Sunday, December 16, 2007

Book Review & GIVEAWAY!! : God Gave Us Christmas!


WOW.. The response was overwhelming! I'm ending this a few hours early tonight as I would like to get this in the mail tomorrow with my other ton of stuff going out.

Drum roll..... by random drawing our winner is Mommy Cracked!

God Gave Us Christmas
By Lisa Tawn Bergren

Its 78 degrees outside.. yes 78!.. and its been a chaotic christmas. I've so wanted Connor's first Christmas to be soo special and perfect for him that I think I've actually forgot to sit down, breath, and enjoy this time with him.

Lisa was kind enough to send us this series to review and I'm so glad she did! We've decided to start off our reviews with this book and GIVEAWAY in the spirit of Christmas!

Last night I sat down with Connor and snuggled while we read this book. I have to say it was the perfect book for us at just the right time as the message really reminded me to slow down, enjoy, and find time not only for Christmas but what Christmas really means.

Children I think especially these days think only of Christmas in the terms of Santa, presents, and getting out of school! I think in a way we all forget at times really what the meaning of Christmas is and why we have it! In the book Little Cub asks "Who 'vented Christmas? Was it Santa?".. I have to admit even for a second I thought about that question before I continued on... Mama Bear tells her Little Cub that God gave us christmas! Then they set off on a journey to find God in all the things around them and find out why God gave us christmas.

I really look foward to reading this book with Connor as he gets older and really starts to understand the meaning behind Christmas and God. This book is a great stepping stone on which to tell the story of Christmas and to explore God all around us.

The pictures in the book are heartwarming and very pleasing. I really enjoy the picture of the Mama Bear cuddling her cub and sniffing his neck. I cannot even being to count how many times a day I do that with Connor. We both smiled and I snuggled him even closer.

If you still need to buy a stocking stuffer for someone special on your list I highly recommend this book. It's defently going to be a favorite Christmas story here. Its on sale at right now for only 9.99 which is quite a steal! I've also seen it on sale at Walmart!

For one lucky boy or girl I have one copy of God Gave Us Christmas to give away. Its signed and ready to go under the tree! I want this book to reach you buy Christmas if at all possible so Im only going to run this contest till Sunday night at midnight Dec 16th. Please check back on Monday morning to see if your the winner and get me your address ASAP! Ill ship this out next Monday pending I get the address in time!! Just leave a comment to enter, I will draw a name at random.

Thanks again Lisa for sharing this with Connor!! You can visit her webpage here as well.

Please Note : If you do not leave me a email address and I have no way to contact you I will not award you the prize. To speed up the process please check back to see if you have won as well. I will attempt to contact you and I will give you 48 hours to respond, then I will move on to the next person. Also those that blog my contests and leave me the link will recieve two entries. If you have one one of my previous contests you are still eligable to win.. so please enter away!


HilLesha O'Nan said...

Yes, it was a pretty nice day today. I wish we could skip winter. ~lol~ Thanks for the giveaway. :)

windycindy said...

Hello! What an adorable book! Please add me to the drawing. Thanks,Cindi

Candes said...

Awww!!! How darling! If I win, I will have to do a quick read first. shhh... Don't tell anyone. ;)

Anonymous said...

It's hot here too...In the 80's all week I think! Sure hope it's cold for Christmas! I would love to win this book for my lttle man...I actually have the "God Gave Us You" book by the same author and it is WONDERFUL! We readi it together all the time! This woudl be perfect for the Christmas collection I am starting for him! Thanks for the great giveaway...Keeping my fingers crossed!

Stephanie said...

Looks like a cute book! I'd love to share it with my daughter. Contact me at

Unknown said...

What a cute book. My daughter would love this!

Anonymous said...

I would love to enter the contest! What a cute book!

Mya Brooks said...

Awwww, this sounds sooooo sweet! I would love to do a Christmas box for a child, and add this!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

nice contest would love to win

mar said...

what an adorable book - this would be so nice for my grandson - thank you

Lisa Tawn Bergren said...

Thanks for spreading the word, Angela. I think you can also find this book at some Walmart stores, too. I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas!
Lisa Bergren (in snowy Colorado where it is VERY Christmas-ey this week!)

kamewh said...

What a wonderful book! I would love to win it for my sons!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this for my daughter, Ainsley. Please count me in!

taterbug said...

This book sounds wonderful - count me in the running!

Anonymous said...

What a cute book! My Grand-daughters would love this!

carissaad said...

I would love to have this book.

paryjeja said...

looks like a great book

Unknown said...

I'd love to win this book for my kids.


Adorable! They look like the Coca Cola bears.

agordon10 said...

aweosme lookign book

Anonymous said...

This sounds like a really wonderful book to share with the children!

JONI514 said...


Andrea said...

Sounds like a great book!

sillelin said...

Sounds great!

Happy Holidays.

Unknown said...

Sounds like a great book=). Another good one is Who is coming to our house? Its about the animals in the stable getting ready for Mary and Joseph. Very cute. Please enter us for this one.

Anonymous said...

Please enter me thanks

Julie Donahue said...

Love Lisa's work. Looking forward to seeing this one.

Carol EL said...

I would love to win this.

Anonymous said...

This would be a nice book for the children

Crystal F said...

Looks and sounds adorable! I would love to read this to my girls! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I would love this book for my son!

Anonymous said...

Oops, here's my email..

Anonymous said...

I would give anything to be able to read this to my 4 year old niece Jima.

janetfaye said...

My grandson would love this book.

Anonymous said...

cut book

Tammy said...

I blogged you! Merry Christmas.

greenwolf said...

Cute book!

tatertot374 said...

Thank you! Very cute!

DePro said...

Thanks for the contest!

Nissa said...

This sounds like such a sweet book!

And I blogged you!!

Anonymous said...

What a nice giveaway !! Thanks !!!

bison61 said...

wonderful book for Christmas season!

Anonymous said...

enter me

redron said...

Love christmas books. My favorite

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this!

Anonymous said...

Looks to be beautifully illustrated!

Anonymous said...

OH yea pick me!!!! i never win LOL
my address is
38 georgia street
groton CT 06340

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

would love to win this

Saph said...

Please count me in the giveaway!! =)

dwarzel said...

Count me in!

BetsyPauzauskie said...

Heartwarming is GREAT!

Tiffany G said...

My son would love this!!

Catrina Pomerleau said...

Please enter me.

Mandy said...

Count us in! We love good books!

Anonymous said...

ksure would love this

Anonymous said...

This book looks very sweet.

masonsgranny59 said...

ty 4 the cute contest!!

Anonymous said...

Hello, and thanks for the contest

Anonymous said...

My granddaughter would love this book

Anonymous said...

I would love to give this to my niece for Christmas

Anonymous said...

My daughter would love this book!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win this...thanks!

Betty C said...

This looks like a great book. Please enter me.

Anonymous said...

ty 4 the nice contest!

Anonymous said...

This looks like a wonderful book. It would be nice to read with my daughter on a cold, windy day like today.

Anonymous said...

That looks like a great book to read!!

Erica G said...

Great book. Good luck to all.

mmc67 said...

Oh this looks so cute.

Anonymous said...

Cute bears!

Deadmonkeys90 said...


memetu said...

Truth be told in parables

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