How to be a baby, by Me the big sister
We recieved this book in the mail today and were so excited we almost ripped the poor mailer to shreds!!
The book starts off with a picture of a big sister holding a book entitled "How to be a baby" and this book is just that! It's a manual written by a big sister for a baby (brother in this book) .
We sat on the floor after lunch and read it front to back, three times, and each time I had a really hard time finishing the page before I started laughing so hard I had to stop and catch my breath! I'm not sure what Connor enjoyed more, the book, or my insaine laughing.
The book is filled with beautiful pictures, actually a picture for almost every paragraph in the book, which Connor highly enjoyed.
The Narriator (the big sister) tells the baby at one point "a special plug goes in your mouth. It's called a pacifier and it's to stop your scream coming out." The entire book is filled with hillarious tidbits of what a baby can, can't do, and should do. Our favorite (ok my favorite part) of the book the sister tells the baby "Sometimes, if you're VERY naughty, you are put in prison." and it shows the baby in his crib. Which made me laugh as this was Connor earlier today :

Connor Landed himself in baby jail after him and his little sidekick here attempted to unfold all the clothes and towels I had just neatly folded!
I find alot of picture books have great pictures and not enough story. Not so here.. there are TONS of pictures but it has an engaging and funny story. Which Im sure all the moms (and dads) will appreciate as reading the same boring story over and over gets old. I've read this book another three times tonight and Connor is in bed. The story is not so difficult that actual big sisters could read it as well.
We highly enjoy this book and look foward to our upcoming reviews from Sally Lloyd-Jones. Also keep posted as we will be hosting a giveaway very soon of one of her books. (or two!) I'm not telling which one it may be but you will defently want it!
Visit Sally on her webpage and blog.
You may also buy this book on Amazon for $10.49!
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