and a fervent prayer warrior for everyone she thinks that needs it. She is a very sensitive child that really 'feels' other people's pain...sometimes too much so :-( She is a precious precious child.

SS said...

I cannot think of anyone better than my mom. She is a survivor - survivor of domestic abuse and breast cancer. She is still working full-time to pay money that my dad owes from his gambling problem. I really don't know how she does it.

redron said...

I would nominate my cat. I was a single mother of 5 young kids and deathly ill. My cat stayed with me all the time. He gave me comfort when I needed it most.

Anonymous said...

I would nominate my mom. She has always been there for our family.

Anonymous said...

I would nominate my friend/ old boss. When my dog was sick he rushed him to the vet and paid for the bills. I can't afford to pay him back and he refuses for me to give him any money. He's always there for his friends and his family.

Anonymous said...

my loving husband

Tammy said...

I would nominate my brother. Ever since his wife walked out on him, he's been struggling to make ends meet, and raise three little girls.

Fangirl Jen said...

Definitely my mom, for many of the same reasons others have mentioned. She helped me and continues to help me throughout my life.

miriama said...

I wasn't sure if you were supposed to nominate someone at the Vicks site? but everyone here is nominating someone they know, so my husband. He cares for others tirelessly and I can always count on him.

Jessilyn82 said...

My mom-she's been a breast cancer survivor for over 15 years now and she never let her illness get her spirit down, I admire her so much

blueviolet said...

Definitely my hubby because he's been there for me through thick and thin and he's always a source of support to me. He's the best.

Unknown said...

the best husband in the world :)

Beverley said...

The love of my life, the wisest, kindest, gentlest man I know, my husband Ralph.

Margie said...

I would nominate my mom who has cared for me in big and small ways my whole life.

msrodeobrat said...

my mom she has been so amazing to me for so many of the reasons other people have mentioned

The Letter Lady... said...

my boyfriend blake. we have been together for over five years and each time i am sick, he is even more caring.

Samantha P said...

i'd nominate Conan O'Brien because he makes me laugh when i'm sick, and it makes me feel better!

Tes283 said...

Mom. Who else knows how to comfort me. Who else knows just how to make my favorite comfort foods. Who else will clean after me. And will clean my home while I am sick.
Ma, I love you.

Anonymous said...

I would probably nominate my sister. She always seems to know what I need.

Anonymous said...

I'd nominate myself because I had two very ill and incompetent parents that were very abusive and I managed to take care of myself and survive it all. Now I help others recover from similar backgrounds.

Anonymous said...

I am a caring mother, wife, grandmother and co-worker and I would nominate myself, to care about others you have to care about yourself and I could use the help, thanks and good luck to all of you

Anonymous said...

My daughter, she's the sweetest and most cosiderate person

Anonymous said...

My mother..the most caring person I know.

jffryclough said...

gotta go with mom

Anonymous said...

would have to say my daughter. I am pregnant and on bedrest. she takes care of me the house and her three younger brothers. Not to mention goes to school.

Re said...

definitely mymom, she's the most selfless person i of herself too much to be healthy.

Anonymous said...


phxbne said...

My sister-in-law who lost her first husband in a helicopter crash and nursed my nephew through childhood cancer.

Heather said...

What a wonderful contest idea. I loved reading everyone's memories. I have so many nurturing people in my life I don't know where to start. My mother, my best friend, my husband and my children.

joannaonthelake said...

I proudly nominate my friend Carol who I have known for the past 18 years. I lost my job a few years ago and fell on hard times and she was always there for me when I needed her to listen, or give advice. In my darkest days her love and support is what got me where I am today. I am now happily employed and am actually working a job that I am most passionate about, but would not have been able to get to the place I am now had it not been for Carol.

Anonymous said...

Grandmother Bernice

Rebecca L said...

My husband who has been there for me through thick and thin, good and bad.

Miranda said...

My husband.. I love him dearly

Lisa Garner said...

I would nominate my mother for always being there for me and helping me through the most stressful times in my life. She keeps me laughing, gives me strength and makes me feel positive about myself.

Unknown said...

I would nominate my son and daughter-in-law because on December 31st they lost their new born baby son to a rare disease. God must have needed a beautiful baby boy in heaven because their precious child lived for less than one hour. We are all devastated by their loss.

Anonymous said...

Mother to be NOMINated; the ROCK of Gibralter; Strength, Pillar, Moral, Honest Sincere. 91 years of age with the honest integrity of an infant. Sarahh woods, 440 48th Crt Meridian, ms. 39305;

susansmoaks said...

i nominate my husband, he is so kind, generous, loving, wise, sweet, nice, handsome, empathetic, sypathetic, and wonderful!

masonsgranny59 said...

my twin sister!she's always there 4 me.

cdrury said...

It would be my daughter - although she is going through a very painful divorce not of her making she continues to reach and touch others with sublime kindness - always puting others first even in her pain - looking for ways to make others lives easier!!

Anonymous said...

My Mom! For too many reasons to list.

email: sfraser at dal dot ca

Anonymous said...

My husband!
He's the best :)

Anonymous said...

Hey - I posted on Jan 18 at 2:46 pm ("My Mom! For too many reasons to list").

I put my email address in wrong - it's sfraser6 at dal dot ca.

Thank you!

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