Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Book Review : Dear Pepper & Pollywogs & Giveaway

Dear Peppers and Pollywogs
by Lisa Kothari

Connor is now almost 9 months old and I have officially started freaking out about him turning one year! I have NO idea even where to start planning a first birthday party and I want it to be super special, but I need to do it on a budget (no elephant rentals.. and no clowns, ugg I really dislike clowns, seriously)

Lisa sent over her book to help me out. Lisa is a pro at this party planning stuff and she has composed a book to help parents plan a party on any budget. She has some great advice too.. like I seriously did not know that a one year's birthday party should only be for one hour. Before reading this book I would have ended up planning this crazy half day event! There is a ton of great information in this book but my favorite chapters were on entertainers and party favors.

Do you guys have ideas on a theme for Connor's first birthday? Please don't say dogs thats not a party at all for us seeing as its a daily event. I've considered renting ponies (I used to show hunter/jumpers when I was younger) and Ive considered a Pirate theme.. but he is still a little young possibly for both of them.

Want a copy of Lisa's Book?
You can buy it directly off her webpage or on Amazon!

You can win an autographed copy of Lisa's book too!

To enter :

  • Leave a comment on this post. Go visit Lisa on her webpage and browse through her party ideas. Tell me which idea you think would work best for Connor's first birthday. No "i want to win" stuff without a little effort (and I do mean little!)
  • Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com)
  • To get extra credit :
    • For an extra entry :
    • Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
  • This contest will end Jan 30th at midnight!


windycindy said...

Hello! I like the construction party theme. I remember doing a similar one for my son's first birthday. He is now 19. Thanks,Cindi

Nick, Megan, Chelsea and Tenlee said...

I really love the Candyland idea...I may have to borrow those ideas for my little one. Thanks!!


Superdumb Supervillain said...

I like the polka dot party. We have to come up with a theme for Jasper in six months or so. In Hawaii, where I grew up, the first birthday party is a HUGE family event. Lots of amazing food, family, friends, etc. It's not uncommon for a baby luau to be bigger than most mainland weddings!

Hey, why not do a luau for Connor?

p.s. the blog looks really great, love the redesign.

Brooke said...

I love the idea of a birthday timeline. I'd never heard of it before. There are so many ways you can celebrate that!

Milk Mama said...

PICK ME!...... Just kidding!!!! hehehehe!
Seriously, I think as far as first birthdays go, make it simple and inexpensive. I like the idea of making your own decorations. I didn't think of that for my daughter's birthday... wish I had! But it was less expensive at the time to go shopping at the dollar store lol. :D The nearby dollar store has solid colored party plates and napkins of all colors, so that worked out great!

Unknown said...

the easy coloring party- looks like minimal setup and cleanup- great for a busy lifestyle like yours!

Anonymous said...

I like the idea of a color theme party. You could use all different shades of blue, that would be cute!
sarahzink2003 @ yahoo . com

Tarasview said...

I liked the sound of the trip to the Zoo party... fun for a little boy.

Bree said...

I think the Candyland party would be so much fun! Think of all the yummy candies you could have! You could do ice cream sundaes with different candy toppers.... Yum!

Anonymous said...

I like the Alphabet/Initial party, I think it would be fun, but simple to do.

HilLesha O'Nan said...

I really like the Dear Charlotte’s Web party theme. It is a bit different, but it sounds like it would be a blast for a little boy or girl. :)

Anonymous said...

Luau sounds cool.

Anonymous said...


Becky said...

I like the cheerios party theme, cheerios just screams little kids in my house.

Jenna said...

I am a geek for zoos, so I like the Take Me to the Zoo idea. :) Hope you have a great party! I'm in the same boat... my daughter is 10 months old and I'm starting to worry about what to do.

Becca said...

I'm in the same boat as daughter will be 10 months next week, and I've been trying to come up with ideas for her first b-day party for months now. This book would be great! I like the idea of a luau. It's a fun and easy theme to work with, and if Connor is anything like other 12-month-olds I've known, he won't really know the difference between a Batman party or a circus anyway.

Pennies In My Pocket said...

I have anxiety already about my baby's 1st b-day in May because I want it to be fun, cute and special, but without losing my mind. I'd LOVE to win this!!

As for Connor's 1st b-day...I really like the 'initial' idea. It's different....although, I LOVE a zoo theme!


my email is on my profile :)

Unknown said...

The Candyland Party would make for a great event for my grandchild's birthday next month

agordon10 said...

the luau is awesoem, my kids would love it!

dodo said...

I also like the Candyland party. I used to love playing that game when I was younger, and I'm sure the other kids would like it too :)

Amanda said...

1st birthdays are so much fun! I think the Zoo theme is adorable!

redron said...

Boy, I would think at his age cake and ice cream and some friends over. But for the theme whatabout trucks.

Linda said...

Simple and sweet I think is the way to go personally. One year olds can go into melt down mode so easily sometimes when over stimulated. Simple decorations that perhaps you can use over in his room or something to give the most bang for the buck and just have a good time.
Thanks for the chance to win!

The Saunders Family said...

an intital theme would be easy and can make cupcakes and put them in the formation of a c on a nice platter for his cake, kids love cupcakes! My little on is 9 mo. as of Sunday and I haven't thought about a party either...heck, she won't know if it's lamo right??
mom2maria at hotmail dot com

Taryn said...

I like the Bulldozer theme!

susan1215 said...

I like the Barbie

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

How about a Mommy come play with me party theme. Set up fun and crafty things that Mommies can do with their kids. And maybe even a Daddy dribble station where the kids gets to feed their Daddies cake!

JONI514 said...

I like the Pin the dot on the dog game in the Polka Dot theme

Anonymous said...

a timelineit sounds like a winner to me

Beverley said...

The Trip to the Zoo Party sounds fun for everyone.

imjasonc said...

I like the sound of the trip to the Zoo party.

Sundi said...

Whatever your theme, I love the idea about using their handprints for the invitation -- cute and personal! Maybe if you did the zoo thing, you could make it into a turkey or an octopus or something :)

Anonymous said...

High school Musical

Anonymous said...

I like the Barnyard Animals

Julie Donahue said...

Le Petite Prince, of course!

Anonymous said...

Keep it simple so he is not overstimulated. Have a cake specially made. My mother in law made up a train cake for my first sons' frithday and I've never forgotten that.

Stephen A said...

birthday timeline

Danielle said...

Baby Einstein would be the party of choice in our house! My 4 month already gets mesmerized by baby Einstein videos! Big brother still enjoys them too!
dansan826 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

The candyland idea is so cute!

I blogged your contest on this post:

Anonymous said...

Little guys always like cars or trucks or trains.

paryjeja said...

I like the rubber ducky themed party.

Rockin' Mama said...

I would go with Winnie the Pooh! : )

carissaad said...

I like the puppy/doggie party.

bison61 said...

Boys of all ages like cars and trucks

tiramisu392 (at)

Jinxy and Me said...

I like the color theme.

Heather said...

We have always taken our children to the zoo to celebrate their very first birthday. I love her Take me to the Zoo ideas for a HOME zoo party before or after the big outing. Keep it simple and fun :-)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Zoo party

blueviolet said...

I think the Mother Goose party idea is a good one.

/\Heather/\ said...

I'd say the Cupcakes Galore would be great for a 1 year old...

Anonymous said...

The first birthday party is really for the family, because the only memories for Conner will be from the pics in years to come.

I would say Colors (nice bright primary colors) or Mother Goose.

Anonymous said...

This place is a Zoo-I think every child at this age would enjoy a party with a zoo theme

Sahm Lee said...

Take Me to the Zoo sounds like a blast!

susansmoaks said...

i like the candyland idea


Bakersdozen said...

I would say "Take Me To The Zoo".

Timster said...

Hello! I like the construction party theme.

KiwisMommy said...

I love the candyland theme because he would love the colors and the older kids would love the theme because most of them probably play the game themselves.

megan said...

I like the initial theme, everything with the letter C!!! good luck I've gotta go do the same, my daughter turns a year april 19th!


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