Old MacNoah Had an Ark
by Sally Lloyd-Jones
by Sally Lloyd-Jones

Ok, there is something slightly familiar about this book... possibly its the fact that its set to the tune of Old Macdonald (so yes all of you out there SHOULD be able to sing this one!!)

With that said this is no classic Old MacDonald tale, in this song Noah build and ark (of course!) and all the animals come... but didn't you always wonder exactly what happened once the animals were on the Ark? I certainly always did... and this book answers that in a very comical and fun way... lets just say there is alot of eating and eating leads to ??? *laugh*
Poo! Yes.. POOP! Needless to say this book even left Connor laughing as that is his favorite word as he thinks its hilarious when Mommy has to clean that stuff up! The book is adorable and the entire thing can be read in a sing-song voice which all babies love! Even the pictures are a lot of fun to look at and Connor spent most of the afternoon studying each page even at his age. Honestly my only regret about this book is that we got the advanced reader copy so its not bound so I had to actually track down all the pages when he was done as he decided that some of the book needed to go with him as he followed me around the house.
Old MacNoah Had an Ark is due for release in Feb of 2008 so keep your peepers open! You can read more about it at Sally Lloyd-Jones's webpage as well!
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